I will move onto the missiles later, but the next topic to look at is the remaining part of the fleet. (edit: I think I will concentrate with motors for this one)
Yes, I did miss the 4 Sovs. My current feeling with Sovs, Udaloy and Slava is that although they are quality ships, but they are basically all cold war relics. With a modern navy, you want more stealthy designs, using more a main multi-functional radar, common VLS (be able to pack numerous missiles) and more advanced combat system and communication system. The main thing that Chinese ships miss these day is the lack of good engines. Whereas most ships are using CODOG or COGAG and some ships even using electric motor, China is still stuck with mostly steam turbine and CODAD powered ships. We've heard some of the problems they have with the Ukrainian gas turbine D/A-80 for 052B/C. It seems like they have some indigenous/cloning designs ready in the form of QD-168, QC-185 and QC-260, but still waiting to see what ships they go on. Actually this is the gas turbine page of Shenyang Liming, you can take a look at the projects that they have on going if you can read Chinese.
This is a nice listing of the specs of QD-168
Output: 16.8 MW
Thermal Efficiency: 36.5%
Heat Rate (KJ/KW.h): 9896
Exhaust gas flow (kg/s): 64.84
Exhaust gas temp (K): 722
power turbine speed rpm: 5300
alternator rated speed? rpm: 3000
full-life span: 5000 hours
MTBO: 1000 hours
no mention of size
And now, the much talked about QC/QD-185.
It was first shown in Zhuhai 04, this is the one they developed using technology from WS-10A I think.
If you read this page.
It talks about in October of 2005, they had CMC, PLAN , AVIC1 officials all attending its unveiling, seems to be a pretty big deal. I think it was breaking ground on a factory to produce this?
It even mentionned this
which basically translates to this project is for speeding the modernization of national defense, improving and strengthening the navy's combat capability and also improving basic condition, this gas turbine is developed using aerospace engine technology. Building development, testing, workmanship -> 3 platforms, forming an indigenously development gas turbine.
some specs here.
output: 17.8 MW (compared to the current LM-2500, which delivers 25.1 MW, still lagging quite a bit)
Thermal Efficiency: 37.2% (37% also for LM-2500)
Heat Rate (KJ/KW.h): 9710 (6860 BTU/shp-hr for LM-2500)
Exhaust gas flow (kg/s): 58.6 (155 lb/s -> 70.5 kg/s for LM-2500)
Exhaust gas temp (K): 1538 (1000 F for LM-2500)
power turbine speed rpm: 5500 (3600 rpm for LM-2500)
no mention of the size or life expectancy.
Finally, there is also the QD-128, which you can find here
It has a peak output of 13.2 MW and is ready for commercial order.
There are also RO-110, QD-70, QD-45, QD-20, producing 120 MW, 7.1MW, 4.8 MW and 2.1 MW respectively.
As for the mystical QC-260, I assume with the number 260, it's suppose to generated 26 MW of power. Although, I haven't found any official specs on this yet.
I think if QC-185 and QC-260 are more ready, we might see them on the next batch of 052D or 051D.
Another thing to think about is the nuclear powered ships. There has long been talks about the pebblebed reactors with PLAN SSNs. I'm not sure if it ever happened. One thing I'm personally watching out for is pebblebed reactors for possibly future SSNs and ACs.
Back to the Russian ships as I ramble on, we have seen some more modern designs out, but I wouldn't say any of the hulls are more stealthy/advanced than the PLAN ones. And also, I don't really think the Russian shipyards can produce ships of the same workmanship as the Chinese shipyards. Through purchasing sovs, China got its hands on things like Sunburn, shtil, top plate, Ka-28, orekh FCR, ak-630 and kashtan. I'm not sure at this point, what additional Russian missiles or CIWS that the Russians have to offer, China would be interested at this point. I suppose if they do purchase anything from the Russians in the future, it would be naval S-400 SAM if that ever finishes development, but I don't think there is anymore battleships on order.
Edit, just continuing by looking at some of the other articles posted on that webpage that have since been deleted.
求真务实 开拓创新 黎明公司走上稳建快速发展轨道 近五十年的技术积累,特别是改革开放以来的发展建设以来,在深化改革的同时,公司依托航空发动机核心技术专长,突出整体优势的发挥,坚持走国际化、专业化发展之路,集中力量在航空发动机、航空转包零部件、燃气轮机等领域定向定位发展。 在中国即将加入WTO和西部大开发的历史机遇面前,黎明公司快速反应、调整思路,以文化优势、环境优势和技术实力积极打造与国际惯例接轨的竞争平台,建立起一个可以和任何所有制企业相竞争的管理运行机制,使黎明公司进入持续发展的快车道,真正承担起振兴民族航空工业的历史使命。 航空发动机及其零部件,燃气轮机零部件制造,燃气轮机成套设备制造及热电联供机组安装、调试、运行和维修; 重型燃机: 利用国家科技部“863”重型燃机重大专项,以R0110重型燃机产品为母型机,形成自主设计平台和制造平台,并采用结构放大和缩小原理,拓展出7万kW和14万kW的机组,形成重型轻结构的7万~15万kW的基本型谱。 该型燃机是黎明公司在重型燃机领域的突破产品,预计在2005年完成首台样机的制造。 重型燃机的目标产品定位在发电、热电联供和联合循环,重型轻结构燃机产品随着我国军备的整体提升,可能在舰用上占有一席之地。时常区域分布广泛,尤其在我国西部地区,重型轻结构燃机的可运输性有着不可替代的优势。 轻型燃机: 以在研、在制和大修的航机为基础,本着一机多用、军民结合的原则,瞄准特定的目标市场,研制、生产系列轻型燃机产品,成为国内航改型系列燃机产品的生产、装配和试车基地。轻型燃机产品:(1)QD-70、QC70和QC185燃气轮机 以上燃机产品均为A型机的衍生产品,具有一机多用的显著特点。QC70和QC185燃气轮机的目标市场大致相同,适用做船舶动力、地面燃气轮机电站机组、管道输送等动力机组等,海军2020年前的舰用动力规划会上已将这两型机确定为未来我军舰用动力的主要产品之一,同时,QC185燃机也可用于未来我军舰载综合电力系统的主要装备装配部队。目前QC70的上舰立项工作已经完成。QD-70主要用于小规模电厂、高层建筑和城市小区备用电源、船舶动力、机车动力等领域。首台QD70燃机目前已在中原点火成功,未来70系列产品的发展将以QC70为主,即满足我军装备的需求,同时扩大产品在地面应用的独立能源系统的市场。 (2)QD128和QC260燃机 这两型燃机主要是“昆仑”发动机的衍生产品。QC260燃机是以“昆仑”发动机为主,采用先进的间冷回热技术发展的新一代舰用燃机。 QD128燃机是在某型航空发动机的基础上合作开发的分轴式燃气轮机, 拥有完全自主知识产权。 QD128燃气轮机机组可用于发电、热电冷联供、管输增压站等动力装置。也可用于医院、电信系统、机场、宾馆、现代化小区、石油天然气等部门,建立自己独立的能源系统。首台QD128燃气轮机热电联供机组电厂已经在河南建成,开始并网发电。 (3)QD168和QD168— 这两型燃机均为在俄罗斯最先进战斗机发动机的基础上改型研制的轻型工业用燃气轮机,具有同等功率级燃机世界先进水平,该型燃气轮机与同等或相近功率等级的其他机械驱动燃气轮机相比,热效率高,可靠性好,稳定工作范围大。 首台QD168验证机将在2003年内完成燃气发生器的台架试车工作。QD168-燃机是结合QD168燃机的特点,针对其特殊的目标市场进行改制的一型燃机,这种改制对于同等功率在国内的国外机组退役后的补充条件建设有着极大的好处。 微型燃机: 利用增压器研制和批生产能力和导发的批量制造能力,瞄准适用于军民两用的独立能源系统,黎明公司正在研制开发WD095 95kW全径流式、单转子结构微型燃机产品,以WD095微型燃机为母型机,通过等比例放大和改进改型,形成从95kW到800kW(95kW、260kW、500kW、800kW)的系列微型燃机产品,用于分布式供电及驱动动力,放大后还可用于舰船备用电源。 航空转包零部件,汽车涡轮增压器等系列产品的设计与制造,铝合金压铸件、钢质锻件、金刚石滚轮、各种拉刀、量具、刃具等。
It talks about using WD-095 and RO-110 as the original engine and then expand or minitiaurize to create other turbines of different power/application class.
Of note, QC -> for ships, QD -> for electricity generation.
So, we have QC-70, QC-185, QC-260 as what appears to be the 3 types of ship powering gas turbines. In fact, it says that the navy will use QC-70 and QC-185 as the two main types of gas turbine until 2020.
a little more, basically up to the point that this guy wrote this article in 2004, Shenyang Liming had only delivered 10 gas turbine altogether. Basically says that they got some LM-2500 in the 80s but nothing more. The ships afterward can only use the inferior DA-80.
this is only going to be talking about light gas turbine that are basically developed from aerospace engines.
(1)QD70: 以某A型发动机为主,是“具有90年代世界先进水平的燃机”,动力涡轮输出功率7060 kW(峰值可达8000KW),热效率31.2%,燃气发生器总增压比 13.2,空气流量29 kg/s,其工作负荷比在航机上有“大幅度降低”(黎明称比国内外所有的航改燃机下降的幅度都大),这有助于提高机组的工作可靠性和寿命。该机2003年7月在中原油田与下面提到的QD128共同并网发电,投入市场运作。其后发现了一些问题并进行了改进。
QD-70 - developed from WS-10A, claims to be at the 90s level of gas turbine. has a maximum output of 8 MW and thermal efficiency of 31.2% ....
(2)QD128: 以“昆仑”发动机为主。燃气发生器来源于昆仑(去掉加力部件),动力涡轮是以斯贝SK15HE型为原准机修改而成。输出功率11500KW(峰值功率为13200KW),热效率28%,燃气发生器总增压比12,空气流量60kg/s。动力涡轮温度1028摄氏度。其技术性能据称处于世界中等偏上水平。“昆仑”发动机于2002年5月20日通过设计定型,但QD-128燃气轮机的首台机组于2000年就已完成制造。可见“昆仑”发动机产业化的思路早就制定下来了。
QD-128 - developed from kunlun, has maximum output of 13.2 MW, thermal efficiency of 28%. even though kunlun didn't achieve certification until May of 2002, QD-128's first unit was delivered by 2000.
(3)QD168和168A: 按照黎明的说法,这两型燃机均为“在俄罗斯最先进战斗机发动机的基础上改型研制而成”。QD168A的研制工作,从1999年10月份开始设计方案前期研究; 2000年~2001年底进行了该项目的总体方案设计, 2001年7月份开始结构设计。2002年6月完成了验证机的全部结构设计工作并开始研制,首台验证机研制于2003年底完成验证机的调试、试车工作,2004年初将首台配SPEY动力涡轮的燃气发生器运抵试验电厂进行试验。空气流量: 64.8kg/s,涡轮前温度: 1142℃(比航机降了250℃),输出功率16800KW,热效率35%。
QD-168/A - apparently, these were developed from Russian fighter engines? (I guess AL-31?). Anyhow, QD-168A's development started in october of 99 and the first experimental engine finished testing by end of 2003. by 2004, the first one using spey motor was sent for testing. The output is 16.8 MW, heat efficiency 35%.
(4)QC185: 以某A型发动机为主。额定功率可达17780KW,热效率高达37.2%,即使在世界范围内,这个数字也是非常高的。其涡轮进口温度是1265℃。而空气流量只有58.6kg/s,这个数字甚至小于QD128,足以说明其原型机的水平之高。QC185燃气轮机验证机燃气发生器已经于2004年2月8日正式点火成功。其综合性能指标应当位于同档功率世界先进水平之列。
apparently, developed from WS-10A too, as mentionned, output of 17.8 MW and thermal efficiency of 37.2%, this is pretty good. The experimental unit of QC-185 ignited in February 8th of 2004. Apparently, it's specs are in the same level as the world leading gas turbine of this weight class
(5)QC70: 也以某A型发动机为主。性能不详。功率也应在7000KW左右,跟QD70相比做了一定的改进以满足进一步的要求。
QC-70, improved from QD-70.
(6)QC260: 以“昆仑”发动机为主,是采用先进的间冷回热技术发展的新一代舰用燃机。目前所知不详。但是按照命名法,估计可达26000KW,已经达到了著名的美国LM2500燃气轮机的功率。其用途,想必大家都能想象得到,肯定是为上舰研制的。
develped from kunlun engine - not much known in terms of progress. Can only guess from the name that the expected output is 26 MW, reaching LM2500's level.