Lessons for China to learn from Ukraine conflict for Taiwan scenario

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Junior Member
China cannot compete with America in an information war globally. English is the lingua franca and as Emil Cioran once said, "it is no nation we inhabit, but a language." Language is the very lens through that people see and understand things, it is through it that we can transmit and receive information between one another and America stands on the very leylines of the global conversation.

China recognizes this and that is why Pinyin is being standardized across the country because it solidifies a single Chinese identity. China has to be patient and teach it to as many people as possible in its Confucius Institutes around the world until it becomes the dominant language like it once was in Asia. It simply is something that cannot be accomplished overnight and it took the British and the Americans hundreds of years of supremacy to cement English's dominance as the lingua franca. The best China can do is insulate itself from much of the bullshit being spewed up by the West and be truthful and insightful with its news and propaganda and watch and wait as West's lies catch up to it and lose all credibility. In fact, I'd argue it's happening already as some of the biggest critics of American news and media are Americans themselves.
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For a starter, get the world to understand a unbiased version of Taiwan from the era before Ming dynasty to present day.

Recent history of the occupation of Taiwan by Imperial Japan from Qing dynasty China to retreat of KMT to Taiwan during Chinese civil war are important history. Many non-Chinese and even young generation Taiwanese are not awared of such history.

Taiwanese Youtuber Hanguoren 寒国人 made many street interviews with Taiwanese youth, and exposed wide spread ignorance like "Where do you think your ancestors came from?", and many young Taiwanese replied with "We are descended from Japan/Korea/Taiwan Aborigines/don't know, and most absurd, Dutch", they practically denied their forefathers are from Mainland China because of biased school textbooks in Taiwan schools. And there are many more absurd answers to other questionares during the street interviews.

When the unification war break out, such group of ignorant Taiwanese can be a hindrance to smooth normalization of the island after the war. They will remain a possible force to sabotage re-building of the island.

Chinese information war should aimed at Taiwanese as well as foreigners to understand history of Taiwan and mainland China.
I think its unrealistic to win the hearts and minds of the Taiwanese, let alone the West, so might as well go all out and resolve any problem there and then. No point fighting an information war on other people's platforms. China has some unique advantages so might as well stick to what you are good at and use it.
Depending on the degree of damage from the war, it would be just as easy to temporarily relocate (provide government housing) some or most of the residents to various other provinces and send in fresh blood for reconstruction. You can't make people like you overnight, but you can make them irrelevant in the theatre. It'll also help with maintaining order and prevent any kind of supposed guerilla attacks on the island itself. You could provide subsidies for job trainings etc for them and get them all registered to the Hukou system and live within the existing Chinese system. Most people just want to get on with their lives in peace and as long as it isn't too far different from what they had, or even slightly better, they will windge but live with it. The noisier ones can get picked off easily since they will be a minority in a foreign location.
Once everything is settled and civilian infrastructure repaired, just lift the travel ban and let people do their thing, if they want to come home they could, but they'll have to compete with others for the repaired real estate in Taiwan.
Whatever the foreigners think, they'll just have to cry about it.


WE should study and understand why a numerically inferior and resouce poor PLA could win the Chinese civil war. In 1947, PLA was a much smaller force than KMT, they won the heart and mind of the people, expanded their forces to be numerically superior to KMT and logistically supported by the common people.

And most important they are volunteer forces both the army and the people's support. These are the key factors why the conscribed KMT forces were beaten so badly. Another important factor is that KMT lost support of the people.

A people's army shall have support of the people. A time tested doctrine of PLA. It shall be no difference in Taiwan campaign. Ultimately the people makes the difference. Never underestimate the war on winning the heart and mind of the people.

I know many members would prefer brute force rather than employing both hard and soft power of PLA. Feel free to disagree. Not going to argue more.


Senior Member
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Western sanctions towards China will not just be about freezing offshore treasuries, and other run of the mill actions everyone is expecting. It will likely involve nationalizing ports, companies, and other physical assets owned by Chinese companies overseas. Decades of investments can be seized.


Senior Member
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Western sanctions towards China will not just be about freezing offshore treasuries, and other run of the mill actions everyone is expecting. It will likely involve nationalizing ports, companies, and other physical assets owned by Chinese companies overseas. Decades of investments can be seized.
There is more western FDI in China than vice versa, go ahead

Jingle Bells

Junior Member
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Western sanctions towards China will not just be about freezing offshore treasuries, and other run of the mill actions everyone is expecting. It will likely involve nationalizing ports, companies, and other physical assets owned by Chinese companies overseas. Decades of investments can be seized.
That is to be expected, I don't see how this is some shocking new revelation.
Are you fear mongering?


Junior Member
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Western sanctions towards China will not just be about freezing offshore treasuries, and other run of the mill actions everyone is expecting. It will likely involve nationalizing ports, companies, and other physical assets owned by Chinese companies overseas. Decades of investments can be seized.
If China comes out of the fight with majority of PLAN relatively intact, how many of those countries would follow through with those seizures? What if the economy and PLAN size from 2025? 2035, how many countries would follow through? (I am looking at you ScoMo if you would like to set an example)

Isn't the whole point of biding its time to grow the comprehensive national strength so it could stare down any threat?
不战而屈人之兵, have to be backed up with raw strength first. When China picks its time and not been forced its hand, it will be because these conditions are met. I think everyone knows this.


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... easy to temporarily relocate (provide government housing) some or most of the residents to various other provinces and send in fresh blood for reconstruction...
i think relocation by force of an indigenous people away from their homes is an act of genocide...makes what's happening in Xinjiang child's play...on the other hand, since CCP will probably get the Russian sanction special combo Pro Max Plus, they probably wouldn't care about more western condemnations.

imo the best way to keep the "peace" after the invasion is to add more riot police.
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