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Biden is playing classic "Good cop-Bad cop" routine with Pelosi-visit to Taiwan.
  • On one hand, Biden is going to lift massive amounts of China Tariffs to fight inflation, opening himself to criticism of "weak on China" by opponents.
  • On another hand, Biden is defacto sending Pelosi, so he can claim to be "tough on China".
  • While on another hand, Biden is publicly saying the visit "not a good idea" because he has a phone call with Xi Jinping in less than 1 week to discuss relations.
So on the whole, Biden can do both (Lift Tariffs, Appear Tough via Pelosi-visit) to appear like he is "Tough Man", but in reality, he is doing "Good cop-Bad cop" routine via Pelosi-proxy for domestic audience purposes.

He can do this because he doesn’t respect China. And he doesn’t respect China because he doesn’t fear China. Same reason these western politicians all talk tough and use China was a punchline for their election campaigns.

It’s due time for a measured PLA response. Give these politicians a reality check.


Registered Member
Biden is playing classic "Good cop-Bad cop" routine with Pelosi-visit to Taiwan.
  • On one hand, Biden is going to lift massive amounts of China Tariffs to fight inflation, opening himself to criticism of "weak on China" by opponents.
  • On another hand, Biden is defacto sending Pelosi, so he can claim to be "tough on China".
  • While on another hand, Biden is publicly saying the visit "not a good idea" because he has a phone call with Xi Jinping in less than 1 week to discuss relations.
So on the whole, Biden can do both (Lift Tariffs, Appear Tough via Pelosi-visit) to appear like he is "Tough Man", but in reality, he is doing "Good cop-Bad cop" routine via Pelosi-proxy for domestic audience purposes.
But unfortunately for this current U.S. administration and or any future U.S. administrations, gone are the days where China allowed itself to be used as a political punching bag, a.k.a. as it's political monkey/clown willing to perform circus acts (just so it can bide it's time, hide your strength philosophy espoused by Deng) from these American charlatans.

China's overall national strength has increased and more importantly the people can clearly see how the country has had to endure endless humiliations, countless almost unanswered provocations from the west, led by the U.S.

But these western folks clearly are still living in denial, they still assume that the world is their oyster, and that their power hasn't diminished these last few decades from hubris and neglect. They must now wake up to uncomfortable reality that China ain't nobody's b word.


Registered Member
If Russia ban the export of titanium to Europe in response to the sanctions against VSMPO going ahead, Airbus would literally become a fish that suddenly got thrown out of the water onto dry land.

Has Russia actually banned anything for export yet? I don’t remember any. So far it seems like the West banned themselves off Russian resources and goods.


Registered Member
Biden is playing classic "Good cop-Bad cop" routine with Pelosi-visit to Taiwan.
  • On one hand, Biden is going to lift massive amounts of China Tariffs to fight inflation, opening himself to criticism of "weak on China" by opponents.
  • On another hand, Biden is defacto sending Pelosi, so he can claim to be "tough on China".
  • While on another hand, Biden is publicly saying the visit "not a good idea" because he has a phone call with Xi Jinping in less than 1 week to discuss relations.
So on the whole, Biden can do both (Lift Tariffs, Appear Tough via Pelosi-visit) to appear like he is "Tough Man", but in reality, he is doing "Good cop-Bad cop" routine via Pelosi-proxy for domestic audience purposes.
I don't think Biden is using any sort of strategy right now. It all seems rather ad hoc to me.

Pelosi isn't an independent person, she is a government official. She will only go if instructed to do so. Biden can't claim he's against her going then allow her to go.

I think the plan orchestrated by the White House was for Pelosi to visit Taiwan as another provocation. However the Pentagon advised them that it would be a bad idea, and possibly lead to war. This is advice the White House didn't expect, as the Pentagon are usually happy to enflame tensions.

After the Taiwan strait incident earlier in the month the US military realised that China is not messing around and will be quick to start a war if provoked. Given the US military currently have their hands full in the Ukraine at present, opening up a new front against China is not something they are keen on. I doubt Biden wants a war with China either, they just want to act "tough". The only question is how can they back down without looking weak. I'm sure that's what Trump will be accusing Biden of.

I don't think lifting tariffs on imports is a sign of good faith, it is an effort to curtail US inflation. I'm sure the CPC will see through that (and hopefully impose equivalent export tariffs). A gesture of good faith would be tighter control of their puppets (UK, Japan, Australia, etc), or the elimination of sanctions related to technology exports like EUV.


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Super Moderator
I don't think Biden is using any sort of strategy right now. It all seems rather ad hoc to me.

Pelosi isn't an independent person, she is a government official. She will only go if instructed to do so. Biden can't claim he's against her going then allow her to go.

I think the plan orchestrated by the White House was for Pelosi to visit Taiwan as another provocation. However the Pentagon advised them that it would be a bad idea, and possibly lead to war. This is advice the White House didn't expect, as the Pentagon are usually happy to enflame tensions.

After the Taiwan strait incident earlier in the month the US military realised that China is not messing around and will be quick to start a war if provoked. Given the US military currently have their hands full in the Ukraine at present, opening up a new front against China is not something they are keen on. I doubt Biden wants a war with China either, they just want to act "tough". The only question is how can they back down without looking weak. I'm sure that's what Trump will be accusing Biden of.

I don't think lifting tariffs on imports is a sign of good faith, it is an effort to curtail US inflation. I'm sure the CPC will see through that (and hopefully impose equivalent export tariffs). A gesture of good faith would be tighter control of their puppets (UK, Japan, Australia, etc), or the elimination of sanctions related to technology exports like EUV.

Agreed. You guys are overthinking this.



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Russia to drop out of International Space Station after 2024​

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Astronaut wannabes in the west better pick up a Chinese textbook and start learning. I want to see a humiliated USA revoke its wolf amendment and beg China for space cooperation.
I suggest the Chinese version of "The Communist Manifesto" being mandatory.


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Russia to drop out of International Space Station after 2024​

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While I don't doubt that Russia will leave the ISS, I very much doubt this:
Russia will pull out of the International Space Station after 2024 and focus on building its own orbiting outpost
The decision to leave the station after 2024 has been made,” Yuri Borisov, appointed this month to lead the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, said during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. He added: “I think that by that time we will start forming a Russian orbiting station.”