Sound STRATEGY? LOL are you a comedian? The sound strategy that Marcos Jr. and his fellow AMBOYS HOPE AND WISH For is for the U.S. to die for the PH literally and figuratively. The Philippine leadership along with the majority of its masses have romanticized and fictionalized the events and tragedy of WWII - especially the self-serving megalomaniac Gen. Douglas McArthur Jr.'s quote of "I shall return". Ask any average Filipinos regardless of status and generation, I am more than confident that almost all of them will recite you McArthur's quote with gusto which lead most of those people into thinking and believing that America will save, defend, and kill for them when the going gets tough.
That is the strategy of Marcos Jr. and that's what he's banking on to shore up his non-existent accomplishment in his almost 2 years in office. Poverty has increased, crime rate has increased due to economic difficulties brought about by the U.S. led and created inflation thus forcing already cash strapped countries like the PH that relies on Filipino overseas workers $$ remittances to shell out their dollar reserve to afford and buy goods and services needed for that country. But, Marcos Jr. is not making any worthwhile economic changes that are needed for his country especially with the dilapidated PH infrastructures that are critically needed to ensure PH economic competitiveness will remain viable, and attractive in light of other ASEAN countries infrastructure modernization as witnessed in Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand just to name a few.
The vast majority of Filipinos, especially the supposed "OLD ELITES/OLIGARCHS" are either stuck in the 20th century mindset and assumption of U.S. unquestioned supremacy in all sphere of power i.e. economy, tech, diplomatic, trade, and of course military. And such arrogant and ignorant mindset permeates to the rest of the masses via the oligarchs control of their media, entertainment, and news thereby reinforcing the mass ignorance and danger that's in front of their very eyes. It's like a massive asteroid heading their way, and instead of preparing and accepting their reality, their leaders tell their people not to worry as no danger will come their way. They offer two solutions: (I am sorry if I offended Catholic members of this sub

Pray and ask the virgin mary to intercede Papa Jesus to intervene; 2nd best option and the most likely realistic option is to that their actual living god, a.k.a. America is always there to protect them no matter the cost.
Filipinos in general don't know much about their true history since their history has been bastardized and sanitized so thoroughly by their colonists: The Spaniards and America.
I find some Filipinos to be exceedingly proud of their almost non-existent genetic lineage to Spain, coupled with their misplaced and ignorant understanding of American rationale, objectives and reason for the war with Japan back in WWII which again, in my view, colored their understanding of todays geopolitical contest between China and the U.S. since they don't really do "ACTUAL ANALYSIS" they instead do wishful thinking and views the world in Marvel like narrative that Captain America is both honorable and noble ergo his actions no matter how grievous and destructive are done with great care and intentions.