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Inb4 someone says ooh there are deep Chinese cultural elements of the game, which is potentially noticeable in the Chinese version to actually Chinese people.

There is merit in that, even though the game has plenty elements of Chinese culture or philosophy, most people wont directly notice, only thing that is slammed right in your face are Chinese names and architecure, and architecture is limited to Liyue Harbour and Qingce village. There are more chinese places in Genshin but those are destroyed or ravaged because Liyue, the nation which resembles Vhina, is over 6000 years old and apperently the devs wanted to show that this country is so fucking old by leaving a huge ass ton of ruins.

Sadly this is a major misinterpetation, because IMO if a average joe sees all those ruins and associates Liyue with China, he thinks in China everything is broken or some shit.

Meanwhile in Inazuma, where a actual Civilwar is happening ingame, the villages ravaged by this war are without people, but ALL housings are intact ( Higi Village, Koseki Village, Asase Shrine, Borou Village).

Beidous Hometown on the other hand looks like fucking hiroshima ground zero.


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The Washington Post: European allies worry U.S. could dial back support for Ukraine

‘If America starts to blink, other nations might as well,’ said one British member of Parliament

LONDON — U.S. allies in Europe are growing increasingly concerned that the united front presented by the West in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could quickly unravel if Republicans are victorious in next week’s midterm elections, ceding an advantage to President Vladimir Putin just when Ukraine is making progress on the battlefield.

In the eight months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a rare level of transatlantic consensus has taken hold over the need to support Ukraine. Collectively, Ukraine’s allies have pledged over $93 billion in military, financial and humanitarian assistance, with the lion’s share of that promised by the United States.

Since comments by the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) that a Republican-controlled House wouldn’t continue to issue “blank check” funding for Ukraine, officials in both Kyiv and Western Europe have begun to wonder if Ukraine can continue to count on the United States.

But the mere suggestion that the U.S. might pull back has set off alarm bells in Western capitals.

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Off-topic, but I think I need to speak it out. Words without action are nothing. Only words supported by actions, count.

Sometimes I am pretty confused by you guys. Most of the posters here understand that soft power is useful, but just ignore the reason why it is useful.

The point is, why do we Chinese people need people in other country love or like Chinese people as a whole? We, Chinese people, do not want to be some sort of pop star. What we need is to let the people in the west who are not insane stop regarding us as a monster, or invaders, and make us able to communicate with them in science, business, and other fields. Other than that, if you want to stop our progress with some shit like 'genocide' or 'human rights violation', that is your choice.

Damn it, look at what is happening in those western governments, they are portraying China as a threat. They decide to use their mouth rather than their hands. But they lack the ability to decouple with China without getting themselves killed. Ended up closing their eyes to reality, which basically is committing suicide. So, what's the matter? Westerners are killed by their foolishness, by only using their mouths not their hands. That is their choice.

Words without action are nothing. Only words supported by actions, count.

Unfortunately, for all of us, those leaders and their governments do not understand. I hope you guys understand.


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China doesn't need games or pop music to build soft Power.

America build it's soft Power through Hollywood by showing American dream and it was backed by hard power because at that cold war time Americans were innovative and has huge manufacturing industry. University was producing exceptional level of genius who are best in science & technology . So people who used to watch Hollywood movie and influenced by that culture of science & tech & modern society then came to America for achieving their American dream . These same people used to give feedback to their own people that how America is so so much better than their own native land .

Soviet were Also good at propaganda & had huge influence on various developing countries but soft Power /propaganda goes only this much because American had applied wassaner sanction on Soviet which crippled their high tech industry especially light electronic & computer industry and this nation collapsed.

Soft Power of japan/ Korea is going as long as they are e loyal to USA and stay in it's camp . The day USA sees it as it's rival they would exposed very badly about corruption in korean politician & dark side of japan & Korea.

That's why china needs to build their country backed by hard power ( science & tech and innovation spirit) and I mean not only military backed Power kind of hard Power.

There are almost all countries envies china manufacturing of scale & it's might. Even USA is desperate for bringing back industry in USA.

In the end when you grow up you need jobs and that's where korea, japan and USA citizens has bleak future. China soft Power will outshine everybody in couple of decades because it's going to have everything which America used to have minus crime rate & gun violance .

China is only get demonized by web of American MSM media and American controls media & internet platform of the world that's why you would only see anti china voices and it's due to their media & their algorithm.


Look at the list of top movies in China. Many of them are dramas and/or communism/socialism theme and/or culture specific, which are tough sells outside of China/sinosphere. You fail to realize that China has a captive audience. Their content does not transfer well overseas. Most movies that do well globally deal with universal themes and usually have lots of spectacle and minimal culture specific content. In other words action, fantasy, adventure. Look at the two non China films that appear on the list. ALL action.

Who the hell outside of China is interested in watching a film billed as "the third installment of National Day Celebration trilogy"?


The Battle at Lake Changjin​

Set in the Second Phase Offensive of the Korean War, "The Battle at Lake Changjin" tells an epic historical tale: 71 years ago, the People's Volunteer Army (PVA) entered North Korea for battle

action/history - possible communism/socialism content - would be rejected as communist propaganda by the actual Caucasian propaganists.


Hi, Mom​

A woman travels back in time to befriend her own mother in an attempt to make her life better.

drama - hard sell, and likely very culture specific eg filial piety


Detective Chinatown 3​

A major crime occurs in Tokyo when detectives Tang Ren and Qin Feng are invited to investigate the crime

Action Adventure Comedy Mystery

hard sell overseas due to comedic content, which translates poorly due to culture specific references and questionable looking cast - especially the goofy lead.


My Country, My Parents​

Included as the third installment of "National Day Celebration" trilogy

drama- communism/socialism content, and likely very culture specific - filial piety


Parents F9 - The Fast Saga​

action - from usa


A Little Red Flower​

The film tells a warm and realistic story, thinking and facing the ultimate problem that every ordinary person will face-imagining that death may come at any time, the only thing we have to do is love and cherish.

drama/family - hard sell everywhere, and likely very culture specific eg filial piety


Raging Fire​

Cheung Sung-bong is an officer of the Regional Crime Unit who worked in the front line for many years.

Action Adventure Crime Mystery Thriller - this has a chance


Chinese Doctors​

A group of doctors at a hospital in Wuhan, China are the first in the world to deal with a new disease, COVID-19.

drama - zero chance, would be blasted as "regime propaganda" by anti China racists


Godzilla vs. Kong​

Action Sci-Fi Thriller - from usa


Cliff Walkers​

In the puppet state of Manchukuo in the 1930s, four Communist party special agents, after returning to China, embark on a secret mission

drama/crime - communism/socialism content

Yeah, because Westerns, Star Trek, and Rambo are so universal.


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East Asian women in general. I'm sure we all had to deal with non-Asians lusting after our Asian girlfriends. Sometimes they look like they want to draw out their sword and slay me so they get to steal my girlfriend, but it's not a sword bearing society today so they don't get to steal my girlfriend in this way (or any other way, for that matter).
Most attractive women:
Asian women. White women.

Most unattractive:
Black women. Asian men.

Poll results from dating apps in the US.