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You have to wonder what kind of society the US is becoming.

Syria will become a completed failed country with no hope whatsoever from a failed country. It's hard to predict who will benefit from such a failed state. BTW, it seems that all the US and the West can do nowadays is to make countries fail.

Noah Smith is at it again.
This remind me of something, the US in its entire history has never been both poor and divided have they. They fought civil war but was wealthy realitive to Europe because of surplus of land in an agrian economy, they were somewhat poor during the Great Depression but still arguable least poor relative to rest of the world, and was able to launch socialist New Deal to fix it. Even in the 70s with civil rights, Vietnam and oil shock, they were still more well off than everyone else

The current situation where people cant afford healthcare, housing or some even basic life necessities, has a political envrioment thats basically a cold civil war, and has no industry to retain or create real wealth is new.

Trump won because hes populist against a corrupt establishment that told people its just vibes , but hes a billionare who surronded himself with billionares, if he fails to turn things around, and his tariff certainly wont help, and he has no chance of reindustralizing America, the good will can only last so long before pre 2020 attitude pops back up.

US is entering uncharted waters as a nation, maybe people are discounting certain possibilities without asking if the conditions to discount them still exist


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There must of been false confidence planted because he was so confident that he took his entire family on a trip to China. This is similar to the page plants and Hezbollah leadership quick annihilation. It was planted that Hezbollah was powerful yada yada ....

In the context of China , easy confidence could also lead to easy fall. I take all these US wargames that they/taiwan will quickly lose for a grain of salt.
Completely agree about not taking war games seriously and to not be overconfident. However these situations are not really connected besides don’t overestimate yourself.

Let’s be real, we have a bunch of anti-imperialists fantasizing about capabilities that certain actors just don’t have. Anyone serious can see why they were wrong even though Israel’s military performance is also kind of bad considering they are having quite a bit of trouble against non state actors backed by a fraudulent regional power which helped create the illusion. It should not take that long even against guerilla warfare because look at who’s supplying the weapons and training vs historical guerilla warfare success.

Hezbollah in particular is not an actual state actor and Lebanon is extremely poor anyways even if they were. Large parts of Syria are not under the control of the state as well. They are not full state actors and have none of the relevant benefits that come with being one. They can’t produce weapons nor do they have any way of even buying them. The fact that Israel is underperforming so hard is kind of incredible because they have a solid economy with some real production and a blank check from the US. Even then, Hezbollah with a decapitated leadership still matched up well on the military side.


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Moving on, Syria from Homs up is under HTS and Turkish proxy control, and Damascus will almost certainly fall to the "Southern Operations Room" of factions from the less Islamist Southern Front, which apparently were left completely intact when they formed a truce with the government a few years ago and now switched sides again. Difficult to imagine the latter, especially the Druze forces in the southern mountains, accepting the authority of HTS (or HTS leading democratic elections while cracking down on dissent just moments ago! Shocking how easily propagandists reminding you of Ba'ath atrocities can't seem to remember al-Nusra's, or bizarrely taking the "we've changed!" pleas at face value) The Revolutionary Commando Army under US protection at Tanf is also seizing Palmyra and the border, and I am assuming that they are the same group that has appeared north and northeast of Damascus.

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and again, the SAA retreating without fighting from Homs

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and Hezbollah also retreating to Lebanon

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while the Ba'ath leaders fleeing from Homs to the Alawite coast, which they should have done from the beginning.

That leaves us with a 4-way division of a second civil war, one in each cardinal direction: Alawite Arabs, Sunni Syrian Arabs, Kurds, and foreign Sunnis. The first may not exist for long, either politically or ethnically, a fate that no group in Syria had to contemplate before now. The Arab Winter marches on.


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I said it before already. This time China will hit back much harder than previously. If Trump and his Deep state stooges think they are ready to bring the fight to China, they are deeply mistaken.

You remember all these years when people where saying why China wasn't reacting or doing serious countermeasures bla bla.
All along, Xi has been saving up ammo and power to go for a decisive 2nd round. Trade War 1 situation where it was caught unprepared and not ready due to lack of national comprehensive power will never happen again.

Trump and his ilk, and the whole America in fact, are in for a treat if Trump insists on another trade war
Just thinking-this recent rare earths/strategic minerals ban IS a very telling blow,not a loud,ostentatious blow-hard wild swinging fist that is easily and readily blocked-BUT a careful surgical deadly strike Dim Mak style to a nerve cluster or the jugular/carotid blood vessel that can cripple or kill.The last 2 yearsof Ukr/ME conflicts have seen the depletion of USA/NATO war stocks and I truly believe that their minerals /rare earths stockpile is almost depleted for making more advanced munitions/tech devices hence the panic and outrage at being banned by the Chinese(how dare they!!)
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Ah yes, yet another "Chinese/Asians look all the same" trope.

View attachment 140537

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What Chinese EV companies came up with are leagues ahead of whatever woke sh1t Jaguar is having:

View attachment 140538
I wonder if there is a subtle racist overtone to the whine"but they all look alike" in connection to the Chinese EV's and of course to the Chinese themselves.Ironic but not surprising from this self-hating half breed hanjian(junior Gordon Chang)


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Moving on, Syria from Homs up is under HTS and Turkish proxy control, and Damascus will almost certainly fall to the "Southern Operations Room" of factions from the less Islamist Southern Front, which apparently were left completely intact when they formed a truce with the government a few years ago and now switched sides again. Difficult to imagine the latter, especially the Druze forces in the southern mountains, accepting the authority of HTS (or HTS leading democratic elections while cracking down on dissent just moments ago! Shocking how easily propagandists reminding you of Ba'ath atrocities can't seem to remember al-Nusra's, or bizarrely taking the "we've changed!" pleas at face value) The Revolutionary Commando Army under US protection at Tanf is also seizing Palmyra and the border, and I am assuming that they are the same group that has appeared north and northeast of Damascus.

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and again, the SAA retreating without fighting from Homs

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and Hezbollah also retreating to Lebanon

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while the Ba'ath leaders fleeing from Homs to the Alawite coast, which they should have done from the beginning.

That leaves us with a 4-way division of a second civil war, one in each cardinal direction: Alawite Arabs, Sunni Syrian Arabs, Kurds, and foreign Sunnis. The first may not exist for long, either politically or ethnically, a fate that no group in Syria had to contemplate before now. The Arab Winter marches on.
The proper thing to do now is to get behind the mountains and consolidate around the coast. Alawite demographics and favorable terrain as well resupply from the sea should allow their survival for sometime.

The future is looking to be same as Libya: fractured and competing governments. The Arab Republic can survive around the coast and perhaps offer a secular alternative to the armies of Islamists and Salafists that will now push against each other. Political rectification is necessary to facilitate effective leadership.
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Registered Member
BTW does anyone know if europe is backing HTS because they want to deport Syrian refugees? I doubt the refugees want to return to a Libya 2.0 though.


Junior Member
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I wonder if there is a subtle racist overtone to the whine"but they all look alike" in connection to the Chinese EV's and of course to the Chinese themselves.Ironic but not surprising from this self-hating half breed hanjian(junior Gordon Chang)
With no hint of irony at the fact that everyone in the US buys one model: Tesla M3, and one phone: iPhone.