ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)


Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

You know. . John McCain were pals with ISIS, visited them with well received tours of the front too.. There are news videos and pics to show. Just a few days ago, he was even on live news angrily telling Ron Paul whether he had met any ISIS, he has. Don't tell me he went there for vacation while holding official US government position.

To be fair to John McCain the people he was with wasn't from the ISIS but a group called the Northern Storm Brigade. One of the many militia's that made up the FSA. Those are the moderate rebels that the west is backing. No one knows what happened to the Northern Storm Brigade. Are they still fighting al-Assad ? Have they been disbanded or have they folded into the ISIS or al-Nusra Front. Know one really knows in the very fluid situation in the Syrian civil war.


Senior Member
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

Northern Storm Brigade has always been quite small band of smugglers and they don't usually do much fighting... not exactly battle hardened jihadists like Al-Nusra or IS as some people here suggests. Do they have connections with jihadists? Probably, but smugglers usually have connections with everyone.

Assad himself released lot of jihadists from Syrian prisons to hinder revolution and now those Chickens have come home to roost.


Junior Member
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

To be fair to John McCain the people he was with wasn't from the ISIS but a group called the Northern Storm Brigade. One of the many militia's that made up the FSA. Those are the moderate rebels that the west is backing. No one knows what happened to the Northern Storm Brigade. Are they still fighting al-Assad ? Have they been disbanded or have they folded into the ISIS or al-Nusra Front. Know one really knows in the very fluid situation in the Syrian civil war.
McCain took a group photos (which you can easily google) Among them was Al-Baghdadi (need no introduction) and Khalid al-Hamad, who is famous for cutting out a heart and ate it (go watch on liveleak) . They were all part of ISIS.


Junior Member
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

Care to give any evidence that CIA has trained Al-Nusra? Only FSA fighters have been trained in Jordan. As recent UN report told us worst enemy of Syria is Bashar Al-Assad who has killed far more people than Islamic State or all FSA groups put together.

This campaign against Syria was started when Assad made a decision to order SAA to bomb protesters with mortars and even more so when he invited Hezbollah to fight for him.
Nonsense. I was following the run up thru out The so-call peacefull protestors were all fully armed and street battles were raging. Yet for the next few weeks, washington especially clinton were still calling them peaceful protestors. The campaign against assad really started when us politicians and free media, were hyping assad chemical airstrike, like MH17, no proof were ever produced. Just blood thirsty libyan style rhetorics. .. Aka usa wants a regime change, whether the actual syrians wants it or not.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

America's war on the ISIS is helping them to become stronger!
No I do not believe it will.

Ultimately there are going to have to be some boots on the ground...even for effective air campaign. The Australians have already indicated that they will use their special forces in this manner...and to directly train Iraqis, Kurds and others. I believe other coalition partners will do the same.

The equipment that ISIS has, their leadership, the assetts they use to raise money, etc. are all now going to be seriously degraded by a sustained air campaign. That will not make them stronger.

You will see their leadership hunted down and eriadicated from the air. That will not make them stronger.

The US, the UK and other western nations are going to clamp down on recruits coming from western countries...which will also not make ISIS stronger.

Their ability to expand their effrots as they have done to this point are going to be seriously eroded.

Ultimately in Iraq, with US and allied air forces, and with allied special forces on the ground, coupled with the Iraqi and Kurd armed forces, it may be enough to take back most of the Iraqi cities. We will have to wait and see how seriously ISIS is hurt bu the current campaign.

In Syria, the 5,000 Free Syrian personnel will never be enough in Syria. Plain and simple. IMHO, what is most likely there, is that if the US hurts ISIS badly enough, the Syrian Army itself, under Assad, will reclaim the lands taken by ISIS.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

Can people stop pointing fingers who's right and whos wrong and actually post more information on the military operations and nature of the strikes

Politics aside more military talk Jeff lead by example please

Cameron just announced UK will provide support a RN SSN is in the Eastern Mediterranean most likely Tomahawks are going to be used


Junior Member
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

Care to give any evidence that CIA has trained Al-Nusra? Only FSA fighters have been trained in Jordan. As recent UN report told us worst enemy of Syria is Bashar Al-Assad who has killed far more people than Islamic State or all FSA groups put together.

This campaign against Syria was started when Assad made a decision to order SAA to bomb protesters with mortars and even more so when he invited Hezbollah to fight for him.

Assad used strong-arm tactics to deal with protests from the beginning, which was a problem. But those protests were not all of them peaceful and it quickly elevated to bombings, suicide bombings and running gun-battles between insurgents and Government forces. Many civilians casualties resulted from the insurgent attacks.

Lest we all forget, the insurgency as a whole was labelled the 'Free Syrian Army' at the outset. Support was provided to all individuals fighting against the Syrian Government. It was not until the brutal tactics of the insurgents began hitting western media that distinctions needed to be made as to who exactly western governments were supporting. This culminated when in-fighting began between the various factions of the 'Free Syrian Army' and it needed to be explained to the public. Those 'Islamic' forces were there from the start.

Supporting Iraq against IS through strikes and material support is much less problematic. Whereas in the case of Iraq, you are assisting and arming the Iraqi National Government and Semi-Autonomous Kurdish (which could be an issue down the road). In Syria you are attempting to find the lesser evil within the collection of FSA actors. I expect those will be the forces most closely controlled and directed by Saudi and the Gulf States. But the question then becomes, are you not now a State Sponsor of Terrorism?

Syria is a battle Saudi wants and one the west should stay clear of and allow Saudi to be burnt by alone. Anything more than carefully targeted strikes against IS, and you risk jumping into the same tinderbox.


Senior Member
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

Can people stop pointing fingers who's right and whos wrong and actually post more information on the military operations and nature of the strikes

Politics aside more military talk Jeff lead by example please

Cameron just announced UK will provide support a RN SSN is in the Eastern Mediterranean most likely Tomahawks are going to be used

Nobody would point fingers at the US if it is only going to attack IS. But CIA is training a 5000 men mercenary army right now to attack Syria, thus continuing the chaos and slaughter in that unfortunate country. Terrorists and criminals thrive in chaos. So on one hand the US is bombing IS, yet on the other hand the US is perpetuating the environment that gave rise to IS in the first place. While the Syria people continue to suffer and die. What a disgrace!


Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

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An 18-year-old Melbourne man who met with counter-terrorism police brandished an ISIL flag before attacking them with a knife and being fatally shot, the Australian Federal Police said.

The man was invited to meet a Victoria Police officer and AFP officer at the Endeavour Hills police station in order to discuss his recent "disturbing behaviour", police have said.

He was not being placed under arrest and attended of his own free will, Victoria Police assistant commissioner Luke Cornelius said.

After travelling to the station alone, a confrontation between the man and the Joint Counter Terrorism Team officers began at about 7.45pm.

It has been reported that the teen had been shouting threats directed at Prime Minister Tony Abbott and the Australian government.

Mr Cornelius said the 18-year-old had pulled out an "edged weapon" and attacked the officers.

The AFP officer was stabbed multiple times and the Victoria Police officer was stabbed twice in the forearm.

The Victorian officer pulled his sidearm and fired a single shot, fatally wounding the 18-year-old.

"It's absolutely clear to us that our members really had no choice other than to act in the way in which they did," Mr Cornelius said.

Both officers were taken to hospital and are in a stable condition.

An AFP spokesman said current intelligence suggested the shooting victim had brandished a black ISIL flag prior to the confrontation.

However, police said it appeared to be an isolated incident and the man had acted alone.

They did not disclose why the 18-year-old had been asked to meet counter-terrorism officers, but said he was known to police and had previously been monitored.

A Victoria Police spokesman said during a press conference he would "face criticism" for revealing so much of the circumstances of the police shooting, but said he felt the community needed to know "specific groups" were not being targeted by police.

Police sources told Sky News the man shot dead had made threats against Prime Minister Tony Abbott who is on his way to a UN Security Council meeting in New York.

The special session has been convened by US President Barack Obama to discuss the threat of homegrown terrorism from western extremists.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
Re: 2014 ISIS attack in Iraq: News, Views, Photos, Videos

I don't get the use of cruise missiles in the strike. Why use expensive cruise missiles instead of GPS guided bombs? Syria is not gonna shoot the planes down