That is not my view brother.
This seems more like one of those arranged marriages from ancient times, between today's mainland China and Taiwan. Only the United States stands in the way.
This escalator dominance is a dumb idea from the west, therefore I don't buy it and never bothered with it. Look at the Taliban. They could not escalate for shit, they did not even wear shoes! Guess who conquered the country, again.
This is about China turning the tables on the United States and its lackeys.
Remember when China was admitted to the WTO? The plan or assumption from the West was that that will convince China to change, and they will conform to Western wishes.
China is doing the same thing here, but in reverse. Turing Taiwan from an asset to a liability, is an attempt to convince the West to change, and they will conform to Chinese wishes.
China is relying most on technology and the navy to do this.
At this moment in the game, and how the status quo is changing and what it will look like, the United States will be faced with only two choices.
Retreat like the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan the past month after Pelosi left, or bring everything to the fight with China and they really do have to bring everything.
How much is Taiwan really worth to the Americans? The second island chain and third island chain is still there.
China will push this question going forward.
China will dare the Americans to come and fight.
The same Americans who escalated dominance their way outta of Afghanistan-land.