ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)


last economic report i saw today was talking about a strong Us Dollar.
but Economics are not the subject of our intrest

So sad. That should be the first priority. A health US dollar, and economy, will make a healthy world economy. What did Reagan say? A rising tide raises all the ship?

Any Idea, or word, about how much this “campaign” will cost the U.S.? Air Strikes and guided munitions are not inexpensive.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Saudi pilots carry out attacks against "Daesh" in Syria

September 23, 2014 - Saudi pilots returned to their base unharmed after they fulfilled their duty in directing successful and effective attacks against "Daash" in Syria. The Muslim scholars emphasized the corruption of the ideas and actions of the organization "Daash" and stressed that it harms the image of Islam. His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense said that his sons pilots have their duty towards their religion and their homeland, emphasizing pride in their professionalism and their courage to stand up against those who distort the purity of Islam. (SPA)







Junior Member
The Dutch are also considering deploying F-16s to combat ISIS/ISIL. Right now, the parliament is discussing this deployment. A decision is expected to be made later this day. One of the issues that need to be overcome are the legal questions with regards to using military force in a soevereign state with or without a mandate of the UN.

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The Dutch have decided to participate in the combat against ISIS/ISIL with 8 F-16s, 2 of which will be sent as a back-up. The deployment will last for one year. The preparations will start tomorrow, which will lead to the actual deployment next week. Additionally, the Dutch will also send people to train Kurdish and Iraqi soldiers. The Dutch will be only active in Iraq.

Belgium will deploy F-16s to Iraq for one month and after evaluation it may decide on a possible extension of the mission. No ground troops will be sent.
Source in Dutch:
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

I don't get the use of cruise missiles in the strike. Why use expensive cruise missiles instead of GPS guided bombs? Syria is not gonna shoot the planes down

Why? Well because the whole point is to hit someone without getting hit back

A fighter aircraft with a pilot inside is a risk and if one goes down you need recuse helos on stand by and a whole load of other logistics

Cruise missiles are stand off weapons to hit deep inside a territory without having to risk aircraft

Western Syria has a dense anti aircraft missiles cover with Tor and Pantsir systems both pretty good systems


Tyrant King
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

Why? Well because the whole point is to hit someone without getting hit back

A fighter aircraft with a pilot inside is a risk and if one goes down you need recuse helos on stand by and a whole load of other logistics

Cruise missiles are stand off weapons to hit deep inside a territory without having to risk aircraft

Western Syria has a dense anti aircraft missiles cover with Tor and Pantsir systems both pretty good systems

Add to that that the cost of a tomahawk launch vs the cost of a F22A with bombs even old school dumb bombs is probably about equal considering fuel, armaments, maintenance, mission support and pilot.


Senior Member
What the hell....

The Islamic State overran an Iraqi military base in Saqlawiya in Anbar province. The extent of Iraqi casualties is unclear; upwards of 800 soldiers are said to have been killed or captured during the opening suicide attack, the storming of the base, and while retreating. An estimated 200 soldiers are said to have escaped. Two army officers were relieved of command after the attack.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

They were earlier a part of Al Nusrah which received training by CIA in Jordan.
Perhaps some individuals members of ISIS were earlier members of Al Nusrah....that type of indiviudal movement is true of almost any rebeliion. But ISIS did not orgiginate as an organization from Al Nusrah.

It is well documented that ISIS orginated from Al Queda Iraq, which was defeated and driven out of Iraq by the US and Sunni Tribe forces after the surge.

That is the organization that was the genesis of ISIS, and the US never supported either one.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

You know. . John McCain were pals with ISIS, visited them with well received tours of the front too.. There are news videos and pics to show. Just a few days ago, he was even on live news angrily telling Ron Paul whether he had met any ISIS, he has. Don't tell me he went there for vacation while holding official US government position.
This is just more Bravo Sierra. John McCain has never supported ISIS in the least.

Was he photographed while in Syria seeking to aid the Free Syrians and/or other moderates with people who ulitmatley became a part of ISIS? Probably so. But that does not mean in the least that he supported "ISIS." That is pure liberal/leftist spin and propoganda.

What did happen is that his handlers did not vet everyone seen with him completely or properly. He was there seeking to get aid for the Free Syrians and other moderates, not for ISIS. Anyone saying that he was supporting ISIS is either buying the spin, or not being truthful.
Saudi pilots carry out attacks against "Daesh" in Syria

This is more like it in terms of appropriate behavior for the Saudis and other Sunni states which have been sponsoring the likes of IS. I wonder how much pressure the US had to put on them before they were willing to turn on their out-of-control proxies.