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The problem with the entertainment industry, in Hong Kong and in the mainland*, is that it is hyper-exploitative winner-take-all capitalistic, with attendant tax evasion, sex for favors, and other kinds of legally gray / morally questionable behavior. I'm just speculating here, but it could be that 'socialism with Chinese characteristics' does not want to promote such systems, their utility in soft power projection be damned.
While on the topic of entertainment industry problems, there's also the toxic fan behavior and the bad influence it have on some people. Do people still remember this news from last year?
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But I still think China should find a way to develop their entertainment industry, and regulate its effects on society and economy, because developing the entertainment industries offer more tools and opportunities for China to influence people overseas.


Maybe Indians have better communication and PR skills than Chinese. Ethnic Chinese have a much harder time to rise to such prominence (CEOs and government leaders) in the west.
Well, Indians did get colonized to the point where English became a commonly used language to them and they had to worship the most caucasian Indians so it makes sense that communicating with white people become their main skillset. Other than that, because of China's strength, everyone in the US is worried about Chinese people taking their skills and knowledge back to China. Is that a concern for Indians? Not by a very long shot. They might even slap him on the back and call him a good guy who remembers his roots if he says he wants to work for India.
It's more about popularizing Chinese culture to the point where viewers/fans would become interested in the Chinese language and culture. Kind of like how anime has led to people wanting to learn Japanese and visit Japan. Entertainment products are a great way to promote culture.
They don't deserve Chinese culture. This kind of attention gained through games and anime is the worst kind of attention bringing in all kinds of social rejects and weirdos creeping you out by trying to act like they understand your culture and thus share some kinship with you. It's nasty. Businessman in a suit who learned Mandarin to do business, OK sit down and let's talk. Loser who loves Chinese culture cus he watched too many Chinese cartoons/games, stay in your mother's basement in your own country with your waifu pillow.

This is not about my personal needs. I'm just telling you how a lot of this stuff works.

For clarity sake, this is about soft power from media. I'm not covering any other non-media aspect.

Let's just talk about the effect of media portrayals on men from different races.

Media studies proves that negative racist stereotypes/imagery makes people feel more negatively about the members from that group (see the racist Caucasian media attacks on East Asian men as nerds, creeps, homosexuals, etc). What happens? Your average Asian man is worse off from the media attacks.

Conversely, positive stereotypes/imagery makes people feel more positively about the members from that group (eg white male glorification in media) What happens? White male worship is very common among East Asians.

People who keep celebrating Japanese anime, manga, and now Genshin Impact don't recognize why it is flawed attempt at soft power. If the characters in the media does not look like the people (in this case, East Asians) it won't give you the kind of power that whites enjoy from their soft power efforts.

The characters need to be desirable AND look like us. If they are desirable and look non-Asian then non-Asians get the benefit. If they are desirable and look like us, we benefit.
The entire concept of trying to gain soft power through games and shows is wrong. You only attract perverts and losers rejected by their own society thus looking for a safe place. The attention you want is admiration and respect for Chinese strength and that is gained only through hard power such as technology, economy, and military. The second concept that is wrong is soft power in its entirety. All power stems from hard power; "power" that does not stem from hard power is actually just begging.

For example, Japanese anime is simply begging the world to have a positve view of Japan like a furry pet does tricks because it wants to be treated well. No nation will yield anything to Japan over this because it is not power; power is the ability to force others to yield to you even against their own desires. This is begging. The kind of people who like Japanese culture are useless and have no say in anything of national importance and they "like" Japanese culture because it is weak, cute and non-threatening. They don't admire or respect Japanese power and anyone who has any say in Washington actually looks at Japan like a pitiful vassal. China does not need to mimick any part of that.

The USA, on the other hand, uses hard power in order to extend its "soft power" which is why I say that "soft power" doesn't actually exist; it is only extended, non-violent hard power. Hollywood can make such movies because America's economy can afford it. It portrays western white people as heros because in a Western-dominated world, it makes sense and is believable; it follows the trend of American hard power. India makes plenty of movies that portray Indians as heros but people basically laugh at them; they bring India nothing. American hard power and its extension is where China needs to go, but in order to go there, China's hard power must match and exceed America's in order for those roots to be strong enough to support the tree. In the meantime, Chinese entertainment should simply and confidently make products for Chinese people to enjoy; nobody else matters and you don't need to mould/change yourself for anyone else. Once China becomes number 1 in hard power, followers of that power will love whatever you make. That is hard power and its extension, not some small man racking his brain to make others like him. That is not China.

Finally, when we are talking about global impact, one must realize that Chinese media and positive imagery is fighting against the West's anti-China propaganda, which, naturally, would be much stronger in Western and Western-affliated nations. Every nation controls what can be shown, what is mainstream, and what is banned in their territories; there is no way to compete with that from afar. Because of this, it's unrealistic to expect any inroads to be made until these countries peel away from American influence and the only way/reason they would do that is when it becomes absolutely apparent to them from China's hard power that being anti-China and pro-US is setting yourself up for a very tough and ugly upcoming century.
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The Chinese Propaganda and Censor bureau are completely tone deaf. It is always a possibility that some people associated with the Confucius Institute did something that offended the hyper paranoid sinophobes in the west. IE Taking your students out to Chinese cuisine is prob a better idea than maybe passing out copies of Xi's thoughts lol

China had some soft power in terms of movies years ago via Hong Kong Action/Wuxia and Mainland Historical/Wuxia. As we have seen, the top 10 Chinese movies do not fit in that category for some reason. My belief is that they should of still kept Hong Kong as a "chinese hollywood" to better promote films abroad since their original stories did not have mainland censorship and mainland versions can be post edited.
The downfall of Hong Kong cinema had more to do with economics and market conditions that was out of the control of the powers that be. It was simply prohibitive economically to film in HK, and it was prohibitive regulatorily to film in the mainland.

What HK production houses do with their locally-produced content that they then market abroad is their business. It wouldn't make sense for the mainland film board to give special treatment to HK producers if they want to film in mainland China because it's cheaper to scale up productions there, but then go around and demand they get to make whatever they want whilst they're at it. That's one.

Secondly, what Hong Kong used to make and became famous for internationally in the 80s and 90s wasn't unique to Hong Kong so much as the Westernised liberal cultural environment allowed films like A Better Tomorrow, Once Upon A Time In China, God of Gamblers, Infernal Affairs etc. to thrive. Plenty of films like those are still made in HK, but they aren't that well-received locally anymore, let alone getting distributed internationally. Every once in a while you have break-outs like Ip Man. The market has changed. Local productions are still hanging on by a thread in the city, and you will struggle to find more than a couple of HK films in the top 10 as most are dominated by Hollywood ones these days.
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Blame the victim eh?

The problem with the entertainment industry, in Hong Kong and in the mainland*, is that it is hyper-exploitative winner-take-all capitalistic, with attendant tax evasion, sex for favors, and other kinds of legally gray / morally questionable behavior. I'm just speculating here, but it could be that 'socialism with Chinese characteristics' does not want to promote such systems, their utility in soft power projection be damned.

* And certainly Hollywood too. No idea about Bollywood.
From what I could glimpse, Bollywood is the same if not even worse (sex for favors, tax evasion, money laundring etc. etc.)


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Well, Indians did get colonized to the point where English became a commonly used language to them and they had to worship the most caucasian Indians so it makes sense that communicating with white people become their main skillset. Other than that, because of China's strength, everyone in the US is worried about Chinese people taking their skills and knowledge back to China. Is that a concern for Indians? Not by a very long shot. They might even slap him on the back and call him a good guy who remembers his roots if he says he wants to work for India.
Proficiency in English isn't the reason why Indians have infiltrated western politics more than expat Chinese. It wouldn't explain their comparative success in second and third generation immigrants.

It's to do with Indian culture, they are more nespotic than the jews. Indian brahmin culture is very well suited for the management class of western countries. Lower caste Indians are culturally subservient to their brahmin overlords, who in turn are subservient to whites. It's one of the reasons why Indian workers won't unionise.

Since they are hiring low cost Indian workers anyway they may as well get their masters to watch over them. It's like during the time of slavery there were black overseers on the plantation.

There is the latent racism as well. Indians are viewed as docile and non threatening by most western countries, whereas with Chinese state propaganda against China and the CCP means any ethnically Chinese could be viewed as a foreign agent.


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First four-engine large drone developed by China makes maiden flight, to debut in Airshow

This multipurpose, medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle system with fixed wings and four engines is the first of its kind in the world, Tengden said

The drone has a wingspan of 20 meters, a length of 10.5 meters and a height of 3.1 meters. It has a maximum takeoff weight of 4.35 tons, a maximum payload weight of 1.5 tons and a maximum cargo space of 5 cubic meters, the company said.