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I should start off by saying your definition of hard power soft power changes on a whim. For example, when America makes movies you claim it's an extension of hard power (economy). But, when Japan makes anime you don't claim that is an extension of hard power (economy). You claim this is begging.

Regarding your claim quoted above, I disagree. It's very effective. Modern mass media is weaponized by western imperialists as a mind control/brainwashing weapon. And, it works.

Notice that the media consumed are largely for escapism. Escapism is the best way to spread/weaponize soft power.

First fact. People spend a huge amount of time consuming media.



How Fantasy Becomes Reality - 2nd ed, updated revised expanded, 289 p [2016]

Second fact. We are heavily influenced by the media we consume.



How Fantasy Becomes Reality - 2nd ed, updated revised expanded, 289 p [2016]

The Psychology of Entertainment Media - Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion [2003]

The Oxford Handbook of Media Psychology [2012]

I disagree. You don't only attract those types.

Videos games make money than all sports and movies combined and it's growing.
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As of 2022, video game buyers in usa are split 48/52 - female/male respectively.
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You already see the west weaponizing this with propaganda in video games like Call of Duty. This will only increase just like how they weaponized hollywood and tv shows for western imperialist propaganda.

That's what you want. I think it is too narrow. I want China to be as strong as possible which means hard power and soft power. You want China to abandon an entire weapon class. I think that is foolish. In fact, I want China to possess and master every weapon.


I disagree.

You claim soft power is totally wrong; only hard power is real; anything that is not hard power (technology, economy, military) is begging. Let's test your claims.

America deceives the world saying it is making the world safe for democracy while overthrowing democracies. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying it has a "responsibility to protect"/"humanitarian intervention" to mask its invasion and military occupation of a nation. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying it has the American dream where everyone can get rich if they work hard so suckers get brain drained to America's benefit (while the immigrant sucker suffers anti Asian racism and a glass ceiling while their children are preyed upon). Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying socialism is "anti freedom, totalitarian, where everything sucks" to make people distrust the only viable alternative to capitalist exploitation. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying Huawei has backdoors and is a national security threat to kill it. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying the CIA coronavirus/covid 19 was released by China. Is it "begging"?

Despite using no hard power (technology, economy, and military), none of this was begging. Yet they were often very effective uses of soft power.

Why was all this possible? It's possible because their media is filled with lies (we are pro democracy, we have noble intentions, American dream, socialism is bad, China bad, etc) that get absorbed by viewers (I provided a bunch of citations at the top of the post).

Soft power is a potential weapon. Your excessive focus on hard power means ignoring an entire class of weapons while your enemies perfect it and attack you with it.

Note: For all the nitpickers. No, I'm not saying China should lie. I'm just illustrating examples of how this stuff can work.

I haven't watched an anime for years so maybe things changed. From my memory, the problem was not anime itself. It's Japan's execution - cute, effeminate, inoffensive, white worshipping, etc. If Hollywood lost their mind and made only films pandering to cross dressers, would that mean movies were useless for soft power. Of course not.

Excuses. China is already the world's largest economy. Some Chinese movies have a budget near 100 million usd over 10 years ago (Flowers of War 2011). Numerous super successful Hollywood blockbusters were made for far less. The Matrix from 1999 would cost $85 in 2011 after adjusting for inflation.

Tiny HK had movies doing well around the world at a fraction of the economic heft and population size.

China doesn't need more money. They need better quality control.

I kinda half agree half disagree here.

What you talk about in US, is an extension of hard power because its propaganda can only work against a captive audience, which was made captive in the first place through coercion and violence.

And it is only through breaking this captive hold American has that China will possess control over the hearts and minds of US' captive audience.

However I agree that it is not a lack of money nor other capability, but lack of will that is China's greatest enemy.

China is possessed of the hard power instruments, but it only recently got it, and things like changing people's minds take time.

Just like when the British Empire surpassed the Qing, it took even up to a century for the British themselves to realize and exploit it, and even then, Chinese goods (ever wondered why the best tableware is literally called china?) were still overvalued because of cultural inertia for a much longer time, potentially even until now.

It isn't enough that China has the strength, it needs a helmsman that points Chinese culture away from the hostile West.

That will naturally create the type of hard power conditions that you are thinking about, and in turn create a propagation of soft Chinese values across the world.

This is why I think the most important politician right now in China is not Xi Jinping, who has still a potentially dangerous or even treacherous links to America, but Wang Huning, who has no foreign educated bullshit. No overseas children bullshit. Just a clever intellectual that proposes putting the home country first, that's how all sector leaders should be, regardless of them being in politics or in entertainment.


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You're just trying to nitpick one data point. It's a systemic problem. I just used those examples to prove a point. It's not that I can't furnish proof, I just hate going through my files to upload all this crap, but here.


Glory of Kings is the most popular mobile game by Tencent. This is in 2017 in China.

I point problems so out so they can be fixed while you keep your head in the sand pretending everything is just swell.

The Chinese movie industry wastes hundreds of millions of dollars to fund white male power fantasies.

Chinese companies and inventions are routinely named after white people like Faraday,

Chinese companies advertise with white people everywhere.

Aliexpress is filled with white people.

Here a Chinese company advertises their app with a white male and Chinese female while cropping an Chinese man out....


A Chinese company named after the Chinese hero, Hercules. lol


Here's a Chinese company advertising its latest displays with white worship in 8k with HDR.


Just a typical white worshipping ad on a Chinese ecommerce website featuring a lovely Chinese couple. Isn't he so handsome?

just LMFAO. You think I'm just making this up for fun or because of I have "insecurities"? Like I keep saying, I'm sounding the alarm because people just like you are holding us back from fixing problems with your constant denials and cope. Take another hit. You're going to need it after this post.

I couldn't even fit all the images I wanted due to the limits.
How is this discussion news related?


Most unattractive:
Black women. Asian men.
In the U.S., you have to make a distinction between 1st and 2nd generation Asian men. A lot of the second generation Asian men received higher education and became professionals with high-status jobs, and many of them married non-Asians. On the other hand, plenty of Chinese men married attractive African women in Africa.

Maybe China can come in to build these countries?

All you need to know about Obama and Qaddafi.


Registered Member
I should start off by saying your definition of hard power soft power changes on a whim. For example, when America makes movies you claim it's an extension of hard power (economy). But, when Japan makes anime you don't claim that is an extension of hard power (economy). You claim this is begging.

Regarding your claim quoted above, I disagree. It's very effective. Modern mass media is weaponized by western imperialists as a mind control/brainwashing weapon. And, it works.

Notice that the media consumed are largely for escapism. Escapism is the best way to spread/weaponize soft power.

First fact. People spend a huge amount of time consuming media.



How Fantasy Becomes Reality - 2nd ed, updated revised expanded, 289 p [2016]

Second fact. We are heavily influenced by the media we consume.



How Fantasy Becomes Reality - 2nd ed, updated revised expanded, 289 p [2016]

The Psychology of Entertainment Media - Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion [2003]

The Oxford Handbook of Media Psychology [2012]

I disagree. You don't only attract those types.

Videos games make money than all sports and movies combined and it's growing.
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As of 2022, video game buyers in usa are split 48/52 - female/male respectively.
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You already see the west weaponizing this with propaganda in video games like Call of Duty. This will only increase just like how they weaponized hollywood and tv shows for western imperialist propaganda.

That's what you want. I think it is too narrow. I want China to be as strong as possible which means hard power and soft power. You want China to abandon an entire weapon class. I think that is foolish. In fact, I want China to possess and master every weapon.


I disagree.

You claim soft power is totally wrong; only hard power is real; anything that is not hard power (technology, economy, military) is begging. Let's test your claims.

America deceives the world saying it is making the world safe for democracy while overthrowing democracies. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying it has a "responsibility to protect"/"humanitarian intervention" to mask its invasion and military occupation of a nation. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying it has the American dream where everyone can get rich if they work hard so suckers get brain drained to America's benefit (while the immigrant sucker suffers anti Asian racism and a glass ceiling while their children are preyed upon). Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying socialism is "anti freedom, totalitarian, where everything sucks" to make people distrust the only viable alternative to capitalist exploitation. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying Huawei has backdoors and is a national security threat to kill it. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying the CIA coronavirus/covid 19 was released by China. Is it "begging"?

Despite using no hard power (technology, economy, and military), none of this was begging. Yet they were often very effective uses of soft power.

Why was all this possible? It's possible because their media is filled with lies (we are pro democracy, we have noble intentions, American dream, socialism is bad, China bad, etc) that get absorbed by viewers (I provided a bunch of citations at the top of the post).

Soft power is a potential weapon. Your excessive focus on hard power means ignoring an entire class of weapons while your enemies perfect it and attack you with it.

Note: For all the nitpickers. No, I'm not saying China should lie. I'm just illustrating examples of how this stuff can work.

I haven't watched an anime for years so maybe things changed. From my memory, the problem was not anime itself. It's Japan's execution - cute, effeminate, inoffensive, white worshipping, etc. If Hollywood lost their mind and made only films pandering to cross dressers, would that mean movies were useless for soft power. Of course not.

Excuses. China is already the world's largest economy. Some Chinese movies have a budget near 100 million usd over 10 years ago (Flowers of War 2011). Numerous super successful Hollywood blockbusters were made for far less. The Matrix from 1999 would cost $85 in 2011 after adjusting for inflation.

Tiny HK had movies doing well around the world at a fraction of the economic heft and population size.

China doesn't need more money. They need better quality control.

I think you're coming from the right place, however there are a couple of points to consider:

1. There is still a power disparity between the US and China, with the US enjoying hangover dominance from earlier years in various regions and markets. This is rapidly changing, however right now they still hold some sway. When they hold less sway, it becomes begging. See recent US-Saudi interactions for instance.

2. When marketing a product, you need to consider the demographic identity, which affects who and what you see in advertising. This is more a reflection on what the target market wants to see, as the company is making an investment to maximise sales in the target region. Re: your Tiktok ad observation, I noticed that in SG, similar ads would usually have an Asian male as the 'lead', as this reflects the demographics.

What you've pointed out is correct, however it is dependent on certain conditions on the ground which aren't going to change overnight, however they are changing. Many ads in Australia now show Asian couples / families (because we have money?), reflecting the changing demographic conditions. Your heart's in the right place, however some things just need some time.


Soft power has an influence, but it is superficial.

Chinese have always been elitists society. This superficial stuff will not be of interest for most in China.

Confucius institutes are the way to do it. Not cartoons or Zelensky comedians.

On this point, the Chinese will never change.

They are the mostly likely to be hubristic and when they are, they become blind to reality, setting the path of China back to the Qing. Being comfortable, they can afford to be defeatist, accepting the dynastic cycle of power as inevitable, instead of trying to engineer the country for eternal supremacy.


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Fun fact, a lot of Jewish people marry Asians because they share similar values
posting this again because there seems to be a glitch.

That is false. It's another white male deception. Lots of white males hate feminism, woke values, etc. White women generally avoid these losers. So, they target the the next easiest targets: self hating & white worshipping Asian women. These white losers basically exploit Asian women's self hate and white worship to get a woman who is usually above their own value level.

Now you know why these same losers attack Asian men with lies calling them misogynists, small penis, ugly, small, etc. It's to kill off the competition the same way the us regime attacks Huawei with lies to kill off competition.

The Alt-Right’s Asian Fetish - The New York Times
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Here's an extremely good overview from a hapa guy with a racist white father and a self hating Asian mother.

text link if you are not logged in i imgur com/tDYElZE.jpg

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China lodges representations with Japan over its interference of a Taiwan research vessel: Chinese FM

By Global Times Published: Oct 26, 2022 08:26 PM Updated: Oct 26, 2022 08:19 PM

The scentific research vessel, New Ocean Research 1, from National Taiwan University was interrupted by Japanese Coast Guard vessels in waters east of the island of Taiwan. Photo: CSBC Corporation, the island of Taiwan

The scentific research vessel, New Ocean Research 1, from National Taiwan University was interrupted by Japanese Coast Guard vessels in waters east of the island of Taiwan. Photo: CSBC Corporation, the island of Taiwan
China has lodged representations with Japan in response to its interference in the operation of a scientific research ship from the island of Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday, asking Japan not to obstruct Chinese ships, including those from the island, which are conducting scientific research activities in the area.

The scientific research vessel, the New Ocean Research 1, from National Taiwan University was interrupted by Japanese Coast Guard vessels in waters east of the island of Taiwan, saying that it is not allowed to conduct research in Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) without the consent from the Japanese side, reads the report from media.

The relevant waters are only 60 nautical miles away from Taiwan. "Chinese research institutions including those from the island have every right to conduct scientific research activities in the waters, and no external forces are allowed to interfere," Wang said.

He said that both China and Japan have not demarcated the waters east of the island of Taiwan, and China does not accept Japan's "EEZ" and its "exercise of jurisdiction," and has lodged formal representations with Japan on this issue.

This is not the first time that China has refuted Japan's erroneous propositions. Another Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson earlier dismissed Japan's claim that China's military exercises involved Japan's EEZ, saying China does not accept the notion of "Japanese EEZ" Since the two countries have not yet carried out maritime delimitation in waters east of the island of Taiwan.

Global Times

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