J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VIII


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So progressive that the PLAAF is all for pride month.

Also do we know location of photo?


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what’s the safest numbers in term of J20, where PLAAF feel comfortable to confront
surrounding of F35 circling China including couple of USA marine core too, 450/550?
thank you


Junior Member
Registered Member
what’s the safest numbers in term of J20, where PLAAF feel comfortable to confront
surrounding of F35 circling China including couple of USA marine core too, 450/550?
thank you
The PLARF means the PLAAF won't have to confront enemy fighters 1 to 1, not even close.


Junior Member
Registered Member
what’s the safest numbers in term of J20, where PLAAF feel comfortable to confront
surrounding of F35 circling China including couple of USA marine core too, 450/550?
thank you

Experts have called F-35 a fat turkey. When J-20 and F-35 fight, it will no longer be a long range BVR fight due to stealth from both sides. This is where J-20 advantages will be obvious. Its delta Canard design is significantly more manuverable than F-35. Delta Canard design is also better in terms of supersonic manuverablity. So, it can evade BVR missiles better. Being better at manuverability is not just about winning dogfights. Its also about evading BVR missiles. Modern BVR battles are all about firing your missiles and then using manuverability to evade your opponents missiles. This is where J-20 will have the advantage.

J-20 is also significantly bigger, which means it will have a bigger Radar. It will have bigger ECM capability. That means it can detect F-35 much earlier. J-20 also has a much bigger missile in the PL-15, which means it can carry more fuel and thus have bigger range or bigger no escape zone. J-20 also has DAS and IRST, so it can detect F-35 without using Radar.

I think F-35 has absolutely no chance against the J-20. Its a simply handicapped design due to its original mission which was being a second rate fighter bomber. When US designed the F-35, they didn't even think China could be a peer opponent. So, they designed a compromised design focusing on cost reduction. That has made F-35 a terrible Air superiority fighter. F-35 was never designed to be a top line fighter. The top line fighter for US is F-22. But its now terribly outdated. They might be able to upgrade it somehow. But 150 F-22 will do nothing against 1000 J-20 that will be online by 2030.
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Lieutenant General
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…They might be able to upgrade it somehow. But 150 F-22 will do nothing against 1000 J-20 that will be online by 2030.

calm down, no-one reasonable thinks the J-20 is bad or weak but please do not underestimate the F-22, the overall USAF joint/net-working capabilities - it will never be a 1 vs 1 of both fighters - and even more there won‘t be 1000 J-20 by 2030!