Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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Unrelated to Taiwan but I had a similar experience with some HK colleagues at a previous job. I think they just assumed that I identified predominantly as American and thus was sympathetic to seeing China in a bad light so during the Umbrella Protests they basically talked freely about all sorts of resentments they had about Mainlanders like how Mainlanders pooped on the streets and hoarded all their milk powder, and were making their real estate expensive, aka Mainlanders are backwards and uncultured, while I just kind of kept my mouth shut and gently nodded to not start a fuss.
I can totally imagine that situation, where you have to signal you are not interested in that conversation without coming across as rude. I had a first-generation Vietnamese colleague whose second ever sentence to me (in front of the entire staff) was "Taiwan, that is totally an independent country" - not even the caucasian Westerners had the balls to say that at any point. I told him "no comment" with a blank face, and he immediately looked totally scared.
In the rare event when I do come across a compatriot - I mean a Taiwanese - we will always have the tact to basically avoid any China-related political conversation until we have ascertained bit by bit where each other stand. Taiwanese know this is a divisive topic between ourselves. But Westerners, no, they just don't get it.


Registered Member
What will be the global message when US says it stands with Taiwan and Taiwan is blockaded with zero resistance?

China soft power.

Chinese PR, is based on truth!


It really cracks me up.

The US military came in full force, for that Karen.

Then promptly left when the blockade started, that the Chinese indicated that they will do.

Chinese lives matter on Taiwan!


China soft power.

Chinese PR, is based on truth!



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Let's get things back on track, shall we?

Only 2 hours and 37 minutes to go until the exercises go live. What weapons systems would you like to see on display?

I wonder if H-20 will finally make an appearance. Not in the exercise, obviously, but perhaps being shown on camera for the first time?

I'd be very disappointed if all we are shown are some J-11/J-16 and unguided rockets.


I can totally imagine that situation, where you have to signal you are not interested in that conversation without coming across as rude. I had a first-generation Vietnamese colleague whose second ever sentence to me (in front of the entire staff) was "Taiwan, that is totally an independent country" - not even the caucasian Westerners had the balls to say that at any point. I told him "no comment" with a blank face, and he immediately looked totally scared.
In the rare event when I do come across a compatriot - I mean a Taiwanese - we will always have the tact to basically avoid any China-related political conversation until we have ascertained bit by bit where each other stand. Taiwanese know this is a divisive topic between ourselves. But Westerners, no, they just don't get it.
I actively avoid the Taiwan topic with most Taiwanese friends these days (especially those who lean Green). Except for the rare occasion when they bring up things they identify proudly as Taiwanese and I curtly remind them "so are you saying this thing I grew up with from the Mainland is actually from Taiwan?" (It's doubly amusing/irritating when they claim something that came to Taiwan with the Shandong diaspora as Taiwanese because as a Northern Chinese person I'm just like "this isn't even indigenous to your subset of Chinese culture").

reservior dogs

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In America my experience was wholesome. Asked if I eat dogs, if I speak English, then when they find out my ancestry is from China, am asked why is China communist and maybe am in America (school) because of yearning from freedom, if I want to be a Christian etc...knows Kung-fu, am I good in math.

Mate, in Asia your skin color/race tends to illicit inate sincere curiosity, awe, and curiosity there will be exceptions of course. But my experience ain't unique or universal, but what I experienced isn't an isolated and unfortunately happens more frequently to my kind than not.
This is part and partial of being America. I have a good friend who came from multiple generation of native born Americans but of Japanese ancestry. One day he went into a sports goods store trying to buy a tennis racket and got complement from the store clerk about how good his English was. This happened in the eighties.


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actually it is extremely effective. engagement is the name of the game in the social media era. Spin and wording is obsolete 1990's TV era marketing.

look at the like ratios for Marsha Blackburn vs Chen Weihua on their own platform tells you all you need to know. She was utterly ineffective in framing him as a misogynist, and not for lack of trying.

You cannot be serious to gauge effectiveness based on some social media shit posting.

Look at major real world results.

76% of 4,507 young Africans across 15 countries named China as a foreign power with a positive influence on their lives, compared with 72% for the US.
China Surpasses US in Eyes of Young Africans, Survey Shows - Bloomberg
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At a glance, one may wish to celebrate that China has a higher approval rating than the usa. The difference is 4%. However, once you look at the context you realize China's performance is pathetic.

Caucasians who are...
ultra anti black racists
raped Blacks for centuries
enslaved Blacks for centuries
spread racism and stereotypes against Blacks
bomb Black people
debt trap black people
assassinate or overthrow Black leaders abroad
assassinate Black civil rights leaders at home
steal Black wealth
steal Black resources
played a major role in creating the the Rwandan genocide
lied and destroy Libya, one of the most prosperous African nations and got their leader brutally killed.
conducted secret biological human experiments on Blacks

these ultra racist anti Black war criminals are BARELY defeated at the polls by a China that does none of those things. In fact, who else but China has developed Africa with super low interest loans, forgiven billions in debt, transferred technology, given scholarships to students that would NEVER be admitted if held to national standards, given extensive invaluable infrastructure, etc.

Basically, an angel has the about the same reputation as a devil.

This is a testament to the undeniable effectiveness of Western psychological warfare and the extreme incompetence of Chinese communication. Can you please stop with the embarrassing cope. It's just sad.


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The place went on roller coaster this week.

From Shoot down her plane if she dares to okay if she dares, we should escort her plane to okay if she somehow lands, we should flyover Taipei to Xi is an embarrassment, the great humiliation continues to now Ok maybe we can salvage this.

Regardless of all the antics, it is becoming clear that Nancy Pelosi has single-handedly given China govt. the greatest chance to improve their strategic positions in the 1st-island chain in 10 years especially around Taiwan. The last time being when China started constructing man-made islands in SCS which has now turn that bastion of water into a Chinese lake. I mean US CSG now mostly avoid transiting through SCS entirely and exist out somewhere through some straits within the Philippines.

The question now is how will Xi and govt. ultilize this moment. Normalizing strait exercises with mini-blockades and rendering the median line non-existent is the best possible outcome for Xi's govt. The military benefits are endless (training for PLA forces while degrading and stretching ROC forces thin) and it makes US looks terrible since it will be seen like Taiwan has been left to fend for themselves after they stirred up this mess.

Another surprising result from all this is how other nuetral and US allied countries are viewing the US as provocative in this instance which will sow some doubt into the overall geopolitical plan of the US.

This has been a net positive for China.

The emotional reaction here has been great. My eyes are all dried from all the laughter reading some of the comments.


Registered Member
Let's get things back on track, shall we?

Only 2 hours and 37 minutes to go until the exercises go live. What weapons systems would you like to see on display?

I wonder if H-20 will finally make an appearance. Not in the exercise, obviously, but perhaps being shown on camera for the first time?

I'd be very disappointed if all we are shown are some J-11/J-16 and unguided rockets.
If this showing is as pathetic as the nonexistent interception then Xi might as well sign the Plaza Accord 2.0 with Biden on the USS Reagan and then retire after handing the keys to English Vegetable.

I would hope to see at least some hypersonics fly overland TW, fast and loud and boom boom boom


Senior Member
actually it is extremely effective. engagement is the name of the game in the social media era. Spin and wording is obsolete 1990's TV era marketing.

look at the like ratios for Marsha Blackburn vs Chen Weihua on their own platform tells you all you need to know. She was utterly ineffective in framing him as a misogynist, and not for lack of trying.
Right, think Donald Trump and how effective his messaging was. The world is a lot more crude these days, and the instant gratification of calling someone you disagree with a b*tch is what people are after, not some nuanced retort. Memes and one liners are now the king, forget about sophistication.
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