Well the difference between 1700 nukes and (something more realistic) 10000 nukes is pretty massive
With 1700 nukes civilization collapses but China doesn't. Some Chinese people would survive and in the (very) long run could make China return to its former glory.
For the purposes of assessing what China's current and foreseeable future nuclear strategy and priorities are in context of China-USA geopolitical competition, no, the difference between 1700 and 10000 (actually I said 170,000 -- an even bigger number) is inconsequential.
With only 350 nukes at present, it doesn't matter whether China is nuked with 1700 warheads or 170,000 warheads, because either way China has lost the geopolitical competition if they are unable to deter a US first strike, the only question is by how much China has lost.
With 10000 nukes you can be quite certain that maybe some cockroaches will be alive by then. This ensures that China as a whole and as a society and as a race has been eliminated.
So the difference is quite stark here. Thats why China needs to go for at least 10000 warheads because it is quite clear to everyone that the US is not a rational actor and the crazies on power might have thoughts on surviving a nuclear war. Such thoughts are inherently not positive for maintaining nuclear deterrence
No. you can also lose in the long run (100s/1000s years) if you havent managed to completely eliminate the enemy. 1700 nuclear warheads isn't enough to achieve that (as enemies in that order, I include the US, Japan, Europe, and various other puppets)
The things they value is their lives. Being able to eliminate every single one of them is the only deterrence that matters here. Not eliminating 50/100, or 70/100. I mean eliminate 100/100
No. Every single city should be targeted. What's the issue here, China has plenty of money. When dealing with crazies you should stock up
I'm not sure why you are so obsessed with trying to deter an insane USA, when China at present barely has the capability to deter a sane USA from a first strike.
- Dealing with a sane USA requires robust counter-value deterrence capability, which will need larger nuclear arsenal than what China has right now.
- Dealing with an insane USA requires a much much bigger nuclear arsenal to fully destroy and disarm the USA
on top of a robust counter-value deterrence capability, which will need a much, much bigger nuclear arsenal than even the above.
You and others seem to have read my last few posts and interpreted my comments as if I am espousing what China's "maximum" nuclear ambitions to be -- if that is the case, then you have interpreted me incorrectly.
My last few replies have all been about arguing that it does not make sense for China to pursue a "counter-force only" nuclear doctrine without first achieving a robust counter-value deterrence capability, which requires China to have a larger nuclear arsenal than it currently has.
Nowhere have I written what the "ceiling" of China's nuclear capabilities should be, only what the "minimum floor" of it should be.
All of this talk about needing to deter a crazy USA makes me laugh --- why are we even dreaming about deterring a crazy USA, when currently China is barely able to deter a
sane USA?
How about we see China develop a nuclear arsenal that is first able to deter a sane USA from a first strike, before we start thinking ahead more ambitiously?