All this talk of integration issues is just sour grapes from the usual western 'experts' who seem to know next to nothing insightful about Chinese defence firms and their products but who still insist on droning on about the same old outdated cliches like a broken record.
What, do they think the Turks are idiots to not have considered integration and how the FD2000 would function as part of their defensive architecture before awarding the contract?
If China and Turkey did not already have a detailed and workable blueprint about how to integrate the FD2000 into Turkey's existing and future planned AD network, the FD2000 would not have come close to winning the contract.
Agree with you on this...
According to this article:
also known as the "Wise Men Center for Strategic Studies"; its
comments that there are several underlying factors that caused Turkey to favour the FD-2000. I could loosely translate the article in Chinese to English.
Firstly, when asked why Turkey has decided on FD-2000, he comments that this SAM system could destroy any unidenfited missile that couldnt be identifed by conventional radar; unlike the Patroit missiles and S-300 from USA and Russia respectivity.
Subsequently, from a broad perspective, it is due to political reasons. When the Turkish govt tried to purchase similar syatem in the past, it was rejected by the US congress. Then came another rejection from the US congress when Turkey tried to purchase the "Predator" UAV. Hence, this time round the Turkish govt wants a system from another country in order to avoid "similar consequences" by the US congress. With the choice selected for FD-2000, the Turkish govt needs not wait for US congress as a result.
Financially there are 2 factors in choosing the system: First and foremost, the FD-2000 is more economically fisable for the Turkish govt. Secondly, the Chinese manufacturers gave the "Tech transfer" advantage to the host nation. About 40% of the system would be developed in Turkey with Turkish companies. These Turkish companies could learn and accumulate experiences from the technologies of launching statallites; thus reducing the reliance of some other nations.
When asked by reporters whether or not HQ-9 could statisify Turkish needs, Prof Atilla replies the HQ-9 system could hold Turkey's airshow. If western system were to be chosen, should there be a conflict between Isasel and Turkey, NATO could stop its NATO supplied air defence system; hence it is vital for Turkey to develop its own system according to its own specifications within limits.
The article also says the west is very annoyed with Turkish decision. US-led NATO raised its objections by stating the Chinese system could not be intergreted into NATO system with the fear of data hacking by the Chinese systems. However, the Turkish authorities could prevent this from happening by developing neccessary anti-hacking software as a prevention. Another US raised problem is that China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corp. (CPMEIC) was sanctioned by US congress for exporting arms to N Korea and Iran etc nation which USA regarded as "renegrade nations". This sanction only applies to the other nations but not Turkey. The sanction does not prevent Turkey from purchasing air defense system from China.
The article ends by Atilla stating that Turkey still have the decision rights before any agreement is signed.