ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)


As for the cost of the current war in Iraq and Syria. We don't know for sure how much it costs because the US government is refusing to answer questions about the costs of this new war. There was talk that the war cost about 7,5 million dollars a day. But that was before the current escalation. It seems that Obama is escalating this war by a thousand slices. At the middle of june there were 300 advisors send to Baghdad and now more than 3 months later they are bombing Syria. We know that they are dipping in to the 85 billion dollars overseas contingency funds. The US government hasn't ask for any new money from congress except for funds to train and arm the new 5000 man strong moderate army that is going to be trained in Saudi Arabia. You can be sure that countries in the coalition like Qatar, UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia will also be helping to pay part of the costs.

I don't know how accurate this source is but there is a war cost counter online that tracks all the war costs and put them into a clock. See link below

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This maybe off topic but they also have a homeland security cost counter if your are interested.

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Tyrant King
'Big Red One' HQ will deploy to Iraq
Sep. 25, 2014 - 12:14PM |

By Michelle Tan
Staff report

The Big Red One, of Fort Riley, Kansas, will be the first division headquarters to go to Iraq since the U.S. withdrawal in 2011.

About 500 soldiers will deploy in late October to the Central Command area of operations, Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby said Thursday in a briefing with reporters.

About 200 of those soldiers will be in Iraq as part of the 475-troop increase announced Sept. 10 by President Obama, Kirby said.

Of that group, 138 will be in the Baghdad joint operations center, 68 in Irbil, and 10 at the Ministry of Defense in Baghdad, he said.

“They will have command and control of ongoing advise and assist efforts in support of Iraqi and Peshmerga forces, and continue to help us all degrade and destroy [the Islamic State],” Kirby said.

The remaining 300 soldiers from 1st Infantry Division headquarters will be based in the CENTCOM AOR; Kirby would not specify where they will be stationed. These soldiers will support the rest of the headquarters element, “but right now there’s no plan to put them inside Iraq,” Kirby said.

The deployment of the 1st Infantry Division soldiers will increase the U.S.’ capacity to target the Islamic State and coordinate the activities of the U.S. military across Iraq, according to a news release from the division.

“As brave, responsible and on-point soldiers in the ‘Big Red One,’ we stand ready to deploy anywhere in the world to protect the United States of America, her citizens and her allies,” said Maj. Gen. Paul Funk, the division commander, in a statement. “We are ready for anything because we know we have the nation behind us.”

The soldiers are preparing for a one-year mission, according to the division.

The division headquarters will join its 1st Brigade Combat Team in the region; the brigade deployed to Kuwait in June as part of the regular rotation of forces there. The brigade serves as Army Central’s contingency response force, a long-standing capability for the volatile region. So far, the brigade has not been tasked for the fight in Iraq and leaders have said this is not the start of a new ground combat mission.

In Iraq, the 1st Infantry Division headquarters is expected to be responsible for coordinating the efforts of the 1,600 troops President Obama has already sent there. Many of these troops are advising and assisting the Iraqi Security Forces, others are providing extra security, while others are providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities.

The headquarters also will head up the joint operations center that since July has been run by Maj. Gen. Dana Pittard, the deputy commanding general for operations for U.S. Army Central. The 1st Infantry Division soldiers will replace troops who have been in Iraq since June, according to information from the division.

The 1st Infantry Division headquarters last deployed to Iraq in January 2010, where it served for 12 months in Basra as the headquarters element for U.S. Division-South.

The division headquarters next deployed to Afghanistan in April 2012. During that tour, the headquarters assumed authority of Regional Command-East and was responsible for operations throughout 14 provinces in eastern Afghanistan. At the time, the division was led by then-Maj. Gen. William Mayville, who is now a three-star and director of operations for the Joint Staff.

Today, the 1st Infantry Division is led by Funk, an armor officer who is a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In recent months, the division has remained busy even as it has been downsizing as part of the service’s ongoing drawdown.

The division’s 2nd Brigade Combat Team was the first brigade to be aligned with a geographic combatant command under the Army’s regionally aligned forces concept. The 2nd BCT was aligned with Africa Command and spent more than a year sending small groups of soldiers to AFRICOM’s area of operations for military-to-military engagements, exercises and other theater security cooperation activities as needed by the AFRICOM commander.

The brigade recently handed off the mission to the division’s 4th BCT.

Meanwhile, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Knox, Kentucky, was inactivated this summer, and the division’s 1st BCT remains in Kuwait for its nine-month tour.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno recently discussed the importance of the service’s two-star division headquarters.

“The complexity of the environment that we have to operate in now, and probably the next 10 to 15 to 20 years, we need these headquarters,” he said. “If you ask me one of the stress points in the Army, it’s our headquarters.”

The Army has 10 division headquarters, including two in Afghanistan and one in Korea.

On Monday night, the U.S. mounted its first airstrikes in Syria, targeting the Islamic State and also the Khorasan group, a little known terrorist cell.

Monday night’s massive air assault hitting 22 targets across Syria was a historic operation that signals a new expansion of a war that is likely to last for years.

U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps aircraft dropped precision-guided missiles on two separate and distinct extremists groups, targeting command-and-control headquarters, barracks, training camps logistical nodes and other sites, defense officials said.

“You are seeing the beginning of a sustained campaign,” Mayville, in his capacity as the Joint Staff’s director of operations, told Pentagon reporters Tuesday.

Staff writer Andrew Tilghman contributed to this report.
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Dear ladies and gents,

From now on I will refer to the IS as "orcs". In Lord of the Rings or wherever, orcs are ugly, nonhuman, and barbaric.

Just an example of what I mean:


Anyway, it's good to see even the Arab states are involved in exterminating the orcs.

I've also read a news report where they interviewed an IS-escapee (he was tricked into the IS camp when he's originally looking to join the FSA) and he provided a lot of details of what the IS is all about. When I find it I will share it with you guys here.
I take offense at your racist attitude toward orcs.

Lok'tar Ogar! For the Horde!!!

Actually if only the fictional orcs fight their real-life counterparts. That will be the most enjoyable thing ever.

Oh and R.I.P to this French hostage. It's completely sad this man was captured in a country outside of the orc-zone, but this shows why IS must be destroyed.

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Senior Member
Dear ladies and gents,

From now on I will refer to the IS as "orcs". In Lord of the Rings or wherever, orcs are ugly, nonhuman, and barbaric.

Just an example of what I mean:

Anyway, it's good to see even the Arab states are involved in exterminating the orcs.

I've also read a news report where they interviewed an IS-escapee (he was tricked into the IS camp when he's originally looking to join the FSA) and he provided a lot of details of what the IS is all about. When I find it I will share it with you guys here.

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I highly suggest this movie. The director did a lot of research on what kind of people become jihadist. Some are stupid, some are too idealistic for this world, some are a**holes who definitely need to be killed, but all are very much human.


Senior Member
September 25th, 2014, 4:50, two French Rafale take off under the rising sun to make a bombing mission over Iraq.
During this flight, the Rafale destroyed four warehouses containing military equipment used by Daesh in the western Baghdad area, near Fallujah

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The take of Peter Van Buren on the war in Iraq, Syria:
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Apocalypse Now, Iraq edition
By Peter Van Buren

I wanted to offer a wry chuckle before we headed into the heavy stuff about Iraq, so I tried to start this article with a suitably ironic formulation. You know, a deja-vu-all-over-again kinda thing. I even thought about telling you how, in 2011, I contacted a noted author to blurb my book, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, and he presciently declined, saying sardonically, "So you're gonna be the one to write the last book on failure in Iraq?"

I couldn't do any of that. As someone who cares deeply about this country, I find it beyond belief that Washington has again plunged into the swamp of the Sunni-Shia mess in Iraq. A young soldier now deployed as one of the 1,600 non-boots-on-the-ground there might have been eight years old when the 2003 invasion took place. He probably had to ask his dad about it. After all, less than three years ago, when dad finally came home with his head "held high," President Obama assured Americans that "we're leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq." So what happened in the blink of an eye?

The sons of Iraq

Sometimes, when I turn on the TV these days, the sense of seeing once again places in Iraq I'd been overwhelms me. After 22 years as a diplomat with the Department of State, I spent 12 long months in Iraq in 2009-2010 as part of the American occupation. My role was to lead two teams in "reconstructing" the nation. In practice, that meant paying for schools that would never be completed, setting up pastry shops on streets without water or electricity, and conducting endless propaganda events on Washington-generated themes of the week ("small business," "women's empowerment," "democracy building.")

We even organized awkward soccer matches, where American taxpayer money was used to coerce reluctant Sunni teams into facing off against hesitant Shia ones in hopes that, somehow, the chaos created by the American invasion could be ameliorated on the playing field. In an afternoon, we definitively failed to reconcile the millennium-old Sunni-Shia divide we had sparked into ethnic-cleansing-style life in 2003-2004, even if the score was carefully stage managed into a tie by the 82nd Airborne soldiers with whom I worked.

In 2006, the US brokered the ascension to power of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a Shia politician handpicked to unite Iraq. A bright, shining lie of a plan soon followed. Applying vast amounts of money, Washington's emissaries created the Sahwa, or Sons of Iraq, a loose grouping of Sunnis anointed as "moderates" who agreed to temporarily stop killing in return for a promised place at the table in the New(er) Iraq. The "political space" for this was to be created by a massive escalation of the American military effort, which gained a particularly marketable name: the surge.

I was charged with meeting the Sahwa leaders in my area. My job back then was to try to persuade them to stay on board just a little longer, even as they came to realize that they'd been had. Maliki's Shia government in Baghdad, which was already ignoring American entreaties to be inclusive, was hell-bent on ensuring that there would be no Sunni "sons" in its Iraq.

False alliances and double-crosses were not unfamiliar to the Sunni warlords I engaged with. Often, our talk - over endless tiny glasses of sweet, sweet tea stirred with white-hot metal spoons - shifted from the Shia and the Americans to their great-grandfathers' struggle against the British. Revenge unfolds over generations, they assured me, and memories are long in the Middle East, they warned.

When I left in 2010, the year before the American military finally departed, the truth on the ground should have been clear enough to anyone with the vision to take it in. Iraq had already been tacitly divided into feuding state-lets controlled by Sunnis, Shias, and Kurds. The Baghdad government had turned into a typical, gleeful third-world kleptocracy fueled by American money, but with a particularly nasty twist: they were also a group of autocrats dedicated to persecuting, marginalizing, degrading, and perhaps one day destroying the country's Sunni minority.

US influence was fading fast, leaving the State Department, a small military contingent, various spooks, and contractors hidden behind the walls of the billion-dollar embassy (the largest in the world!) that had been built in a moment of imperial hubris. The foreign power with the most influence over events was by then Iran, the country the Bush administration had once been determined to take down alongside Saddam Hussein as part of the Axis of Evil.

The grandsons of Iraq

The staggering costs of all this - US$25 billion to train the Iraqi Army, $60 billion for the reconstruction-that-wasn't, $2 trillion for the overall war, almost 4,500 Americans dead and more than 32,000 wounded, and an Iraqi death toll of more than 190,000 (though some estimates go as high as a million) - can now be measured against the results. The nine-year attempt to create an American client state in Iraq failed, tragically and completely. The proof of that is on today's front pages.

According to the crudest possible calculation, we spent blood and got no oil. Instead, America's war of terror resulted in the dissolution of a Middle Eastern post-Cold War stasis that, curiously enough, had been held together by Iraq's previous autocratic ruler Saddam Hussein. We released a hornet's nest of Islamic fervor, sectarianism, fundamentalism, and pan-nationalism. Islamic terror groups grew stronger and more diffuse by the year. That horrible lightning over the Middle East that's left American foreign policy in such an ugly glare will last into our grandchildren's days. There should have been so many futures. Now, there will be so few as the dead accumulate in the ruins of our hubris. That is all that we won.

Under a new president, elected in 2008 in part on his promise to end American military involvement in Iraq, Washington's strategy morphed into the more media-palatable mantra of "no boots on the ground." Instead, backed by aggressive intel and the "surgical" application of drone strikes and other kinds of air power, US covert ops were to link up with the "moderate" elements in Islamic governments or among the rebels opposing them - depending on whether Washington was opting to support a thug government or thug fighters.

The results? Chaos in Libya, highlighted by the flow of advanced weaponry from the arsenals of the dead autocrat Muammar Gaddafi across the Middle East and significant parts of Africa, chaos in Yemen, chaos in Syria, chaos in Somalia, chaos in Kenya, chaos in South Sudan, and, of course, chaos in Iraq.

And then came the Islamic State (IS) and the new "caliphate," the child born of a neglectful occupation and an autocratic Shia government out to put the Sunnis in their place once and for all. And suddenly we were heading back into Iraq. What, in August 2014, was initially promoted as a limited humanitarian effort to save the Yazidis, a small religious sect that no one in Washington or anywhere else in this country had previously heard of, quickly morphed into those 1,600 American troops back on the ground in Iraq and American planes in the skies from Kurdistan in the north to south of Baghdad. The Yazidis were either abandoned, or saved, or just not needed anymore. Who knows and who, by then, cared? They had, after all, served their purpose handsomely as the casus belli of this war. Their agony at least had a horrific reality, unlike the supposed attack in the Gulf of Tonkin that propelled a widening war in Vietnam in 1964 or the nonexistent Iraqi WMDs that were the excuse for the invasion of 2003.

The newest Iraq war features Special Operations "trainers," air strikes against IS fighters using American weapons abandoned by the Iraqi Army (now evidently to be resupplied by Washington), US aircraft taking to the skies from inside Iraq as well as a carrier in the Persian Gulf and possibly elsewhere, and an air war across the border into Syria.

It takes a lot of turning points to go in a circle

The truth on the ground these days is tragically familiar: an Iraq even more divided into feuding state-lets; a Baghdad government kleptocracy about to be reinvigorated by free-flowing American money; and a new Shia prime minister being issued the same 2003-2011 to-do list by Washington: mollify the Sunnis, unify Iraq, and make it snappy. The State Department still stays hidden behind the walls of that billion-dollar embassy. More money will be spent to train the collapsed Iraqi military. Iran remains the foreign power with the most influence over events.

One odd difference should be noted, however: in the last Iraq war, the Iranians sponsored and directed attacks by Shia militias against American occupation forces (and me); now, its special operatives and combat advisors fight side-by-side with those same Shia militias under the cover of American air power. You want real boots on the ground? Iranian forces are already there. It's certainly an example of how politics makes strange bedfellows, but also of what happens when you assemble your "strategy" on the run.

Obama hardly can be blamed for all of this, but he's done his part to make it worse - and worse it will surely get as his administration once again assumes ownership of the Sunni-Shia fight. The "new" unity plan that will fail follows the pattern of the one that did fail in 2007: use American military force to create a political space for "reconciliation" between once-burned, twice-shy Sunnis and a compromise Shia government that American money tries to nudge into an agreement against Iran's wishes. Perhaps whatever new Sunni organization is pasted together, however briefly, by American representatives should be called the Grandsons of Iraq.

Just to add to the general eeriness factor, the key people in charge of putting Washington's plans into effect are distinctly familiar faces. Brett McGurk, who served in key Iraq policy positions throughout the Bush and Obama administrations, is again the point man as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iraq and Iran. McGurk was once called the "Maliki whisperer" for his closeness to the former prime minister. The current American ambassador, Robert Stephen Beecroft, was deputy chief of mission, the number two at the Baghdad embassy, back in 2011. Diplomatically, another faux coalition of the (remarkably un)willing is being assembled. And the pundits demanding war in a feverish hysteria in Washington are all familiar names, mostly leftovers from the glory days of the 2003 invasion.

Lloyd Austin, the general overseeing America's new military effort, oversaw the 2011 retreat. General John Allen, brought out of military retirement to coordinate the new war in the region - he had recently been a civilian advisor to Secretary of State John Kerry - was deputy commander in Iraq's Anbar province during the surge. Also on the US side, the mercenary security contractors are back, even as President Obama cites, without a hint of irony, the ancient 2002 congressional authorization to invade Iraq he opposed as candidate Obama as one of his legal justifications for this year's war. The Iranians, too, have the same military commander on the ground in Iraq, Qassem Suleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps's Quds Force. Small world. Suleimani also helps direct Hezbollah operations inside Syria.

Even the aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf launching air strikes, the USS George H W Bush, is fittingly named after the president who first got us deep into Iraq almost a quarter century ago. Just consider that for a moment: we have been in Iraq so long that we now have an aircraft carrier named after the president who launched the adventure.

On a 36-month schedule for "destroying" ISIS, the president is already ceding his war to the next president, as was done to him by George W Bush. That next president may well be Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state as Iraq War 2.0 sputtered to its conclusion. Notably, it was her husband whose administration kept the original Iraq War of 1990-1991 alive via no-fly zones and sanctions. Call that a pedigree of sorts when it comes to fighting in Iraq until hell freezes over.

If there is a summary lesson here, perhaps it's that there is evidently no hole that can't be dug deeper. How could it be more obvious, after more than two decades of empty declarations of victory in Iraq, that genuine "success," however defined, is impossible? The only way to win is not to play. Otherwise, you're just a sucker at the geopolitical equivalent of a carnival ringtoss game with a fist full of quarters to trade for a cheap stuffed animal.

Apocalypse then - and now

America's wars in the Middle East exist in a hallucinatory space where reality is of little import, so if you think you heard all this before, between 2003 and 2010, you did. But for those of us of a certain age, the echoes go back much further. I recently joined a discussion on Dutch television where former Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra made a telling slip of the tongue. As we spoke about ISIS, Hoekstra insisted that the US needed to deny them "sanctuary in Cambodia." He quickly corrected himself to say "Syria," but the point was made.

We've been here before, as the failures of American policy and strategy in Vietnam metastasized into war in Cambodia and Laos to deny sanctuary to North Vietnamese forces. As with ISIS, we were told that they were barbarians who sought to impose an evil philosophy across an entire region. They, too, famously needed to be fought "over there" to prevent them from attacking us here. We didn't say "the Homeland" back then, but you get the picture.

As the similarities with Vietnam are telling, so is the difference. When the reality of America's failure in Vietnam finally became so clear that there was no one left to lie to, America's war there ended and the troops came home. They never went back. America is now fighting the Iraq War for the third time, somehow madly expecting different results, while guaranteeing only failure. To paraphrase a young John Kerry, himself back from Vietnam, who'll be the last to die for that endless mistake? It seems as if it will be many years before we know.

Peter Van Buren blew the whistle on State Department waste and mismanagement during the Iraqi reconstruction in his first book, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People. A Tom Dispatch regular, he writes about current events at his blog, We Meant Well. His latest book is Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the #99Percent.

Posted with permission of TomDispatch. Follow TomDispatch on Twitter and on Facebook or Tumblr. Check out the newest Dispatch book, Ann Jones's They Were Soldiers: How the Wounded Return From America's Wars - The Untold Story.

(Copyright 2014 Peter Van Buren)


I'm listening to the BBC Radio 4 news of 1700 h and heard Cameron say that he wanted a free and democratic Syria and to that purpose he wanted to continue to sponsor the Free Syrian Army to continue the war that has already killed more than 200000 Syrians and wounded and displaced many more as well as done huge damage to the buildings and industries of the country.
Such politicians deserve to end in front of the International Criminal Court.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
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Hmmm...despite his statements to the contrary, Obama is sending more and more "Boots on the Ground," to Iraq. In addition to the normal Embassy and Consulate Marine Guards, I now show the following having been announced to go to Iraq since June:

June announced: 275 Special Operation Forces to help train iraqi military in the fac of the ISIS gains.
July announced: 300 additional defense/security forces for the US Embassy, for consolates, and other US assests in Iraq.
August anounced: 300 Assessment teams, advisors at iraqi Joint Operation Centers, and Office of Security Cooperation
September announced 475 Command and controls advisors at Iraqi HQ and to Iraqi and Peshmerga forces.

That's a total of 1,350 troops on the groiund in Iraq at this point. It will be intersesting to see if that trend continues, and to what extent.