Sex sells. That's why the West, which totally dominates at soft power uses sex appeal to sell constantly in everything - games, movies, tv shows, ads, etc.
You think The Uncharted Series and Tom Raider would sell well if the leads were monkey people like Wukong? Too many Chinese do not get it. Just because it is part of your culture doesn't make it attractive to anyone else. The foreigners that cheer you on and praise the style are doing it for different reasons. Many of them praise it because it is bad soft power. It is non threatening. It is ineffective.
This is an excuse. China already has big budgets and world class effects people. Stories don't need decades to figure out. It is fiction. Something like a Chinese James Bond can be penned in a month or two instead of cringe trash like
Shanghai Fortress
- 64 million usd. box office 19 million. Giant bomb. Result? The silver lining is very few people get to see this girly man on screen.
The Great Wall 2017 - $150 million usd. box office 335, failed to break even. result? white man worship.
The Flowers of War 2011 - $94 million usd. box office 98 million. giant bomb. result? white man worship and effeminate Asian man who gets sacrificed while Chinese women get "rescued" by a guy from the white enemies who drugged China with opium.
Keep in mind. These are budgets in China where a million goes a long way. China does no lack talent, money, sfx, vfx. They suffer from white worship, self hate, and terrible tastes.
At these giant budgets, you can pay top tier writers to write a script on spec. There's simply no excuse for this level of total incompetence.