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Well, I hope they see it. My experiences on this forum, where I assume most are more militant and more aware, has been extremely disappointing. Every time I try to bring up information, I get attacked.

I also think we may or may not have a pro china bias, not jai hind level but still.

Honestly there is not much to do about this matter and we can be happy with it, since every critism we do usually get is mostly from users of the sleepystudent type. Or weird takes on chinas covid policy

So the main thing the forum lacks IMO is justified critisism like yours or from Patchy.


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And now the Confucius Institutes are being shut down.. while Genshin Impact has made billions worldwide.

TBH, I don't get why some users are nitpicking Genshin Impact so much.

Is the game 100% perfect representation of Chinese culture? No, it's not. There are some areas where it can improve on.
But considering how China doesn't have a lot of entertainment product that's as popular worldwide. I'll definitely take this for the time being. Mihoyo's success is helping to lay the foundation for other Chinese game developers to enter the market. In time there will be Wu Kong Black Myth and Tencent's Wuxia game.

Majority of gamers in China love GI so it's kinda strange to see some of the critical comments here. Even CCTV (China's state media) put up an ad for Yunjin (one of the characters in GI who's based on Beijing Opera).
Lol you're so desperate to become the next Japanese, South Korean Asian that westerners like and approved of which is such lame and weak common trait amongst persistent amount of Chinese.


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I think how Chinese soft power will spread is by creeping out. Just like how South Korea spread its K-wave over twenty years... gonna take a while. Gotta be patient I guess. Its gonna take years and years for Chinese soft power to increase incrementally.

It'll creep out, like in those video games you guys talk about, and also in other ways.

Look at this. A Chinese dude pair skating with a white girl and touching her everywhere during her routine. I bet the white supremacists are outraged.


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Afaik these institutes are some Hu Jintao era relics that provide very little value for anyone. Entertainment export is far better and has been gaining ground the last 5 years.

But Xi should not let the opportunity go to waste, if Sunak intends to close these independent volunteer programs based on nothing but xenophobia, China can ban UK "non" government organizations that have a real harmful effect on the Chinese people.

A good trade.

I ask my self if these institutes provide HUMINT in some way? Entertainment is good and all but they did provide useful HUMINT, their closure is still a loss. Boots on the ground and such. Guess I have to report to the consulate or embassy directly now :p


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BERLIN/PARIS — Relations are now so icy between Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz, the leaders of the EU’s two economic powerhouses, that they are even struggling to agree on whether to be seen together in front of the press.

The tussle over a media show is just the latest episode of a deepening row between the EU’s two biggest powers.

In recent weeks, Scholz and Macron have clashed over how to tackle the energy crisis, how to overcome Europe’s impotence on defense and the best approach to dealing with China.

French officials complain that Berlin isn’t sufficiently treating them as a close partner. For example, the French claim they weren’t briefed in advance of Germany’s domestic €200 billion energy price relief package — and they have made sure their counterparts in Berlin are aware of their frustration.

Unprecedented tensions​

Most recently, the French government was irritated by the news that Scholz plans to visit Beijing next week to meet Xi Jinping in what would be the first visit by a foreign leader since the Chinese president got a norm-breaking third term. Germany and China also plan their own show when it comes to planned government consultations in January.

The thinking at the Elysée is that it would have been better if Macron and Scholz had visited China together — and preferably a bit later rather than straight after China’s Communist Party congress where Xi secured another mandate. According to one French official, a visit shortly after the congress would “legitimize” Xi’s third term and be “too politically costly.”

Germany and France’s uncoordinated approach to China contrasts with Xi’s last visit to Europe in 2019 when he was welcomed by Macron, who had also invited former Chancellor Angela Merkel and former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to Paris to show European unity.

Macron has refrained from directly criticizing a controversial Hamburg port deal with Chinese company Cosco, which Scholz is pushing ahead of his Beijing trip. But the French president last week questioned the wisdom of letting China invest in “essential infrastructure” and warned that Europe had been “naive” toward Chinese purchases in the past “because we thought Europe was an open supermarket.”


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I think is unlikely to learn Chinese by just playing a videogame, in the same way I think unlikely to learn Japanese by just watching Anime as much weebs think they will do.

View attachment 100197

True, but games and movies are generally low investment, low commitment exposition to chinese culture. Learning a language via a language institute is high commitment, something most people are not willing to invest.

It is good to have both options available, therefore losing the confucius institute is a loss none the less.


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The thing is that the broad culture of society must be turned into one of suspicion towards the west, a justified one due to the many atrocities from them and constant threats.

Chinese society is waking up, but now is only the start.

There are many people from every level in society that have inappropriate contact with hostile countries.

Consider the example of Bo Xilai, who was once considered a candidate for the Politburo, had a wife that intermittently lived in the UK, owned houses there, and whose child lives there full time. These politicians are disgraceful and must all be purged.

I wouldn't even clear Xi from suspicion due to having been in America briefly on exchange in the past and having a daughter who exchanged there for a few years. However, the people Xi has been surrounded by should be able to rein in any treacherous ideas even if Xi himself cannot be wholly relied on.

With every election since the Jiang era where much scum proliferated among the CPC, I think China is getting closer to achieving a totally foreign influence free party.

Entertainment follows the direction of the leadership. When the leadership is clean, the entertainment industry will produce clean works as well. Nearly all "good" or "acceptable" media works come from the late Xi era, regardless of if you like Genshin or not, you have to acknowledge it is far better than garbage like Flowers of war which directly glorify cooperation with hostile nations, against the will of the majority (hence why it failed in box office).


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Die Welt: Relations between France and Germany are "at the very bottom"

Relations between France and Germany are facing a final break against the background of disagreements between their leaders, President Emmanuel Macron and Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

"Franco-German relations are at the bottom: eternal disputes about energy prices, military projects and the MidCat pipeline from Spain to France," writes columnist Martina Meister.

Die Welt also added that Paris criticized the decision the German politician to allocate €200 billion to support the economy of his country. According to her, Macron tried to corner Scholz with criticism to show that the opinion of Paris should be taken into account.

In addition, the French media in a rude tone describe the end of the idyll in bilateral relations: Germany is called a "lonely racer, an egoist country" that does not care about its partners.

"Now they say (in France about Germany) "Germany first of all," and, as a result, disappointment, irritation, bitterness," the article says.

The observer predicts an "ice age", if not an "unexpected divorce" of a German-French couple, which, significantly, is so called only on the left bank of the Rhine.

Earlier it was also reported that France and Germany could not agree on the issue of a press conference during the German Chancellor's visit to Paris.



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Yeah it's not subtle at all. The company's name, motto, the game's international name. Hell, they've also been trying to push for homosexual values, especially in their previous games. Nothing like getting people more interested in the chinese language than only advertising the japanese and english voice acting. And just take a look at their office.

They can cosplay as much as they want but nothing will hide the water jugs on the right edge of screen :p