Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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The west is labeling massive Chinese infrastructure investments in other countries as 'debt traps' with no effective pushback from China. If Chinese PR can't handle a low-hanging fruits like this then I fear the worst. And we've all seen the worst in the last several days.
Yet more and more nations express interest in joining the brics and other initiatives that involve China and Russia despite both nations having PR that doesn’t compare to the USA. Eventually, there will come a time when even with China’s PR skills, the global south will cheer regardless of how things are presented while the USA with all its PR know how will be booed no matter what the US does to wow the audience. In the end, only results truly matter and China is the one that excels at delivering results that actually matter while the USA can only seem to deliver shit sandwiches in golden wrapping which at the end of the day will be thrown back at the one that handed it to them.


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Well to be fair, it’s not like having the best PR in the world is helping the USA and it’s collapsing economy very much. PR is only useful until it simply isn’t. I mean look at the EU right now, it sure isn’t helping its energy security either. Only good diplomacy and a rational leader can help handle those things, both of which neither the US and the EU are capable of. So what if China has shit PR, at least they will still have a growing economy and have their energy secure and you can’t go wrong with that
Yet more and more nations express interest in joining the brics and other initiatives that involve China and Russia despite both nations having PR that doesn’t compare to the USA. Eventually, there will come a time when even with China’s PR skills, the global south will cheer regardless of how things are presented while the USA with all its PR know how will be booed no matter what the US does to wow the audience. In the end, only results truly matter and China is the one that excels at delivering results that actually matter while the USA can only seem to deliver shit sandwiches in golden wrapping which at the end of the day will be thrown back at the one that handed it to them.
Lots of wishful thinking.


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Chinese authorities announced Wednesday that a number of diehard "Taiwan secessionist" individuals, two funds, and multiple companies related to secessionist activities will be punished in accordance with the law, after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan island Tuesday night in disregard of
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, a visit that has sent a wrong message to "Taiwan independence" forces and has escalated the tension across the Taiwan Straits.

"We warn Tsai Ing-wen and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities that they only accelerate their demise and push Taiwan into the abyss of disaster by pursuing 'independence' with provocative acts and linking up with external forces," said Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, on Wednesday.


Registered Member
What is an exercise going to do? The US called China's bluff and the only response is a military exercise AFTER Pelosi leaves.

After hyping up this event for the entire week, nothing happened and now they are censoring this event hardcore in the country. Is this a miscommunication between the propaganda arm and the rest of the government? Who knows.
Killing or imprisoning a few Americans isn't the win condition, getting closer to armed reunification is the win condition.

Your claim: "nothing happened" so in other words, you wouldn't mind if China permanently does this sort of "exercise" since its just "nothing happened". Do you think Taiwan authorities think the same as you? If so, good, they'll be easily blindsided by a sudden attack.

Pretty sure nothing is censored except the deployment of troops due to operation security.

It's a miscommunication between the propaganda arm for sure, one between the US propaganda arm and Pelosi's own ambitions. Pelosi strong armed the US to do a shit move from a national security perspective, because she wanted a legacy.


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So what was the honest point of her visit if she is just going to go in and go out without some kind of a grand independence speech.

The hag just wanted the attention because she has nothing to show for domestically, which also tells me this might be a desperate attempt at courting the Republicans, to avoid getting fucked in the midterms.

Thing is, like every attemp at courting Republican voters before it, they will most likely fail and actually get voted out even harder.


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This is bound to happen because of China's PR mess over the last few days. Its about time for China to respond with some action.

The PRC and Lithuania's relations are currently downgraded to chargé d'affaires level. There is far less at stake for China to do something to this idiot if he dares to fly to Taiwan as a Minister of Foreign Affairs.


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Killing or imprisoning a few Americans isn't the win condition, getting closer to armed reunification is the win condition.

Your claim: "nothing happened" so in other words, you wouldn't mind if China permanently does this sort of "exercise" since its just "nothing happened". Do you think Taiwan authorities think the same as you? If so, good, they'll be easily blindsided by a sudden attack.

Pretty sure nothing is censored except the deployment of troops due to operation security.

It's a miscommunication between the propaganda arm for sure, one between the US propaganda arm and Pelosi's own ambitions. Pelosi strong armed the US to do a shit move from a national security perspective, because she wanted a legacy.
The best outcome would've been she not having went at ALL. But she did. The propaganda arm/foreign ministry issued a final warning per day and even the president himself got involved telling off Biden. Yet they still went, if the west could afford to ignore this level of public display of displeasure by the Chinese why would they be deterred by a few exercise of "I'm not touching you" by the Chinese side?

Trying to spin an exercise as a win just seems like a cope to me, the win condition is that the US gets deterred from interfering in Taiwan. Was that achieved in this instance? I think we both know the answer to that question. Running military exercises after the US leaves Taiwan is just trying to salvage the situation and placate the local population. Of course you can say allowing China to do constant drills within 12 miles is a big win, but I was quite sternly told earlier in this thread that any amphibious assault of Taiwan would be precluded with heavy, heavy long ranged fires from land, so doing amphibious/naval drills so close to the shores of Taiwan is nothing more than theater at this point.

If they were going to do this from the start, the foreign ministry should've just sent a single warning, then announce the exercise on the day of the visit. Instead they warned every day and announced the exercise after the landing, if that is not reactive what is? Now they have to heavily control the narrative so it doesn't get out of control domestically.
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