Re: Malaysia Airlines Plane is Missing
I already knew this by logic but Bob Baer, a staunch anti-China hand and former CIA agent, says he's not surprised by the time lag of the Chinese releasing these satellite images. He's say these kind of images are first stored on a hard drive before someone even looks at it and then it could take days even weeks to examine images and make a determined conclusion.
Like I said It's a process, Movies and TV like to make it quick that satellites give instant real time eye of God Omnipotence. It's Total BULL!
It takes time. People have to be exacting remember nothing man made on earth is actually clearly visible on earth. Even the Great Wall.
The Satellite has to take the photos, has to send those photos back to earth, For the US a easy task for China it likely has a delay until it gets over a Chinese Receiver.
The photos have to be looked over by people with experience looking at such. these people are a relative small number and compartmentalized. They may have a back load of days to weeks of photos to go over as well.
These people are basically looking for a needle in a hay stack. confirmed by other of the same skill set looking at the photos. the fact it was spotted this quick is a Miracle. but then the processes would have to continue. the Photos released are likely lower grade then the originals, that's standard for east and west.
the next step is getting some one to the site and confirming what this is. is it the plane or is it some third world refugee boat that sank or a clump of garbage. if it's the plane then recovery can start.