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About Genshin Impact: to export your soft power to people abroad, you first need to sell it out to the people abroad. People are influenced by the US's soft power because Hollywood does(did?) make a lot of good movies. Besides, Genshin Impact does have a lot of Chinese elements in it, just so many comments here regarding modern Chinese people's lives as a totally different one from the west. Like we Chinese people should live in another way although we use the same tools like phones and computers. Many of the so-called 'real' Chinese cultures are just outdated if not dead already as many cultures in the west. Many of these cultures, which are lucky enough still exist in modern china, changed a lot.

One example here:
This Peking opera video get more than 80k views from western players after one story quest of Genshin Impact was released which is about Peking Opera. Here is the first comment I see under that video:

Actually, the Peking opera shown by Genshin Impact is a more acceptable version of it, because it is just too costly and too long to put a whole scene into that chapter of Genshin Impact. (Btw Peking Opera is really good for people who can read and listen Mandarin Chinese, I have heard it many times.)
Mihoyo is influenced by western and Japanese culture, they do have girls(and boys) in western and Japanese styles. But they also have characters in many other styles. Like Japan, China, Egypt, Western, India, and so on. I think they are doing quite well in exporting soft power.
I think my issue is that I don't even think it's helping Chinese soft power at all, maybe for the diaspora, but that's really most of those who seems to care about the game being Chinese or having Chinese elements.
I'm not too fussed. Due to the strength disparity, any Japanese culture that entered China will be Sinicised and ultimately controlled by China (Genshin is a good example of this), same as Buddhism when it arrived from India.

Genshin is a good foot in the door as a cultural export to the rest of the world, as once you have buy in, you can subtly steer it. Facebook and other social media / MSM tools did the same thing in SEA. So having control of the medium is key.
I hope you're right.


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You reckon on South Korean forums they're also debating over weather "appropriating Japanese culture for our own ends is justified or not?" back when Squid Game was at its peak?

I'm guessing not, it is South Korea after all.
I haven't even watched Squid Game, just some clips, what does it even take from Japanese stuff?


Registered Member
I think my issue is that I don't even think it's helping Chinese soft power at all, maybe for the diaspora, but that's really most of those who seems to care about the game being Chinese or having Chinese elements.

I hope you're right.
It's benefit is to take a step or two in the direction of endearing foreigners to Chinese products, not necessarily to turn them into true Chinese. If you're using a Chinese product, you are benefitting China in some way, and at this stage that's the most important part.

Fanboys do have a positive effect in spruiking Chinese soft power, as their word of mouth is the best advertisement. See ElectricViking's videos on youtube about Chinese EV's, and take note of the foreign BYD fanboys.

If they love your product, they eventually start loving you.


Registered Member
I haven't even watched Squid Game, just some clips, what does it even take from Japanese stuff?
That "gamification of blood sport as social commentary" genre was mostly invented and popularised by Japan, but it was mostly for domestic consumption, eg: Battle Royale, Kaiji. Other countries are able to take that idea and distill the essence out of it and come up with globally popular franchise. It first happened with Hunger Game then again with Squid Game. The fact that foreigners can make a more globally popular version of their idea annoy the Japanese to no end.

GI is just like that too.


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I think my issue is that I don't even think it's helping Chinese soft power at all, maybe for the diaspora, but that's really most of those who seems to care about the game being Chinese or having Chinese elements.
If you want some ‘real’ influence, then the best way is to sit and wait. Cultural influence is made by the market. Those who are rich enough and have a big enough population, will create a huge market of their own culture, and make some good games and movies with their cultural characteristic. The majority of Chinese people just get rich enough to watch movies and play video games for no more than a decade. The demands for stories of our own in movies and video games are large, but the game companies and movie companies also need time to understand how to make stuff in our own culture.

Or, if you mean living style, sit and wait, too. We haven't created a totally different one yet. Maybe decades later, after several important technologies emerged in china, you can see how we Chinese people use these technologies to live in a better way first, just like the Americans did, and everyone just start to say that we should and will live in a Chinese way.


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Men have soft power when they are attractive which generally means masculine.
Women have soft power when they are attractive which generally means feminine.
Products have soft power when they are viewed as high quality, attractive, safe, effective, etc.
Architecture has soft power when it is viewed as attractive.

Soft power does not understand China.

In fact, soft power, is just what American academics claim it is. It is probably not connected to reality.

That list, would be thought of very differently in China, or in the Chinese mind.

The Chinese male is ridiculed in Western society, because he is perceived as a threat, because he has a sharp mind and is good at math.

The Chinese woman is a wanted object. Not sure why, but people lust after the Chinese woman.

If products are soft power, then China is the biggest exporter of soft power in human history. There is no bigger exporter than China trading with others.

Read somewhere that China had built 27 identical replicas of the Eiffel Tower.


The point is this.

The concept of soft power from the Western academic, there is an underlying message, which is this supposed soft power is suppose to change people.

That has no relevance, or very limited relevance to China.

China's history is different. If there is something good, China takes it and adapts it, integrating it into Chinese civilization and society. It becomes Chinese.

Buddhism. There is Chinese Buddhism. There is Chinese Buddhism because it became Chinese.

Marxism. That became Marx-Engles-Lenin-Stalin-Mao Zedong thought-then-Deng get rich is glorious-Jiang-Hu-Xi thought. Marxism is Chinese now. How can it not be?

So, any soft power from the West, if China likes it, then China takes it, incorporates it, and dissolves it. The original message is lost, and the only message left is the Chinese one.

The West cannot stand that. In their attempts to influence China, it appeared they made progress with soft power, but in the end, it is everywhere in China, and no where in China, at the same time.

China built 27 identical replicas of the Eiffel Tower. Why go to gay Paris when we can go to China to see that?



Registered Member
That "gamification of blood sport as social commentary" genre was mostly invented and popularised by Japan, but it was mostly for domestic consumption, eg: Battle Royale, Kaiji. Other countries are able to take that idea and distill the essence out of it and come up with globally popular franchise. It first happened with Hunger Game then again with Squid Game. The fact that foreigners can make a more globally popular version of their idea annoy the Japanese to no end.

GI is just like that too.
In fact EU is acting out a real life Hunger games at the moment


Registered Member
The Chinese woman is a wanted object. Not sure why, but people lust after the Chinese woman.
East Asian women in general. I'm sure we all had to deal with non-Asians lusting after our Asian girlfriends. Sometimes they look like they want to draw out their sword and slay me so they get to steal my girlfriend, but it's not a sword bearing society today so they don't get to steal my girlfriend in this way (or any other way, for that matter).