Takfiris have reached the outskirts of Palmyra on motorbikes. Again, the SAA didn't bother to fight them.
In the past, Palmyra had been liberated twice with the help of Hezbollah and Wagner. It appears that there won't be a third liberation. If Syria won't fight for it's self, then nobody else is gonna fight for Syria again. Even if Assad still have loyalists, how much hope do they have left, after watching the nation so many people fought and died for just crumble in days.
I'm starting to believe that the SAA had chosen to turn on Assad. They would rather defect and surrender than to stand and fight for Syria. All those rumours of a military power struggle behind the scenes are starting to ring true.
Why is Assad not coming out to address the nation and rally his troops at this very crucial period? Has he been couped already?