Sounds logical still the Empire can threaten to fire crazily to ALL directions, earth scorching strategy... what deter them to try to threaten that if China employs such scheme then they will shut China from dollar use / SWIFT altogether?
I think the only situation that we all really don't know in precise if such threat is deployable and whether or not China may also threaten back to go nuclear... if the Empire goes that far then China will sever the dollar use and accept no dollar/euro/pound sterling/etc for China's product.
Yes, financial MAD scenario. I think theres still enough cool heads at the to grasp what this will do the USD, western financial markets and their savings/investments if the United States decides to sanction Chinese currency reserves and force a monetary decoupling. And it wont be a slow gradual one either, if it happens, the results will be fast and brutal as everyone dumps USD or Yuan or EU debt. Nothing will be spared on either the western side or Chinese side.
I just noticed this article today -
The situation is basically Russia, China, EU, Japan, SK, Afghanistan, OPEC countries, etc loaned the United States money and the US suddenly said we won't repay Russia and Afghanistan. All the other lenders are going to get nervous. If this a US Credit Card example and you default on one card, all your other lenders will raise your interest rate, limit further credit or close your account. Though this is a vastly oversimplified example right now because the EU, Japan and SK are standing behind the United States, but definitely has raised red flags for China, UAE/SA and LATAM countries.
Unfortunately because of China's trade surpluses and vast amount of accumulated reserves, they don't have too many good options. No amount of gold/silver/precious metals can soak up the amount of FX reserves they have, converting it all to yuan will cause the yuan to appreciate to the level where few countries can afford China's exports. They can purchase assets abroad, but those assets are at risk of sanctions, they can purchase domestic assets/build infrastructure, but all that money flowing back home will drive up inflation. They can stock up on commodities, but theres only so much you can buy and hold in china due to logistics, storage costs, shelf life, etc.
China basically has a lot of everyone else's money and limited options on spending it all rapidly.