China's SCS Strategy Thread


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In the short term, maintain access to resources in the disputed areas.

in the medium-long term, maintain a military presence so it has a seat at the table in any future reshaping, either in the form of a formal CoC, or in a post-WW3 Asia.

It’s always helpful to have a bargaining chip. If the US wins, chances are the Philippines will be given its claims in the SCS. If China looks like it’s going to win, they can negotiate neutrality in return for some of their claims.

Their biggest risk is backing the US to the hilt and getting punished for it. But they’re not so far down that road that they can’t back out.
Before getting so hopeful with Philippines territorial claims using UNCLOS a maritime agreement, kindly check the content of Treaty of Paris.
Always remember that US is not a party in SCS.


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My question remains: What will be the end game for Philippines?
Forget about the rest, they are insignificant players.
In recent days even Canada, Australia have send their emissaries to Beijing.
ASEAN are practically ostracizing BBM jr. nowadays.
Looks like the Duterte effect have worn off and even bananas are not selling.
End game? They're winging this. There's no genius scheme or anything.


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My question remains: What will be the end game for Philippines?
Forget about the rest, they are insignificant players.
In recent days even Canada, Australia have send their emissaries to Beijing.
ASEAN are practically ostracizing BBM jr. nowadays.
Looks like the Duterte effect have worn off and even bananas are not selling.
They're just winging it because of Chinese (current) inaction.

While China is probing US in other theatres to weaken them, and rearming the country. At some point, China will just reverse whatever Pinoys think they did under 40 yrs with 2 glide bombs.


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You don't need to be a party to anything to stir the shit stick. That's all the imperialists do all around the world.
What I meant to say is the US is in fact regarded as an interloper, a trouble maker in SCS.
It has no territorial claim in SCS and her CG is 8500km away from her own shore. The US hasn't any role to play there.

In the meantime BBM Jr in meandering his political escapade using the SCS has burnt his fingers. He has gone down in flame, his reputation badly tarnished both at home and abroad eversince CCG enforced it's rules on the island starting from July 16 2024.
Everything has changed overnight.
The MDT Philippines signed with the US is a farce since it will be illegal for US to invoke it.
Today Beijing has practically banned all high level official contacts between Philippines and her until BBM Jr is gone.
They don't trust him nor any of his officials.
The worst thing is they have slow down imports from Philippines and farmers are suffering.

Luke Warmwar

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What I meant to say is the US is in fact regarded as an interloper, a trouble maker in SCS.
It has no territorial claim in SCS and her CG is 8500km away from her own shore. The US hasn't any role to play there.

In the meantime BBM Jr in meandering his political escapade using the SCS has burnt his fingers. He has gone down in flame, his reputation badly tarnished both at home and abroad eversince CCG enforced it's rules on the island starting from July 16 2024.
Everything has changed overnight.
The MDT Philippines signed with the US is a farce since it will be illegal for US to invoke it.
Today Beijing has practically banned all high level official contacts between Philippines and her until BBM Jr is gone.
They don't trust him nor any of his officials.
The worst thing is they have slow down imports from Philippines and farmers are suffering.

It’d be against international law for the US to go to war over Taiwan, and yet that’s a real possibility.

But you’re right, the US doesn’t have a claim in the SCS. That’s why the Philippines’ hope would be to get the benefit of a US victory by ending up the ultimate custodian of the contested claims, as a US proxy. The US gets to drop its bases down, and the Philippines gets to have day to day control. It’s a win/win.


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This is very dangerous..
Why? Imagine an aircraft engine ingesting something that's literally on fire.
Yes. An aircraft that ignored warnings is now on fire. I think thats the point of warning people entering a military only zone or ADIZ.
Also imagine vital aircraft instruments getting hit by em. Many gen AV and commercial airliners were lost because of loss of vital instruments.
Yeah but this isn't a commercial airliner is it? It's a military plane of a country intruding on Chinese airspace.


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Really Just a routine maritime patrol over Huangyen Isle???

First of all I never heard of it before.
Not to my knowledge.
This is a very bold yet silly move by BingBongM jr. and China will ante the game.

With a faltering economy featuring high inflation, the PH Air Force pilots should considered this as their good fortune as China still displayed it's restraint.
But I won't count on it. China will takes this opportunity and respond.
BBM Jr is a very lonely man during these days as Biden's party is engrossed in a survival mode in an election.
US flag falling down during a flag raising ceremony at the Paris Olympics says it all and is a sign of bad omen in the years to come.