This remind me of something, the US in its entire history has never been both poor and divided have they. They fought civil war but was wealthy realitive to Europe because of surplus of land in an agrian economy, they were somewhat poor during the Great Depression but still arguable least poor relative to rest of the world, and was able to launch socialist New Deal to fix it. Even in the 70s with civil rights, Vietnam and oil shock, they were still more well off than everyone elseYou have to wonder what kind of society the US is becoming.
Syria will become a completed failed country with no hope whatsoever from a failed country. It's hard to predict who will benefit from such a failed state. BTW, it seems that all the US and the West can do nowadays is to make countries fail.
Noah Smith is at it again.
The current situation where people cant afford healthcare, housing or some even basic life necessities, has a political envrioment thats basically a cold civil war, and has no industry to retain or create real wealth is new.
Trump won because hes populist against a corrupt establishment that told people its just vibes , but hes a billionare who surronded himself with billionares, if he fails to turn things around, and his tariff certainly wont help, and he has no chance of reindustralizing America, the good will can only last so long before pre 2020 attitude pops back up.
US is entering uncharted waters as a nation, maybe people are discounting certain possibilities without asking if the conditions to discount them still exist