Men have soft power when they are attractive which generally means masculine.
Women have soft power when they are attractive which generally means feminine.
Products have soft power when they are viewed as high quality, attractive, safe, effective, etc.
Architecture has soft power when it is viewed as attractive.
Soft power does not understand China.
In fact, soft power, is just what American academics claim it is. It is probably not connected to reality.
That list, would be thought of very differently in China, or in the Chinese mind.
The Chinese male is ridiculed in Western society, because he is perceived as a threat, because he has a sharp mind and is good at math.
The Chinese woman is a wanted object. Not sure why, but people lust after the Chinese woman.
If products are soft power, then China is the biggest exporter of soft power in human history. There is no bigger exporter than China trading with others.
Read somewhere that China had built 27 identical replicas of the Eiffel Tower.
The point is this.
The concept of soft power from the Western academic, there is an underlying message, which is this supposed soft power is suppose to change people.
That has no relevance, or very limited relevance to China.
China's history is different. If there is something good, China takes it and adapts it, integrating it into Chinese civilization and society. It becomes Chinese.
Buddhism. There is Chinese Buddhism. There is Chinese Buddhism because it became Chinese.
Marxism. That became Marx-Engles-Lenin-Stalin-Mao Zedong thought-then-Deng get rich is glorious-Jiang-Hu-Xi thought. Marxism is Chinese now. How can it not be?
So, any soft power from the West, if China likes it, then China takes it, incorporates it, and dissolves it. The original message is lost, and the only message left is the Chinese one.
The West cannot stand that. In their attempts to influence China, it appeared they made progress with soft power, but in the end, it is everywhere in China, and no where in China, at the same time.
China built 27 identical replicas of the Eiffel Tower. Why go to gay Paris when we can go to China to see that?