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Junior Member
can't believe I have to bring this up again but the west in general has 0 soft power. absolutely 0. It's all US.

ex-US west box office:

Starting with the 0/10s:

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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood
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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood
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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood
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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood
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: 0/10 top 10 movies are domestic everything is Hollywood

Then the 1/10s:

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: 1/10 top 10 movies is Italian -
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: 1/10 top 10 movies is German -
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: 1/10 top 10 movies is Dutch -
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: 1/10 top 10 movies is Spanish -
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: 1/10 top 10 movies is Mexican -
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Where is the western soft power? Nowhere. It literally does not exist. It's US soft power.

Even South Korea is a 2/10:

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: 2/10 films are Korean, 8/10 are foreign. only Escape from Mogadishu and Sinkhole are Korean. 1/10 is Japanese (Demon Slayer). 7/10 are Hollywood (Spiderman, Eternals, Black Widow, Cruella, Soul, Venom, Shang Chi)

The only countries with box office independence are China and Japan at 2/10 hollywood and 1/10 hollywood:

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: 8/10 films are Chinese, only F9 and Godzilla vs Kong are Hollywood (2/10)

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9/10 films are Japanese, only F9 is Hollywood (1/10)
It's not just European soft power but all over the West. Even in the US that art and entertainment are being rotted away. That's a big part of the reason why Asian media popularity (i.e. Anime & K-Dramas) is on the rise.

Look at the movies in the past few years compared to 10-15 years ago. Disney and Amazon have become unimaginative trash with their big hits in Marvel or LOTR being bland cash grabs using existing IPs. It's now all content meant for consumption where they can harvest data and views not the promotion of beauty, meaning, or even pleasure. It's just mind-numbing crap many of which are based on low-cost crowdsourcing (i.e. reality tv or youtube creators) and/or algorithmic productions that have little critical or thought-provoking value. It's all a cookie-cutter formula or using remakes, reboots, or spinoffs to get a quick buck and move on to the next distraction of the bread and circus to keep people zombified enough to keep subscribing.

The excessive focus on cultural power over other aspects of society and its products still being trash is a sign that people are falling into decadence from civilization. I'm not worried about Western "soft power" in the long run being used against China but more as means to control its own people to keep them docile and numb with propaganda like SJW and being the superheroes saving the world.
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Registered Member
Soft power is not just movies.

Prior to the pandemic millions of Chinese waste billions to travel to Europe to soak in the architecture, food, and culture. Today, they still waste untold billions on European fashion, cosmetics, cars, western classical music lessons, etc.

It is total nonsense to suggest only America has soft power.

Secondly, movies rely heavily on existing distribution and news infrastructure and industry pull. America controls a lot of this so the combo allows them to drain the world's top talent, promote (movie reviews heavily focus on American films) and rapidly spread their junk everywhere.
You're full of nonsense and hyper nationalist talk disparaging Chinese who travels to Europe, America and elsewhere as white worshippers lol.. And you're what exactly? I don't know who the flying dragon think you are and what you've done for Chinese culture that animates you to be this argumentative and militant with your views on Chinese soft power or how anemically pathetic the are.


Senior Member
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Just increase the in-game boob size and you get instant soft power



Of course turn all the men into sexy vixen.
Doesn't even need to be real people let alone historical figures, not that it wouldn't fly when we have Japan projecting the Three Kingdoms better than China does, to the point now the Chinese are adapting a Japanese IP inspired by Chinese history and cultural figures -


But anyway, there's already Azur Lane and Girls Frontline anthropomorphising warships and guns. I wonder where those Chinese devs got that idea from.

And bunny people -


But hey, at least these 3 games (and Genshin + others) are Chinese made profiting off Japanese otaku culture with tie-in anime, merch and whatnot, so I guess turnabout is fair play.

Soft power plus 5 bucks will get you a cup of coffee if the devs don't make money and get a good living out of it.


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The US will put all of its military capabilities, including nuclear, conventional and missile defense, to defend its allies Japan and South Korea.
- US Deputy Secretary of State

The EU's aim is not to freeze, but to confiscate Russian assets in Europe. For this it is necessary to prepare a legal framework - Ursula Von der Leyen.

Americans waste no time.


Junior Member
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Lol you're so desperate to become the next Japanese, South Korean Asian that westerners like and approved of which is such lame and weak common trait amongst persistent amount of Chinese.
Being a fan of Genshin Impact and thinking it's good representation for Chinese culture means a person is desperate to become the next Japanese/South Korean. Makes sense lol..

Cool personal attack. I can't say I'm surprised to see that.

Here's my gift to you, bro:


Registered Member
The Chinese Propaganda and Censor bureau are completely tone deaf. It is always a possibility that some people associated with the Confucius Institute did something that offended the hyper paranoid sinophobes in the west. IE Taking your students out to Chinese cuisine is prob a better idea than maybe passing out copies of Xi's thoughts lol

China had some soft power in terms of movies years ago via Hong Kong Action/Wuxia and Mainland Historical/Wuxia. As we have seen, the top 10 Chinese movies do not fit in that category for some reason. My belief is that they should of still kept Hong Kong as a "chinese hollywood" to better promote films abroad since their original stories did not have mainland censorship and mainland versions can be post edited.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The Chinese Propaganda and Censor bureau are completely tone deaf. It is always a possibility that some people associated with the Confucius Institute did something that offended the hyper paranoid sinophobes in the west. IE Taking your students out to Chinese cuisine is prob a better idea than maybe passing out copies of Xi's thoughts lol

Blame the victim eh?

China had some soft power in terms of movies years ago via Hong Kong Action/Wuxia and Mainland Historical/Wuxia. As we have seen, the top 10 Chinese movies do not fit in that category for some reason. My belief is that they should of still kept Hong Kong as a "chinese hollywood" to better promote films abroad since their original stories did not have mainland censorship and mainland versions can be post edited.

The problem with the entertainment industry, in Hong Kong and in the mainland*, is that it is hyper-exploitative winner-take-all capitalistic, with attendant tax evasion, sex for favors, and other kinds of legally gray / morally questionable behavior. I'm just speculating here, but it could be that 'socialism with Chinese characteristics' does not want to promote such systems, their utility in soft power projection be damned.

* And certainly Hollywood too. No idea about Bollywood.