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Are people beating this dead horse again? That Singaporean lady is writing pro west stories because that's what pays her bills I hope Chinese government wouldn't waste their precious resources on nonsense like that a hypersonic bomber capable of striking anywhere on earth within an hour with absolute impunity will win any China expert article any day of the week there is no lack of Western media smearing against Russia these days does it look like laws of physics give a damn in Ukraine about that, Chinese studios make characters with Western features because it's a lucrative market and people are comfortable with features familiar to them When Chinese market inevitably come to that position you can expect even western studios to make Sino centric game it already happened with Total War and I'm sure there are other franchises that I'm not aware of


Senior Member
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Are people beating this dead horse again? That Singaporean lady is writing pro west stories because that's what pays her bills I hope Chinese government wouldn't waste their precious resources on nonsense like that a hypersonic bomber capable of striking anywhere on earth within an hour with absolute impunity will win any China expert article any day of the week there is no lack of Western media smearing against Russia these days does it look like laws of physics give a damn in Ukraine about that, Chinese studios make characters with Western features because it's a lucrative market and people are comfortable with features familiar to them When Chinese market inevitably come to that position you can expect even western studios to make Sino centric game it already happened with Total War and I'm sure other franchises that I'm not aware of

There is also an anime this season about fictional Tang dynasty emperor made from Japanese studio , "The Raven of the inner palace''

So the China theme does has appeal,maybe not globally, but at the very least in the sinosphere.


Registered Member
It's more about popularizing Chinese culture to the point where viewers/fans would become interested in the Chinese language and culture. Kind of like how anime has led to people wanting to learn Japanese and visit Japan. Entertainment products are a great way to promote culture.
well Genshin looks more Japanese, so people might learn Japanese first. Then, from a language point of view, I think it's much easier to learn Chinese->Japanese than Japanese->Chinese.

For instance, characters that make perfect sense in Chinese language make 0 sense in Japanese, like how 踊 (CN: yong3, JP: odo, to dance) doesn't sound anything like similar words 勇 (CN: yong3, JP: yuu) or 通 (CN: tong1, JP: tsu). So even if they learn Japanese, it won't be an easy gateway to Chinese, they won't learn Chinese character logic, they will learn Japanese character logic, which is different.

Genshin's great, people will think of China positively at some point when playing it, but by itself doesn't have a direct path of making them buy more Chinese products, visit China or learn Chinese effectively.


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Sex sells. That's why the West, which totally dominates at soft power uses sex appeal to sell constantly in everything - games, movies, tv shows, ads, etc.

You think The Uncharted Series and Tom Raider would sell well if the leads were monkey people like Wukong? Too many Chinese do not get it. Just because it is part of your culture doesn't make it attractive to anyone else. The foreigners that cheer you on and praise the style are doing it for different reasons. Many of them praise it because it is bad soft power. It is non threatening. It is ineffective.

entertainment industry is a cumulative thing that requires lots of money investment. It isn't enough that China has a large box office a couple of times, it has to get enough money over time that bigger projects can be made regularly.

This is an excuse. China already has big budgets and world class effects people. Stories don't need decades to figure out. It is fiction. Something like a Chinese James Bond can be penned in a month or two instead of cringe trash like


Shanghai Fortress - 64 million usd. box office 19 million. Giant bomb. Result? The silver lining is very few people get to see this girly man on screen.


The Great Wall 2017 - $150 million usd. box office 335, failed to break even. result? white man worship.


The Flowers of War 2011 - $94 million usd. box office 98 million. giant bomb. result? white man worship and effeminate Asian man who gets sacrificed while Chinese women get "rescued" by a guy from the white enemies who drugged China with opium.

Keep in mind. These are budgets in China where a million goes a long way. China does no lack talent, money, sfx, vfx. They suffer from white worship, self hate, and terrible tastes.

At these giant budgets, you can pay top tier writers to write a script on spec. There's simply no excuse for this level of total incompetence.


Registered Member
Are people beating this dead horse again? That Singaporean lady is writing pro west stories because that's what pays her bills I hope Chinese government wouldn't waste their precious resources on nonsense like that a hypersonic bomber capable of striking anywhere on earth within an hour with absolute impunity will win any China expert article any day of the week there is no lack of Western media smearing against Russia these days does it look like laws of physics give a damn in Ukraine about that, Chinese studios make characters with Western features because it's a lucrative market and people are comfortable with features familiar to them When Chinese market inevitably come to that position you can expect even western studios to make Sino centric game it already happened with Total War and I'm sure there are other franchises that I'm not aware of
So Singapore employers pay their employees to write anti China stuff and penalize them for writing pro China stuff?

Then the problem is with the employers, right. I mean, Singapore claims its not part of the West and independent, neutral politically.

It's not like she's employed for a Western media organization...

I say this because as Chairman Xi himself said, the support of overseas Chinese is an important base for China to win allies. If your overseas Chinese, in an overseas Chinese-majority country, spills out 95% anti-China and 5% pro-China positions, then I would say this is a cause of concern. There are only two pro-China figures in Singapore I can recall, former foreign minister of Singapore George Yeo (the so-called China whisperer) and Kishore Mahbubani, professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. And then you have a whole raft of anti-China voices. These two sane voices are being drowned in fake news, ain't it?

I think if Lee Kuan Yew were alive, he would call for more pro-China voices to balance out the anti-China voices. Balance is key here. There ain't balance as I see it right now, it's bloody fucking tilted in one direction.


Registered Member
Sex sells. That's why the West, which totally dominates at soft power uses sex appeal to sell constantly in everything - games, movies, tv shows, ads, etc.

You think The Uncharted Series and Tom Raider would sell well if the leads were monkey people like Wukong? Too many Chinese do not get it. Just because it is part of your culture doesn't make it attractive to anyone else. The foreigners that cheer you on and praise the style are doing it for different reasons. Many of them praise it because it is bad soft power. It is non threatening. It is ineffective.

This is an excuse. China already has big budgets and world class effects people. Stories don't need decades to figure out. It is fiction. Something like a Chinese James Bond can be penned in a month or two instead of cringe trash like


Shanghai Fortress - 64 million usd. box office 19 million. Giant bomb. Result? The silver lining is very few people get to see this girly man on screen.


The Great Wall 2017 - $150 million usd. box office 335, failed to break even. result? white man worship.


The Flowers of War 2011 - $94 million usd. box office 98 million. giant bomb. result? white man worship and effeminate Asian man who gets sacrificed while Chinese women get "rescued" by a guy from the white enemies who drugged China with opium.

Keep in mind. These are budgets in China where a million goes a long way. China does no lack talent, money, sfx, vfx. They suffer from white worship, self hate, and terrible tastes.

At these giant budgets, you can pay top tier writers to write a script on spec. There's simply no excuse for this level of total incompetence.
can't believe I have to bring this up again but the west in general has 0 soft power. absolutely 0. It's all US.

ex-US west box office:

Starting with the 0/10s:

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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood
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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood
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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood
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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood
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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood

Then the 1/10s:

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: 1/10 top 10 movies is Italian -
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: 1/10 top 10 movies is German -
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: 1/10 top 10 movies is Dutch -
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: 1/10 top 10 movies is Spanish -
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: 1/10 top 10 movies is Mexican -
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Where is the western soft power? Nowhere. It literally does not exist. It's US soft power.

Even South Korea is a 2/10:

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: 2/10 films are Korean, 8/10 are foreign. only Escape from Mogadishu and Sinkhole are Korean. 1/10 is Japanese (Demon Slayer). 7/10 are Hollywood (Spiderman, Eternals, Black Widow, Cruella, Soul, Venom, Shang Chi)

The only countries with box office independence are China and Japan at 2/10 hollywood and 1/10 hollywood:

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: 8/10 films are Chinese, only F9 and Godzilla vs Kong are Hollywood (2/10)

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9/10 films are Japanese, only F9 is Hollywood (1/10)


Registered Member
Everytime something happens: Myanmar junta kicking out the civilian government, Russia invade Ukraine, North Korea and South Korea trading shots at sea people think China is using them to wage proxy way.

Meanwhile China is like "u wot m8?"
I forgot to insert the original tweet in the thread. Anyway this Indian logic leaves me wrapped up. Indian students were volunteering on Twitter to fight in Ukraine against 'evil Russia'. Maybe they should restrain their own Indian citizens first...

As Kishore Mahbubani advised to his Indian brethren: to my fellow Indians, don't get emotional, stay detached. Good advice.