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Does it actually hurt the firms to delist? They made the money from the IPO already. They can relist and make more money elsewhere?
A few things happening here. Wall Street wants their IPO fees (of course they do), and has worked for years to delay delisting of Chinese companies through lobbying and special interest groups. Obama demanded more access to Chinese companies - nothing happened. Trump wanted more access and give China 3 years, but that was more than 4 years ago.

The real reason this is happening now is because China is taking away Wall Street's pressure of - "don't take away my listing fees"- by restricting data outflow and encouraging companies to list at home. At the same time, China is slowly liberalizing its own financial market to foreign banks. Goldman sacs is not loosing any money from lack of listing fees, they more than made up that difference by investing in China (which is exactly what China wants).

China is treating data as a matter of National security. Data is like manufacturing 20 years ago. Manufactures are encouraged to come into China, but are dissuaded from leaving. Likewise, data can come in but should not be allowed to leave or shared with foreigners (Chinese data is not going to become more transparent). If further restrictions are imposed, more Chinese companies will leave the global stock market.

Lastly, I doubt a compromised deal is going to be reached, at least not in the way that the SEC wants (Full, unrestricted access) for all of the reasons I just listed.
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PLA will not sit idly by if Pelosi visits Taiwan island, Chinese defense ministry warns; indicating PLA ‘fully prepared’ for all scenarios

Chinese Defense Ministry on Tuesday vowed that if the US insists, the Chinese military will by no means sit idly by and strong measures will be taken to thwart any external interference and "Taiwan independence" separatist attempts.

Chinese analysts said the strong warnings from the Chinese military meant that the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is well prepared for all the possible challenges if Pelosi visits the island, and they advised the PLA Rocket Force to conduct drills with new missiles targeting any possible US aircraft carriers and other large military vessels that may be involved in Pelosi's visit.
Song said he believes the Chinese military should declare the entire Taiwan island as PLA's drill zone intercepting all unauthorized planes flying in the zone if Pelosi visits the island.
Meanwhile, the PLA Rocket Force could conduct drills with new missiles targeting any possible US aircraft carriers and other large military vessels that may be involved in Pelosi's visit, Song said, noting the drills could be conducted in areas surrounding Taiwan island from the east side.

I think China expects Pelosi to be visiting, which I do expect as well tbh. Dems and the Neocons have dug themselves into a hole. It’s commit or die for them now.

"Pelosi doesn't care that she might make a big mess of US-China relations, because the executive branch and the military will be the ones forced to take the consequences and deal with the aftermath," he said.


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I think China expects Pelosi to be visiting, which I do expect as well tbh. Dems and the Neocons have dug themselves into a hole. It’s commit or die for them now.
Funny how everyone suddenly loves to invoke their military in times of need (how truly unexpected...)
Here what I said some time ago:
"Better increase your military spending so that if a war happens you could be in a strong position than not increasing military spending and get caught with your pants down".

I am sure that China would have loved to have, among many others, 5+ extra missiles factories producing ballistic missiles since 2016+. ("But will someone think of the waste!?")

I, Overbom, am available for the CPC upper echelon to hire as a consultant if they want some common sense, big-brain 200 IQ, analysis. Preferred payment currency: Xi-bucks
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Registered Member
Funny how everyone suddenly loves to invoke their military in times of need (how truly unexpected...)
Here what I said some time ago:
"Better increase your military spending so that if a war happens you could be in a strong position than not increasing military spending and get caught with your pants down".

I am sure that China would have loved to have 5+ extra missiles factories producing ballistic missiles since 2016+. ("But will someone think of the waste!?")

I, Overbom, am available for the CPC upper echelon to hire as a consultant if they want some common sense, big-brain 200 IQ, analysis. Preferred payment currency: Xi-bucks
Last year there were still folks on this forum making the arguement that 300 nukes was enough deterrence for China lmao....

Im getting the same vibes as right before the Ukraine war... you acccurately predicted that one, earlier this year I predicted the TW thing will become war too (between US, TW, China) and I recall you said it was premature.

We shall see soon enough, my bet is still August 2022
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Last year there were still folks on this forum making the arguement that 300 nukes was enough deterrence for China lmao....
I mean, only Pentagon's delusional reports say that China has just 300 nukes. And tbh, I think China's nuclear build up has been perfectly timed.

Sooner, it would had increased Western suspicions before China was ready to counter them techno-economically

Later, a belligerent US, amid heightened tensions, might had resorted to nuclear blackmail because of China's insufficient nuclear deterrence.

So all in all, perfectly timed. No complains from me on this matter, only praise

earlier this year I predicted the TW thing will become war too (between US, TW, China) and I recall you said it was premature.
Even though I repeated the need for military spending, especially as shown from this ongoing episode, I still maintain that there is a relatively (non-zero) low chance of a war happening before 2024. After 2024 however, I personally see the chance of a war or a military crisis so serious that could lead to it, at >60%.

To sum up, I don't think this Pelosi thing will cause a war