日本F-15闯东海识别区 两次试图抵近中国警巡飞机
中新社北京8月7日电(赵蔚 杨振) 中国空军新闻发言人申进科上校7日在北京表示,中国空军于8月6日组织东海防空识别区例行空中警巡,加强对防空识别区内空中目标的监控,维护东海有关空域飞行秩序和安全。
Auto Translation:
Japanese F-15 identification zone twice tried to break arrived in the East China Sea near Chinese patrol aircraft
China news agency, Beijing, August 7 (Zhao Wei and Yang Zhen) - Chinese Air Force News spokesman Colonel Shen into the 7th Division, said in Beijing, China on August 6th Air Force organized air defense identification zone Tokai routine air patrol police, to strengthen the air defense identification Monitoring air target region, maintaining the East China Sea airspace order and safety.
August 6, several batches of the Japanese Air Self Defense Force aircraft entered the East China Sea air defense identification zone for a long time surveillance activities, the Chinese Air Force made the necessary tracking and monitoring. Japanese F-15 fighter jets attempted twice came close Chinese police patrol aircraft, the Chinese Air Force has taken reasonable and proper restraint measures to deal with the aerial threat.
Shen Jinke pointed out that China's air defense identification zone designation of the East China Sea, is to safeguard national security, defense initiatives, in order to better safeguard the normal order of the East China Sea over the flight of aircraft to ensure flight safety. Since the implementation of the East China Sea Chinese Air Force air defense identification zone air police patrol mission, entering the air defense identification zone monitoring foreign military aircraft were sentenced to between master and identify and take appropriate measures depending on the air threat, to defend the national air safety. (End)