Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Do limited damage? Israel bypassed layers of Iranian air defense and delivered precision strikes on their missile facilities, hampering their production. What makes you think Iran is capable of hitting Israeli semiconductor fabs?

Precisely, how is Iran exactly stronger after October 7th?

If Iran's missile barrage was meant to show their retaliation capability the Israelis obviously didn't get the memo since their retaliation actually destroyed tangible targets in Iran. The ball was then in Iran's court to retaliate, but as nothing has happened since then, they proved they have no deterrent capabilities against Israel. Which is no wonder why both Israel and America are talking so brazenly and openly about striking Iranian nuclear facilities.

Not even in the same ballpark. Afghanistan was an imperial side project for America at best, rather than a core interest. Losing the Axis of Resistance is to Iran what losing South Korea and Japan would be to America, or for that matter what losing the Eastern Bloc was to the Soviet Union. A massive blow to their power projection capabilities and a signal that their days of being a relevant power were gone.

Agree with statement that Iran's need to start building nukes, because from where they stand, that's the only guarantee they have in terms of survival in the face of Israel and America since all their other options are now gone.
You're right, the axis of resistance is not a deterrent anymore. But the damage to Iran itself has been very limited. Iran itself is not weakened but has used the time to further develop its space and nuclear technology and finally received the Su35.

Looking at the performance of Assad, is it really a loss to lose him? Iran already has an opium problem from Afghanistan, there's no need to add a captagon problem from Syria. Syria did nothing to protect Iran and is just a continuous drain of resources. If Syria had become more Shia, it might have become a better ally.

Iran has lost some ability to project power through proxies in Mediterranean west Asia. But that also makes Iran less important to Israel. It certainly doesn't make Iran more vulnerable. Iran was also once involved in the war in Bosnia. That was also a waste of resources for the sake of ideology.