You guys say genshin is doing well exporting soft power, but what is it that it's exporting exactly
Very little and that's the problem that these people don't want to admit. I'm just going by what I see at a glance. I don't play the game. Every time I try to raise the alarm they'll side with whoever brings out the best copium (usually by misrepresenting what I say) - not the most important facts, but the best cope so they don't have to face reality.
Using only video games as the example..
When the west creates games like Batman, Spiderman, Unchartered, God of War, the players learn to
admire/worship white looking people as cool, powerful, sexy, heroic, other good traits, etc. Why? Because the characters are clearly white people doing cool stuff.
When East Asians create Wukong, the players see a monkey man who is powerful....but
how do Chinese people benefit? They don't because Chinese people don't look like that (nor would they want to look like a monkey man)
Or When East Asians create Genshin Impact, the players see people with blonde hair and colored eyes but
how do Chinese people benefit? They don't because Chinese people don't look like that. You know who benefits from Genshin Impact? White people. It's the same with white worshipping crap like the newer Final Fantasy games from Japan.
Ironically, the one game developer who actually made East Asians cool and admirable (at least from a glance) was some western game developer. Compare this to Ninja Gaiden made by a Japanese company whose face is covered up with big mask and only his GREEN eyes are visible.
Be honest with yourself.
Which game is creating soft power for East Asians really? Ghost of Tshushima or
I love white people sooo muuchhh!! and I wish I was white too!! I meant, Genshin Impact