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Sex sells. That's why the West, which totally dominates at soft power uses sex appeal to sell constantly in everything - games, movies, tv shows, ads, etc.

You think The Uncharted Series and Tom Raider would sell well if the leads were monkey people like Wukong? Too many Chinese do not get it. Just because it is part of your culture doesn't make it attractive to anyone else. The foreigners that cheer you on and praise the style are doing it for different reasons. Many of them praise it because it is bad soft power. It is non threatening. It is ineffective.

This is an excuse. China already has big budgets and world class effects people. Stories don't need decades to figure out. It is fiction. Something like a Chinese James Bond can be penned in a month or two instead of cringe trash like


Shanghai Fortress - 64 million usd. box office 19 million. Giant bomb. Result? The silver lining is very few people get to see this girly man on screen.


The Great Wall 2017 - $150 million usd. box office 335, failed to break even. result? white man worship.


The Flowers of War 2011 - $94 million usd. box office 98 million. giant bomb. result? white man worship and effeminate Asian man who gets sacrificed while Chinese women get "rescued" by a guy from the white enemies who drugged China with opium.

Keep in mind. These are budgets in China where a million goes a long way. China does no lack talent, money, sfx, vfx. They suffer from white worship, self hate, and terrible tastes.

At these giant budgets, you can pay top tier writers to write a script on spec. There's simply no excuse for this level of total incompetence.
It's greedy producers getting what they deserved, logically it makes sense to cast a white guy you get to make money on both Western and Chinese box offices unfortunately for them common Chinese men aren't treated by women like these rich producers get treated so end up underestimating the amount of bs working class men were willing to put up with, it was a good lesson you don't see white men getting casted now expensive lessons were learned


Registered Member
It's greedy producers getting what they deserved, logically it makes sense to cast a white guy you get to make money on both Western and Chinese box offices unfortunately for them common Chinese men aren't treated by women like these rich producers get treated so end up underestimating the amount of bs working class men were willing to put up with, it was a good lesson you don't see white men getting casted now expensive lessons were learned
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because that would instantly disprove his point.

China and Japan are the only countries with a truly independent movie industry, India is close with 7/10 being Bollywood. Everyone else is 100% under the full control of Hollywood, of course with the west under full control but also including
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can't believe I have to bring this up again but the west in general has 0 soft power. absolutely 0. It's all US.

Soft power is not just movies.

Prior to the pandemic millions of Chinese waste billions to travel to Europe to soak in the architecture, food, and culture. Today, they still waste untold billions on European fashion, cosmetics, cars, western classical music lessons, etc.

It is total nonsense to suggest only America has soft power.

Secondly, movies rely heavily on existing distribution and news infrastructure and industry pull. America controls a lot of this so the combo allows them to drain the world's top talent, promote (movie reviews heavily focus on American films) and rapidly spread their junk everywhere.


Registered Member
Soft power is not just movies.

Prior to the pandemic millions of Chinese waste billions to travel to Europe to soak in the architecture, food, and culture. Today, they still waste untold billions on European fashion, cosmetics, cars, western classical music lessons, etc.

It is total nonsense to suggest only America has soft power.

Secondly, movies rely heavily on existing distribution and news infrastructure and industry pull. America controls a lot of this so the combo allows them to drain the world's top talent, promote (movie reviews heavily focus on American films) and rapidly spread their junk everywhere.
lol OK you were the one who brought up movies in an attempt to prove some point, I disproved those points with actual numbers. Now you desperately try to bring up fashion, cosmetics, cars, etc. Last time I checked, fashion and cosmetics weren't particularly manly, IDK about you lmao but I don't wear makeup or follow haute couture fashion. Nor are they an example of any media power.

These other things that aren't even identifiably western. Nobody who buys a 大众 thinks about how German it is when it's made in Shenyang, has Chinese names on it, and is sold in China.


Registered Member
It's greedy producers getting what they deserved, logically it makes sense to cast a white guy you get to make money on both Western and Chinese box offices unfortunately for them common Chinese men aren't treated by women like these rich producers get treated so end up underestimating the amount of bs working class men were willing to put up with, it was a good lesson you don't see white men getting casted now expensive lessons were learned
It does logically not make sense at all, it only happened because of the large US market and undereducation about the threat presented by America.

As the public becomes more aware, there must be a purge of all American pandering on any level of society.


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because that would instantly disprove his point.

Look at the list of top movies in China. Many of them are dramas and/or communism/socialism theme and/or culture specific, which are tough sells outside of China/sinosphere. You fail to realize that China has a captive audience. Their content does not transfer well overseas. Most movies that do well globally deal with universal themes and usually have lots of spectacle and minimal culture specific content. In other words action, fantasy, adventure. Look at the two non China films that appear on the list. ALL action.

Who the hell outside of China is interested in watching a film billed as "the third installment of National Day Celebration trilogy"?


The Battle at Lake Changjin​

Set in the Second Phase Offensive of the Korean War, "The Battle at Lake Changjin" tells an epic historical tale: 71 years ago, the People's Volunteer Army (PVA) entered North Korea for battle

action/history - possible communism/socialism content - would be rejected as communist propaganda by the actual Caucasian propaganists.


Hi, Mom​

A woman travels back in time to befriend her own mother in an attempt to make her life better.

drama - hard sell, and likely very culture specific eg filial piety


Detective Chinatown 3​

A major crime occurs in Tokyo when detectives Tang Ren and Qin Feng are invited to investigate the crime

Action Adventure Comedy Mystery

hard sell overseas due to comedic content, which translates poorly due to culture specific references and questionable looking cast - especially the goofy lead.


My Country, My Parents​

Included as the third installment of "National Day Celebration" trilogy

drama- communism/socialism content, and likely very culture specific - filial piety


Parents F9 - The Fast Saga​

action - from usa


A Little Red Flower​

The film tells a warm and realistic story, thinking and facing the ultimate problem that every ordinary person will face-imagining that death may come at any time, the only thing we have to do is love and cherish.

drama/family - hard sell everywhere, and likely very culture specific eg filial piety


Raging Fire​

Cheung Sung-bong is an officer of the Regional Crime Unit who worked in the front line for many years.

Action Adventure Crime Mystery Thriller - this has a chance


Chinese Doctors​

A group of doctors at a hospital in Wuhan, China are the first in the world to deal with a new disease, COVID-19.

drama - zero chance, would be blasted as "regime propaganda" by anti China racists


Godzilla vs. Kong​

Action Sci-Fi Thriller - from usa


Cliff Walkers​

In the puppet state of Manchukuo in the 1930s, four Communist party special agents, after returning to China, embark on a secret mission

drama/crime - communism/socialism content


New Member
Registered Member
Sex sells. That's why the West, which totally dominates at soft power uses sex appeal to sell constantly in everything - games, movies, tv shows, ads, etc.

You think The Uncharted Series and Tom Raider would sell well if the leads were monkey people like Wukong? Too many Chinese do not get it. Just because it is part of your culture doesn't make it attractive to anyone else. The foreigners that cheer you on and praise the style are doing it for different reasons. Many of them praise it because it is bad soft power. It is non threatening. It is ineffective.

This is an excuse. China already has big budgets and world class effects people. Stories don't need decades to figure out. It is fiction. Something like a Chinese James Bond can be penned in a month or two instead of cringe trash like


Shanghai Fortress - 64 million usd. box office 19 million. Giant bomb. Result? The silver lining is very few people get to see this girly man on screen.


The Great Wall 2017 - $150 million usd. box office 335, failed to break even. result? white man worship.


The Flowers of War 2011 - $94 million usd. box office 98 million. giant bomb. result? white man worship and effeminate Asian man who gets sacrificed while Chinese women get "rescued" by a guy from the white enemies who drugged China with opium.

Keep in mind. These are budgets in China where a million goes a long way. China does no lack talent, money, sfx, vfx. They suffer from white worship, self hate, and terrible tastes.

At these giant budgets, you can pay top tier writers to write a script on spec. There's simply no excuse for this level of total incompetence.
I don't know why you're talking about wukong like that, I don't think anyone is relating to him in that way? And I feel like a lot of people even outside of China knows about wukong? Also a lot of those movies are just bad, I don't think it has much to do with those girly dudes or whatever.
Look at the list of top movies in China. Many of them are dramas and/or communism/socialism theme and/or culture specific, which are tough sells outside of China/sinosphere. You fail to realize that China has a captive audience. Their content does no transfer well overseas. Most movies that do well globally deal with universal themes and usually have lots of spectacle and minimal culture specific content. In other words action, fantasy, adventure. Look at the two non China films that appear on the list. ALL action.

Who the hell outside of China is interested in watching a film billed as "the third installment of National Day Celebration trilogy"?


The Battle at Lake Changjin​

Set in the Second Phase Offensive of the Korean War, "The Battle at Lake Changjin" tells an epic historical tale: 71 years ago, the People's Volunteer Army (PVA) entered North Korea for battle

action/history - possible communism/socialism content - would be rejected as communist propaganda by the actual Caucasian propaganists.


Hi, Mom​

A woman travels back in time to befriend her own mother in an attempt to make her life better.

drama - hard sell, and likely very culture specific eg filial piety


Detective Chinatown 3​

A major crime occurs in Tokyo when detectives Tang Ren and Qin Feng are invited to investigate the crime

Action Adventure Comedy Mystery

hard sell overseas due to comedic content, which translates poorly due to culture specific references and questionable looking cast - especially the goofy lead.


My Country, My Parents​

Included as the third installment of "National Day Celebration" trilogy

drama- communism/socialism content, and likely very culture specific - filial piety


Parents F9 - The Fast Saga​

action - from usa


A Little Red Flower​

The film tells a warm and realistic story, thinking and facing the ultimate problem that every ordinary person will face-imagining that death may come at any time, the only thing we have to do is love and cherish.

drama/family - hard sell everywhere, and likely very culture specific eg filial piety


Raging Fire​

Cheung Sung-bong is an officer of the Regional Crime Unit who worked in the front line for many years.

Action Adventure Crime Mystery Thriller - this has a chance


Chinese Doctors​

A group of doctors at a hospital in Wuhan, China are the first in the world to deal with a new disease, COVID-19.

drama - zero chance, would be blasted as "regime propaganda" by anti China racists


Godzilla vs. Kong​

Action Sci-Fi Thriller - from usa


Cliff Walkers​

In the puppet state of Manchukuo in the 1930s, four Communist party special agents, after returning to China, embark on a secret mission

drama/crime - communism/socialism content
Is the Chinese movie industry even trying to captivate an international audience? I don't think so. And who cares?


Registered Member
Soft power is not just movies.

Prior to the pandemic millions of Chinese waste billions to travel to Europe to soak in the architecture, food, and culture. Today, they still waste untold billions on European fashion, cosmetics, cars, western classical music lessons, etc.

It is total nonsense to suggest only America has soft power.

Secondly, movies rely heavily on existing distribution and news infrastructure and industry pull. America controls a lot of this so the combo allows them to drain the world's top talent, promote (movie reviews heavily focus on American films) and rapidly spread their junk everywhere.
Take a step back and put things into perspective. Major changes take time, and today's "west soft power" was built up from the 1800's (European economic and military expansion) and 1945 (American economic and military expansion) onwards.

What we're seeing today is the beginning of the reversal of this.

Bear in mind during the early 1700's, all things Chinese were seen as high end and exotic, just like some European luxury brands were seen in China 10 years ago. It took 30 years for that perception to merely begin to change, as Europe grew richer and China began to face various crises, both internal and external. We are at that point now, where people are beginning to questions and look down on western / American / foreign concepts and goods.

While it is useful to observe areas in need of improvement, some of your opinions are overstated (one could say twisted), resulting in what appears to others as an extreme victim mentality. e.g. below

Have some patience, just as no one aspires to be poor or ugly, you won't achieve peak 'soft power' if you don't hold a complete dominant position in the world.

Chinese soft power is horrible because they fundamentally don't understand what they are doing at all. They don't understand how completely stupid and brainwashed they appear to the planet.


Look at the wonderful representation of blonde haired blue eyed Chinese people living in a truly Chinese setting complete with medieval castles and Dutch windmills and Christian crosses. Not one person in China looks like this. Everyone laughs and exploits Chinese people's obvious white worship and self hate. The same can be said of other East Asians. Just look at the rampant white worship in Japanese games.


While Marvel studios dominates the planet with their white man worship led by masculine lead men like Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans, we have morons celebrating rep by an ugly monkey man that no woman would ever lust after.

When Chinese people are not worshipping Caucasian features or cheering on a monkey man they are promoting girly effeminate idols that the government has called a sissy pants epidemic.

China's enemies cannot be happier with the complete total incompetence of Chinese soft power.


New Member
Registered Member
lol OK you were the one who brought up movies in an attempt to prove some point, I disproved those points with actual numbers.
No. You wrote an unsupported claim. And your actual numbers lack context. See my reply above.

the west in general has 0 soft power. absolutely 0. It's all US.

You think soft power is just media. This is wrong. If you think it's right then show us something that says soft power is only media.


Registered Member
Look at the list of top movies in China. Many of them are dramas and/or communism/socialism theme and/or culture specific, which are tough sells outside of China/sinosphere. You fail to realize that China has a captive audience. Their content does no transfer well overseas. Most movies that do well globally deal with universal themes and usually have lots of spectacle and minimal culture specific content. In other words action, fantasy, adventure. Look at the two non China films that appear on the list. ALL action.

Who the hell outside of China is interested in watching a film billed as "the third installment of National Day Celebration trilogy"?


The Battle at Lake Changjin​

Set in the Second Phase Offensive of the Korean War, "The Battle at Lake Changjin" tells an epic historical tale: 71 years ago, the People's Volunteer Army (PVA) entered North Korea for battle

action/history - possible communism/socialism content - would be rejected as communist propaganda by the actual Caucasian propaganists.


Hi, Mom​

A woman travels back in time to befriend her own mother in an attempt to make her life better.

drama - hard sell, and likely very culture specific eg filial piety


Detective Chinatown 3​

A major crime occurs in Tokyo when detectives Tang Ren and Qin Feng are invited to investigate the crime

Action Adventure Comedy Mystery

hard sell overseas due to comedic content, which translates poorly due to culture specific references and questionable looking cast - especially the goofy lead.


My Country, My Parents​

Included as the third installment of "National Day Celebration" trilogy

drama- communism/socialism content, and likely very culture specific - filial piety


Parents F9 - The Fast Saga​

action - from usa


A Little Red Flower​

The film tells a warm and realistic story, thinking and facing the ultimate problem that every ordinary person will face-imagining that death may come at any time, the only thing we have to do is love and cherish.

drama/family - hard sell everywhere, and likely very culture specific eg filial piety


Raging Fire​

Cheung Sung-bong is an officer of the Regional Crime Unit who worked in the front line for many years.

Action Adventure Crime Mystery Thriller - this has a chance


Chinese Doctors​

A group of doctors at a hospital in Wuhan, China are the first in the world to deal with a new disease, COVID-19.

drama - zero chance, would be blasted as "regime propaganda" by anti China racists


Godzilla vs. Kong​

Action Sci-Fi Thriller - from usa


Cliff Walkers​

In the puppet state of Manchukuo in the 1930s, four Communist party special agents, after returning to China, embark on a secret mission

drama/crime - communism/socialism content
so what? Nobody watches Japanese movies overseas either, most of their content is highly Japan specific, yet they're kept safe from Hollywood despite being militarily occupied. Have to play defense before you can go on offense otherwise you end up like South Korea where everyone watches Hollywood.

No. You wrote an unsupported claim. And your actual numbers lack context. See my reply above.

You think soft power is just media. This is wrong. If you think it's right then show us something that says soft power is only media.
no, you used "masculinity" in media first as the barometer. I didn't say jack shit about media being the only measure of soft power, YOU brought it up first.

While Marvel studios dominates the planet with their white man worship led by masculine lead men like Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans, we have morons celebrating rep by an ugly monkey man that no woman would ever lust after.
Shanghai Fortress - 64 million usd. box office 19 million. Giant bomb. Result? The silver lining is very few people get to see this girly man on screen.
But then you talk about cosmetics and fashion, as if those were masculine. LMAO holy shit I can't even. OK lol, I admit that we can associate Europeans with such masculine things like makeup and dresses if you'd like.