with that attitude, forget about AR.
No AR implies you are ready to accept what the Taiwanese want which is formal independence.
With that you better come to terms with the fact that US and its vassals will continue to contain China by using Taiwan's strategic location within the 1st Island Chain.
We can't have it both ways, 23 millions people fucked for a short term or 1.4 billion fucked living like second class citizens under Uncle Sam's watch. This decade is an inflection point. Either China successfully breaks out of US strategic containment or we cope with it due to our cowardice and inability to spill "Chinese blood". The same "Chinese" who at a whim would rather see Japan + US fuck over 1.4 billion of us.
They are not our people. They may look like us, talk like us and eat the same food. But 70 years is a long time for the national psyche to change. Look at what 99 years did to the Hongkongers.
I've been fortunate enough to have lived the majority of my life in the west. Most of my closest friends have Taiwan and Hongkong roots. And trust me they do not see themselves as Chinese. So we should accept this and stop pretending. It only took 23 years for Ukrainians to reject all that is Soviet about them. Time has a unique ability to change people's perspective. However most of Chinese people seem to be stuck in the 1970s and it's our propaganda that will preventing us from acting decisively if it comes to a shooting war.
This type of thinking is way way outdated. 30 years ago, the issue of Taiwan really was about the right of self determination. Today, Taiwan is more about competition between competing superpowers than anything else. But for practical purposes, the island's geographic location is secondary to the economic arena. There will be no quicker way to turn the entire the world (including France, Germany, etc) against the US, Japan, Great Britain, and maybe South Korea, than if the 1st Island Chain were to be 'activated' to choke China's trade off with the rest of the world.
Fortunately, we are merely years away (2030) before the attention of humanity will turn to the moon, where the real competition for leadership of mankind in the 21st century will turn towards.