@Jiang: I agree with you completely about the fact that it is very important that China continues to build a strong navy since her global interests have to be protected vigorously in the coming years; but unfourtunately your assumptions about a number of China´s neighbours are certainly misguided!
Only the US and their steadfast ´Sancho Pansa´Japan can be designated as potential adversaries and India will tread very careful since her economic interests (China is India´s second most important trade partner) will suffer dearly if India unduly provokes China.
The ROK and Singapore have been turned by China´s succesfull diplomacy and economic weight by more than 90 degrees and both countries elites are absolutely aware about the fact that China is their biggest trade and investment partner. Some years into the future (the elder Lee Kuan Yew (Singapores somewhat sinophobic foundingfather) will probably be gone by then and the process of korean unification will eventually be under way) these countries will be turned by 180 degrees in their strategic orientation.
Vietnam is indeed a peculiar case since ordinary viets harbour deep resentments against the chinese people but the CPV wants to solidify their grip on power and has decided after some wavering that only cooperation with China holds the key for prosperity and stability in the indochinese region (look at who holds the big stakes in Cambodia and Laos already!).
After all China´s soft AND hard power position in her East and South East Asian neighbourhood has improved markedly in recent years and China should avoid irritating new friends by holding on to old prejudices.
@dear Jiang: Best regards Violet Oboe
Well dear friend, you have a point. However, we still have to watch out. Remember what happen in our past 100 years of history.
Our people wer being mascared, our kingdom was being destoried by Japan, UK, France, Germany and the list goes on. I am not trying to be hurtful. But it is a fact. We must remember that only a strong force can save us, and protect our children and future. Even though we are the most important trading partner in Asia, but there are still many hate toward us and want hurt us.