Indian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Hahaha, why are you blaming me for the statement made by a serving IAF official explaining why India is not willing to accept the US offer to buy the F-35? The news article I quoted above is based on a statement made by a serving IAF official. Criticize the IAF officials if you think you know the requirements and options of the Indian Air Force better than the serving IAF officials themeselves.

Yes I blame you and in fact this reply proves all!

You are a fan-boy, a completely ignorant "India is great" troll who posts anything as long as it suits your opinion, as long as India is portrayed as great and its military and equipment appear powerful and intimidating, who desperately tries to present every rumour, every plan, every idea, every air show model even if it is too unrealistic, as proof of India's superiority or at least equality with the other great powers... and when you are confronted with facts, you sheepishly tuck your tail between your legs, desperately trying to change the subject or, as here, blaming the inadequacies of the source.

No, my friend, you alone are responsible for what you post, anyone who has been constantly spouting "India is great" and "Jai Hind" propaganda since day one is responsible for exactly that. You chose this old source to present your line again and you fell flat on your face. Similar you posted this crap as if Tejas Mk2 is superior to F-16 because it "can carry 8 AAMs and 2 Brahmos" ... and here again the fact check simply ruled against you.

So at least have the balls to say, "yes, that is my opinion and stance ... I am responsible for the shit I post!"

Hahaha, why are you blaming me for the statement made by a serving IAF official explaining why India is not willing to accept the US offer to buy the F-35? The news article I quoted above is based on a statement made by a serving IAF official. Criticize the IAF officials if you think you know the requirements and options of the Indian Air Force better than the serving IAF officials themeselves.

Yes, and the same idiots within the military including former Indian Air Force constantly post "we can see the J-20 from several 100km away", "Indian helicopters are the best in the world", "J-20s at Shigatse are only there to counter the IAF Rafales", India excels again in cruise missile technology"!

They post this BS not to represent the truth or facts, but simply because they know that there is an army of brainless idiots in India who are only too eager to spread any crap as a "Jai Hind" slogan... You know how you are called outside? You are "useful idiots" because you unthinkingly believe everything you are told and as long as politicians and the military in India do not change anything because they can use it to make their politics and profit, nothing will change in India, China and the world will continue not to take you seriously and everyone will do business with you because of this Indian mentality in order to milk you like a cow.

I can only point out this brilliant summary by @Bellum_Romanum once again:


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Registered Member
I will bring up some new points. The paper you link suggests that "close-in air combat manoeuvring" was the key deciding factor in the choice of Rafale over F-16. Is this marginally superior close-range maneuvering in a single Rafale worth 6-7 F-16s (per your cited prices)? If it is not, what can justify such an astronomical price tag? I maintain that the argument that USA will not permit usage of purchased aircraft against Pakistan is absurd: once again I must point out that Pakistan is one of the largest purchasers of Chinese weapons. I question the decision-making competency of the Indian Air Force.
India was sanctioned by US (arms sanctions) not that long ago. Modi himself was.
So not exactly unprecedented.
Among the west, only french weapons weren't affected.

Doesn't make the price less ridiculous (making rafales affordable more as a political rather than fleet asset), of course.

On the other hand, completely discounting them as military also isn't right - they're forming linchpin of Indian air capability right now. And they're a big capability still, way more(overall) than f-16 could've provided.
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Yes I blame you and in fact this reply proves all!

You are a fan-boy, a completely ignorant "India is great" troll who posts anything as long as it suits your opinion, as long as India is portrayed as great and its military and equipment appear powerful and intimidating, who desperately tries to present every rumour, every plan, every idea, every air show model even if it is too unrealistic, as proof of India's superiority or at least equality with the other great powers... and when you are confronted with facts, you sheepishly tuck your tail between your legs, desperately trying to change the subject or, as here, blaming the inadequacies of the source.

No, my friend, you alone are responsible for what you post, anyone who has been constantly spouting "India is great" and "Jai Hind" propaganda since day one is responsible for exactly that. You chose this old source to present your line again and you fell flat on your face. Similar you posted this crap as if Tejas Mk2 is superior to F-16 because it "can carry 8 AAMs and 2 Brahmos" ... and here again the fact check simply ruled against you.

So at least have the balls to say, "yes, that is my opinion and stance ... I am responsible for the shit I post!"

Yes, and the same idiots within the military including former Indian Air Force constantly post "we can see the J-20 from several 100km away", "Indian helicopters are the best in the world", "J-20s at Shigatse are only there to counter the IAF Rafales", India excels again in cruise missile technology"!

They post this BS not to represent the truth or facts, but simply because they know that there is an army of brainless idiots in India who are only too eager to spread any crap as a "Jai Hind" slogan... You know how you are called outside? You are "useful idiots" because you unthinkingly believe everything you are told and as long as politicians and the military in India do not change anything because they can use it to make their politics and profit, nothing will change in India, China and the world will continue not to take you seriously and everyone will do business with you because of this Indian mentality in order to milk you like a cow.

I can only point out this brilliant summary by @Bellum_Romanum once again:

View attachment 130740

I don't see any facts or data in your reply. You're simply abusing and cursing India and the Indian military, which doesn't prove anything.


Registered Member
I don't see any facts or data in your reply. You're simply abusing and cursing India and the Indian military, which doesn't prove anything.

To be fair to Deino, he does that to anyone and any country when the member make fantastic boasts and claims. In this case, I think all the objections were in response to your claims about Tejas xyz from many pages back. I think the tendency here is to limit topics of conversation and claims to stuff that are known, verified etc. Not plans which were mostly the case for the talk about Tejas MK2 and MK1A speculation on weapons it can carry. Then there was your claim about India's aircraft carrier being able to accommodate 100 fixed wing aircraft which is like at least 20% greater number of aircraft than far superior and larger carriers in service.

Let's get back to basics before the back and forth between you and a few other members.

India does not possess an aircraft carrier that can carry anywhere near even 50 fixed wing aircraft let alone 100.

Brahmos NG is not operational.

Tejas has never been shown to be able to carry 2 Brahmos let alone 4. Again if you're talking about Brahmos NG, well that weapon isn't operational yet.

Tejas Mk2 is wild speculation as Tejas Mk1A has only just been delivered to IAF service and completed development and manufacturing.

Speculation on future carrier is also pretty pointless given the timeframe of programs and the project being wholly on paper at the moment.

For these reasons, Deino probably clamped down on all the back and forth.
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Junior Member
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I really don’t understand the Indians insistence on quoting “facts” that is nothing more than speculation… ie fact sheets of Tejas MK1a and MK2 when reality hasn’t demonstrated the capability yet. Anyway that’s not really important.

What is important and I will reiterate what was said a few years ago, that is, the issue India has was never whether it has or WILL have said capability, or whether they have the capability to design or for that matter build the fancy weapons they claim.

The problem was and still is that they don’t focus on the industrial base to support the fancy weapons they want. Let’s take the Tejas as a perfect example, rather than design and redesign and redesign some more for good measure, they should have accepted the first iteration of the MK1 regardless of how insufficient they believed it to be. Build up the industrial base for serial production, all the while reiterate on the initial design for upgrades, since the initial Tejas MK1 would already be far more capable than most of their current old inventory anyway, it also serves as a stop gap regarding the rebuilding of the lack of number in the IAF.

By the time the upgrades are ready and a new variant is tested and validated, there would have been a ready made production line waiting for the new parts and all that’s left would be optimisation of the manufacturing process and integrating with the new parts. After that would be replacing the old fighters at pace. It also helps to keep much more of the necessary investment in India itself.

But no instead we get wet day dreams in the form of articles or “fact” sheets being quoted ad nauseam while little to nothing is actually done, by this I mean in terms of actually manufacturing a product.

If we are going to talk about what WILL happen then I reckon “soon” in the future China WILL produce a fighter that is capable of flying directly into space, while carrying 1000 tons of ordnance, able to not only survive reentry at the steepest of angles but remain combat ready, drop directly into the heart of the enemy territory and bombard any target of choice. And for good measure it WILL also be able to transform into a humanoid robot along with a semi transformed mode, half jet and half robot, carrying a 40mm cannon like a machine gun. So there we have it, as the fact sheet states, China wins and obviously has the best fighter to have ever fightered. GG Thank you for playing.
If, after watching several videos and seeing pictures of the Tejas MK1A, you're still calling it a mythical weapon, then you would likely deny its existence even after all 183 units have been delivered to the IAF.


Registered Member
If, after watching several videos and seeing pictures of the Tejas MK1A, you're still calling it a mythical weapon, then you would likely deny its existence even after all 183 units have been delivered to the IAF.

You clearly didn't read his post or understand it. He never claimed Tejas MK1A is mythical. He claimed that your claims about Tejas MK1A's abilities and carrying capacities are speculation and mythical.


Junior Member
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To be fair to Deino, he does that to anyone and any country when the member make fantastic boasts and claims. In this case, I think all the objections were in response to your claims about Tejas xyz from many pages back. I think the tendency here is to limit topics of conversation and claims to stuff that are known, verified etc. Not plans which were mostly the case for the talk about Tejas MK2 and MK1A speculation on weapons it can carry. Then there was your claim about India's aircraft carrier being able to accommodate 100 fixed wing aircraft which is like at least 20% greater number of aircraft than far superior and larger carriers in service.

Let's get back to basics before the back and forth between you and a few other members.

India does not possess an aircraft carrier that can carry anywhere near even 50 fixed wing aircraft let alone 100.

Brahmos NG is not operational.

Tejas has never been shown to be able to carry 2 Brahmos let alone 4. Again if you're talking about Brahmos NG, well that weapon isn't operational yet.

Tejas Mk2 is wild speculation as Tejas Mk1A has only just been delivered to IAF service and completed development and manufacturing.

Speculation on future carrier is also pretty pointless given the timeframe of programs and the project being wholly on paper at the moment.
That’s not my claim, specifications of the Tejas MK1A or MK2 has been released by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, a public sector company in India that manufactures the Tejas.


Registered Member
That’s not my claim, specifications of the Tejas MK1A or MK2 has been released by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, a public sector company in India that manufactures the Tejas.

This doesn't address the point of my post.

MK2 doesn't exist. HAL's brochure doesn't mean much when the product is not even developed.

As for MK1A. I agree with your points that specifically talk about MK1A's specs from HAL. Those are what they are. There's nothing else to say on that topic. Whether it can carry 2 or 4 Brahmos NG though is again a silly thing to speculate on since Brahmos NG hasn't finished development. It's as absurd as an automotive engineer giving specifications on engine bay dimensions and outputs when the entire drivetrain hasn't even been decided. But maybe that's the norm for HAL and how work is done in India.


Junior Member
Registered Member
This doesn't address the point of my post.

MK2 doesn't exist. HAL's brochure doesn't mean much when the product is not even developed.

As for MK1A. I agree with your points that specifically talk about MK1A's specs from HAL. Those are what they are. There's nothing else to say on that topic. Whether it can carry 2 or 4 Brahmos NG though is again a silly thing to speculate on since Brahmos NG hasn't finished development. It's as absurd as an automotive engineer giving specifications on engine bay dimensions and outputs when the entire drivetrain hasn't even been decided. But maybe that's the norm for HAL and how work is done in India.
You mean HAL should design the fighter jet first and decide on the specifications later?


Registered Member
You mean HAL should design the fighter jet first and decide on the specifications later?

That is typically how it works or you're talking about desired, aimed specs not realised, actual specs.

Perhaps it was on you to inform the thread that you are referring to HAL's "these are the specs I'm aiming for but have no certainty of achieving and there are no accountabilities here if I do not deliver on these exact specs".

Anyway this is the last I'll say on this frankly pathetic waste of time dialogue. We're all arguing over semantics and subjectives by the sounds of it.