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Not to mention the US just stated they will have carrier group protecting the fighter jets escorting Pelosi and Pompous.... this is shaping up to be the showdown of the century
Carrier escort just some US media speculation, I think.
If PLAAF does intercept her plane, what’s US gonna do in the airspace so close to China’s coast, open fire first? Taiwan’s ROE may gets interpreted as even if PLAAF planes crossed into Taiwan airspace, they still can’t fire unless fired upon. Most people in Taiwan think if they fire first, then it will be the starting of the armed reunification.
Besides, they are tons of audio of Taiwan’s radar got jammed so bad on the previous cases, they can’t really do anything to direct their planes.


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I mean, only Pentagon's delusional reports say that China has just 300 nukes. And tbh, I think China's nuclear build up has been perfectly timed.

Sooner, it would had increased Western suspicions before China was ready to counter them techno-economically

Later, a belligerent US, amid heightened tensions, might had resorted to nuclear blackmail because of China's insufficient nuclear deterrence.

So all in all, perfectly timed. No complains from me on this matter, only praise

Even though I repeated the need for military spending, especially as shown from this ongoing episode, I still maintain that there is a relatively (non-zero) low chance of a war happening before 2024. After 2024 however, I personally see the chance of a war or a military crisis so serious that could lead to it, at >60%.

To sum up, I don't think this Pelosi thing will cause a war
Perhaps this "visit" will be used by Xi and the supporters of increased military budget as the final impetus to do just that. Perhaps, there are elements within the Chinese government who are still determined to do an incremental increase as to avoid further suspicion from the west, and are maybe eager on trying to normalize the relationship for better economic integration, as well as environment for China. After all, China is still very much keen on developing it's economy for obvious reasons.

However, those well-intentioned folks are going to be drowned out due to this latest stunt from crypt keeper a.k.a. Botox Barbie a.k.a. Nancy Pelosi and the vocal minority of Chinese officials wanting to raise the PLA budget would win this time around. Although, we'll find out soon enough the next round of budget announcements in China if the government has indeed taken the U.S. threat much more seriously than ever before.


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Kirby: Chinese rhetoric over potential Pelosi trip to Taiwan ‘clearly unhelpful’​

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby on Tuesday said China’s “escalatory” rhetoric ahead of a potential trip from Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to Taiwan is “clearly unhelpful and not necessary.”

Kirby told CNN’s John Berman that Pelosi has yet to formally announce a trip to Taiwan, a self-governing island nation off the coast of China, and the U.S. has not changed its policies concerning the two countries.

“That kind of rhetoric coming out of the Chinese side is clearly unhelpful and not necessary,” Kirby said. “Again, there’s been no trip announced and there’s no call for that kind of escalatory

If China didn’t response then you idiots would take it as a signal that the trip can happen and that China is too weak to response. We all know if Pelosi trip is successful then there will be many more high level visits.


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China, Indonesia deepen ties, inject stability to region, world in international landscape full of uncertainties
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Vietnam hosting US aircraft carriers is playing with fire. Even though the CPC tampers down public sentiments against Vietnam, a lot of Chinese still have recollections of the bloody war against Vietnam.
Just to make sure that this stays up, as sometimes these articles tend to get lost because face is very important in certain cultures.

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China, Indonesia deepen ties, inject stability to region, world in international landscape full of uncertainties
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Vietnam hosting US aircraft carriers is playing with fire. Even though the CPC tampers down public sentiments against Vietnam, a lot of Chinese still have recollections of the bloody war against Vietnam.
Maybe, Vietnam has been informed that if they want their companies have a chance of success and access to the American market like their Vinfast EV company, they have to allow U.S. military vessels and aircraft etc. to port, dock, land, exchange of ideas in military training/exercise. And since most of these folks want to access the most attractive market for Vietnam they would have to seriously consider such an offer. Otherwise, the notion or idea that they can or must only rely on the Chinese market would also give them a difficult bargaining position against China.

There's always an economic component into every potential military conflict, not to mention the geopolitical dynamics that are at play with Vietnam and it's relationship with China.


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Moderator - World Affairs
Biden is playing classic "Good cop-Bad cop" routine with Pelosi-visit to Taiwan.
  • On one hand, Biden is going to lift massive amounts of China Tariffs to fight inflation, opening himself to criticism of "weak on China" by opponents.
  • On another hand, Biden is defacto sending Pelosi, so he can claim to be "tough on China".
  • While on another hand, Biden is publicly saying the visit "not a good idea" because he has a phone call with Xi Jinping in less than 1 week to discuss relations.
So on the whole, Biden can do both (Lift Tariffs, Appear Tough via Pelosi-visit) to appear like he is "Tough Man", but in reality, he is doing "Good cop-Bad cop" routine via Pelosi-proxy for domestic audience purposes.


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'Mega torpedo'

What sets the Belgorod apart from any of the nuclear-powered submarines in the Russian fleet -- or indeed from any of the nuclear submarines operated anywhere in the world -- is its mission.

TASS has reported that the sub will carry the in-development Poseidon nuclear-capable torpedoes, which are being designed to be launched from hundreds of miles away and to sneak past coastal defenses by traveling along the sea floor.

"This nuclear 'mega torpedo' is unique in the history of the world," American submarine expert
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in March.

"Poseidon is a completely new category of weapon. It will reshape naval planning in both Russia and the West, leading to new requirements and new counter-weapons," Sutton wrote.

Both US and Russian officials have said the torpedoes could deliver warheads of multiple megatons, causing radioactive waves that would render swathes of the target coastline uninhabitable for decades.

In November 2020, Christopher A. Ford, then assistant secretary of state for international security and non-proliferation, said Poseidons are being designed to "inundate US coastal cities with radioactive tsunamis."

A US Congressional Research Service (CRS) report in April said Poseidons are intended as retaliatory weapons, designed to hit back at an enemy after a nuclear strike on Russia.

According to the CRS report, the Belgorod would be capable of carrying up to eight Poseidons, though some weapons experts say its payload is more likely to be six torpedoes.

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in 2019 that the Poseidon, which is expected to be 2 meters (6.5 feet) in diameter and over 20 meters (65 feet) long, "is the largest torpedo ever developed in any country."

That's "thirty times the size of a regular 'heavyweight' torpedo," Sutton wrote.