You think it's entirely possible, but do you really know how much? What if the difference between "standard" and "full" displacement is 2,000 tons? Or 1,000 tons? Do you know how much beyond more than just a guess?
Also, nobody is going to consider well decks packed with MRE's. "Full displacement" refers to combat missions.
Full load departure or full displacement:
Along with all the Lightship loads, the vessel has all systems charged meaning that all fresh water, cooling, lubricating, hydraulic and fuel service header tanks, piping and equipment systems are filled with their normal operating fluids. Crew and effects are at their normal values. Consumables (provisions, potable water and fuel) are at 100% capacity. Ammunition and/or cargo is at maximum capacity. The vessel is at its limiting draft or legal load line.
"Hull" is the not the same thing as "size". The hull of a ship does not include its superstructure, and that is where the two ships differ dramatically. This has been my entire point regarding the difference between horizontal or oblique photos vs overhead (GE) shots. The superstructure of the 17 is much larger than that of the 071. That stepped forward superstructure of the 071 that fanboys always complain about, lack of proper surface area/volume utilization and all that? Well why the hell did people stop complaining and forget about this deficiency all of a sudden? When they needed a bigger phallus to compare against the SA, of course. And this is of course the bottom line in all this displacement envy. Not an unbiased look at the actual photographic evidence, but a desire to have a bigger d&ck than the other guy, to put it bluntly. The 071 is smaller, no need to feel ashamed about it or try to find possible reasons to invalidate it. Just look at the photos. The poorly utilized forward superstructure of the 071 has been filled in by the forward superstructure of the SA. That forward area alone makes the SA at least a few thousand tons heavier than the 071.