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Three new accounts posting the same type of responses at the same time. I think it's right to be suspicious.

Also, looking at the the banned thread, some users have been banned before for having multiple accounts.
I apologize in advance if they are real people, but yes, some of these users are to 'soft power' what "Yommie" et al were to vaccines in the Coronavirus thread.


Pinnacle of Occidental Culture

Imaging paying 15 bucks to watch this
Damn... I want my money back

Sex sells. That's why the West, which totally dominates at soft power uses sex appeal to sell constantly in everything - games, movies, tv shows, ads, etc.

You think The Uncharted Series and Tom Raider would sell well if the leads were monkey people like Wukong? Too many Chinese do not get it. Just because it is part of your culture doesn't make it attractive to anyone else. The foreigners that cheer you on and praise the style are doing it for different reasons. Many of them praise it because it is bad soft power. It is non threatening. It is ineffective.

This is an excuse. China already has big budgets and world class effects people. Stories don't need decades to figure out. It is fiction. Something like a Chinese James Bond can be penned in a month or two instead of cringe trash like


Shanghai Fortress - 64 million usd. box office 19 million. Giant bomb. Result? The silver lining is very few people get to see this girly man on screen.


The Great Wall 2017 - $150 million usd. box office 335, failed to break even. result? white man worship.


The Flowers of War 2011 - $94 million usd. box office 98 million. giant bomb. result? white man worship and effeminate Asian man who gets sacrificed while Chinese women get "rescued" by a guy from the white enemies who drugged China with opium.

Keep in mind. These are budgets in China where a million goes a long way. China does no lack talent, money, sfx, vfx. They suffer from white worship, self hate, and terrible tastes.

At these giant budgets, you can pay top tier writers to write a script on spec. There's simply no excuse for this level of total incompetence.
How about we just make everything a porno


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I apologize in advance if they are real people, but yes, some of these users are to 'soft power' what "Yommie" et al were to vaccines in the Coronavirus thread.

Damn... I want my money back

How about we just make everything a porno
I'm not allergic to soft power, I just don't agree that China should follow genshin's way of doing it.


Registered Member
I'm not allergic to soft power, I just don't agree that China should follow genshin's way of doing it.
I'm in favour of increasing one's footprint early on, and refining later when a dominant (or at least strong) position is held. Better to control part of the market yourself than to let someone else.

Same reason Chinese industries are still in India at this early stage in global restructuring - the ground you're standing on is ground the other guy can't.


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FairAndUnbiased said:

the west in general has 0 soft power. absolutely 0. It's all US.

You wrote this in response to posts about media. So yes, this is literally the only way to interpret this. Your post implies that soft power is all about media and because the us dominates the media space, only the us has soft power.

masculine. LMAO holy shit

You are very confused.

Masculinity applies to men. I never applied to everything.

If your men look non masculine, it is bad for soft power in general. That was the context of my claim. Are you arguing against this?

Your comment on cosmetics is extremely confused. Soft power is not just about masculinity. I'm not saying masculinity is the sole standard for everything. Soft power is mostly about attraction and there are different standards for different things.

Men have soft power when they are attractive which generally means masculine.
Women have soft power when they are attractive which generally means feminine.
Products have soft power when they are viewed as high quality, attractive, safe, effective, etc.
Architecture has soft power when it is viewed as attractive.
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I'm in favour of increasing one's footprint early on, and refining later when a dominant (or at least strong) position is held. Better to control part of the market yourself than to let someone else.

Same reason Chinese industries are still in India at this early stage in global restructuring - the ground you're standing on is ground the other guy can't.
I feel like this is something I don't even want my foot in. Feels to me like it just invites more Japanese culture into China than it really helps China spread any of its own. Even now a lot of people think Genshin is Japanese. I guess it also doesn't help that their upcoming anime is going to be made by a Japanese studio.


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About Genshin Impact: to export your soft power to people abroad, you first need to sell it out to the people abroad. People are influenced by the US's soft power because Hollywood does(did?) make a lot of good movies. Besides, Genshin Impact does have a lot of Chinese elements in it, just so many comments here regarding modern Chinese people's lives as a totally different one from the west. Like we Chinese people should live in another way although we use the same tools like phones and computers. Many of the so-called 'real' Chinese cultures are just outdated if not dead already as many cultures in the west. Many of these cultures, which are lucky enough still exist in modern china, changed a lot.

One example here:
This Peking opera video get more than 80k views from western players after one story quest of Genshin Impact was released which is about Peking Opera. Here is the first comment I see under that video:
The fact that Chinese Opera is actually a dying tradition due to the modern world evolutions make me want to thank MIHOYO for taking the initiative to preserve this unique culture through Yun Jin and probably more means! Edit: Some of you are saying that this isn't a dying tradition, but to me, it feels like there is a large decrease in the number of people willing to practise this art, since performing in front of a large audience is not very favourable among most and it requires tedious training in order to execute the performance well. In addition, there are plenty more jobs out there now than in the past. Some people would say this too but not take action in helping to keep it going (I'm guilty of it too), so I think that the least we can do to support it is to watch the performances with respect and pride. Edit2: So it seems that there are efforts being made to help preserve this kind of art. That's great! Though some comments may not agree with my view, I urge that no matter what your opinion in this matter is, please voice it out in a polite manner to maintain order (I will have order!!). Edit3: So apparently some say that what MHY did was not really preserving tradition. After thinking through it I realised that what they did was promote culture instead. However, this is not just the case for Liyue where China is being reflected upon it. With each and every region, MHY does display the various specialities of the countries/places the regions are based on. MHY did make mistakes in the past (and some have yet to be corrected) but I do have to give kudos to them for this. And from here and out I'll stop editing this comment. Thanks for listening though!
Actually, the Peking opera shown by Genshin Impact is a more acceptable version of it, because it is just too costly and too long to put a whole scene into that chapter of Genshin Impact. (Btw Peking Opera is really good for people who can read and listen Mandarin Chinese, I have heard it many times.)
Mihoyo is influenced by western and Japanese culture, they do have girls(and boys) in western and Japanese styles. But they also have characters in many other styles. Like Japan, China, Egypt, Western, India, and so on. I think they are doing quite well in exporting soft power.


Registered Member
You wrote this in response to posts about media. So yes, this is literally the only way to interpret this. Your post implies that soft power is all about media and because the us dominates the media space, only the us has soft power.

You are very confused.

Masculinity applies to men. I never applied to everything.

If your men look non masculine, it is bad for soft power in general. That was the context of my claim. Are you arguing against this?

Your comment cosmetics is extremely confused. Soft power is not just about masculinity. I'm not saying masculinity is the sole standard for everything. Soft power is mostly about attraction and there are different standards for different things.

Men have soft power when they are attractive which generally means masculine.
Women have soft power when they are attractive which generally means feminine.
Products have soft power when they are viewed as high quality, attractive, safe, effective, etc.
Architecture has soft power when it is viewed as attractive.
My comments:

1. The moral of your posts should be: "Work hard to be the best, then you will naturally be sought after. This is soft power".

2. I don't see any more to discuss other than the secondary timeframe problem, which is, Right now, a certain country is not at the apex in all key metrics in the world. However, it is on a trajectory to arriving there. Therefore, the key objective now is to "Work hard to be the best, then you will naturally be sought after"


Registered Member
Damn Japan once again had us beaten.
Another thing that Japan has is beaten in, extreme number of hookers and JAV shows and Japanese hentai… fortunately we do beat them in everything else that matters, including dignity and honor which if one looks carefully enough, is the kind of thing that Japan loves to sprout about all the time with their samurai bullcrap.

So really this whole talk about soft power means little when in comparison to real results. Just look that the current state of the USA vs China and then one can see the difference. Also having Russia as an ally beats having Europe as an ally any day, especially when they have the gas and grain ready and waiting while the EU for all of their soft power and so called hard power cannot stand against the cold hard truth, that one day, reality will catch up and all the gas lighting and woke crap isn’t going to win against general winter. Heck even the USA cannot win against general winter which is why they are limiting sales of gas to Europe in the run up to winter. Which is going to do wonders for the US soft power department, either the EU shapes up and do what is necessary, lose some face and do what is necessary or suffer the winter and have the cold hard truth the the US is the worst ally one can have. Hard power or soft power isn’t going to save the EU and also won’t save the US in the long term, especial in its current state

in relation to Genshin, a couple of years ago, the world was still looking at COD and battlefield while Chinese games didn’t really exist, now people are starting to show increased interest in Chinese video games like arknight, honkai, PGR and even crystal of Atlan and Wuthering waves which all look interesting given that there is something unique there while western games have been stagnating big time, I mean I have trouble finding the next big game that isn’t Chinese, let alone Asian. I mean, they have all becoming remakes and that really shows how little creativity they have right now
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Registered Member
I feel like this is something I don't even want my foot in. Feels to me like it just invites more Japanese culture into China than it really helps China spread any of its own. Even now a lot of people think Genshin is Japanese. I guess it also doesn't help that their upcoming anime is going to be made by a Japanese studio.
I'm not too fussed. Due to the strength disparity, any Japanese culture that entered China will be Sinicised and ultimately controlled by China (Genshin is a good example of this), same as Buddhism when it arrived from India.

Genshin is a good foot in the door as a cultural export to the rest of the world, as once you have buy in, you can subtly steer it. Facebook and other social media / MSM tools did the same thing in SEA. So having control of the medium is key.