Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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Relax, guys!

The UK's aircraft carrier has broken down, or is sinking, or something happened, again.

(China is safe as long as the UK are not ready - please be patient)
And that stupid bit@h Liz Truss wants to take on China with those slow moving Nukes when she still got Russia to deal with and seems to honestly not realize that both nations have freaken hypersonic nukes, something that the UK will never ever have given there inability to well basically innovate given how pompous and stupid they have now become. I suppose it is best to simply let Russia to decide when to do the big one on her since she has a gift for pissing people off with her lack of brain cells and her extreme arrogance for believing that both Russia and China are still as weak as in the 1990s when it is very clear that the UK now not only occupies that spot but both Russia and China can end the UK in a blink and many nations would also not even spare that very same blink given how utterly idiotic and worthless and evil they nation has shown itself in regards to being such an evil USA lackey/bully. She is a golden example of a person that is better off not on this world then on it and I also find it darkly funny that the HK rioters in the UK are equally clueless of the danger they are also in and how they seem to think democracy is going to save them from instant death


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Zhao Lijian at FMA got asked about the drone visits to Jinmen and he had this to say:

"I saw the relevant videos, Chinese drones flying over Chinese territory, I don't see what the big deal is."

I have a feeling these drone visits might have official blessing. If it was entirely grass root you would think Xiamen police or MSS would have cracked down on it by now.
I think it is more a case of "look the other way".
If they wanted to crackdown, of course they would have, but now it went viral globally and it is too embarrassing


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The drone from the first day was apparently close enough the guard considered using a stick to take it down.

If China keeps drip feeding us daily lolz on the ROCA, @Temstar can start a salt business from his posts on reddit.

I'm of the opinion that they need to deal with the drones seriously. This is not just one or two incursions but several dozen within the span of a week. While civilian drones are used, what if some attention seeker started strapping fireworks/incendiaries to them in an attempt to get clicks? This could potentially endanger soldiers/installations on the frontline.

Get drone blockers. If you can spend hundreds of millions on F-16V/Abrams, you can spare a fraction of a percent of your budget for something to interrupt civilian drones.


Registered Member
I'm of the opinion that they need to deal with the drones seriously. This is not just one or two incursions but several dozen within the span of a week. While civilian drones are used, what if some attention seeker started strapping fireworks/incendiaries to them in an attempt to get clicks? This could potentially endanger soldiers/installations on the frontline.

Get drone blockers. If you can spend hundreds of millions on F-16V/Abrams, you can spare a fraction of a percent of your budget for something to interrupt civilian drones.
Who's they? ROCA? Do you think the TW authorities have a cost-effective way to deal with civilian drones from the mainland?


Registered Member
Who's they? ROCA? Do you think the TW authorities have a cost-effective way to deal with civilian drones from the mainland?
Civilian drones are not supposed to have any anti-jamming capabilities. This is a law in most jurisdictions.
It should be trivial to buy those things off Alibaba and shut them down.


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Who's they? ROCA? Do you think the TW authorities have a cost-effective way to deal with civilian drones from the mainland?

If they can't even deal with potentially hazardous civilian drones then they can't deal with anything. Buying anti-drone guns isn't costly and using them is not difficult. Just buy some from Taobao like they do for missile parts, shoot down (or stage a shoot down) a couple of civilian drones and it will be a major morale booster.


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The package, which is still in an early stage, includes 60 AGM-84L Harpoon Block II missiles for $355 million, 100 AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder tactical air-to-air missiles for $85.6 million, and $655.4 million for a surveillance radar contract extension, the people said. The Sidewinder missiles will arm Taipei’s U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets.
While trying to take TSMC they don't even have the decency to offer F-35.
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