071 LPD thread


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

you believe what you want to believe, nobody force you to believe of anything, but please respect other opinions and works :p


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

I thought Mysterre was a decent member until the last 3 pages in this thread.
Now I realise he is just a delusional fanboy bordering on troll, thinking he knows EVERYTHING and his opinion is greater than the others. LOL!
He accuses others of assumptions when HE is doing the same thing.
His ego seems incapable of accepting the PLAN might have something similar to his 'invincible' USN.
He is trying his best to convince himself the PLAN will ALWAYS have inferior capabilities to the USN.

Dream on...


Senior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

I thought Mysterre was a decent member until the last 3 pages in this thread.
Now I realise he is just a delusional fanboy bordering on troll, thinking he knows EVERYTHING and his opinion is greater than the others. LOL!
He accuses others of assumptions when HE is doing the same thing.
His ego seems incapable of accepting the PLAN might have something similar to his 'invincible' USN.
He is trying his best to convince himself the PLAN will ALWAYS have inferior capabilities to the USN.

Dream on...

Agree! I don't think the crew statement is too far off given the spec we have compare between SA and 071. Shocking someone outright denied it. Probably if we make some absurd under spec statement of 071 like is only 7000 tons and had speed of 7 knots and no ballast.

He will immediately accept it without even thinking...


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Ah yes, numbers given by the PLAN. So the full displacement numbers given by the PLAN were.... what, exactly? And I wasn't aware that the difference between "standard" and "full" displacement was or included 64 fully loaded ZDB05's. That number must have been supplied by the PLAN as well, I'm assuming.

The full displacement figure given by PLAN is 28,000t, and that's why this whole debate started since it's a number larger than any previous estimations. According to standard Chinese maritime definition, the "over 19,000t normal displacement" include hull, mechanical components, weapons components, crew, ammo, dry supplies, fresh water, 1/2 fuel, 1/2 lubricant, 1/2 boiler water. It is used to describe the displacement the vessel exhibits during yard trials prior to delivery. So yeah the 64 ZBD05 and ammo, and helicopters, and marines, and the other vehicles, and half the fuel are not included.

Well first of all 134x16 is not "similar" to 143x17. Just in terms of surface area that's 15% more, in terms of volume it's even more than that. Also, you have not shown what more to the 071's displacement would make it outdisplace the SA besides making claims about "64 fully loaded" ZDB05's, which you have not demonstrated to be the actual difference between standard and full load. You have also not addressed the gratuitously and obviously more massive superstructure of the SA compared to the 071, or the fact that it's beam is apparently 5ft wider than the 071. I am willing to bet some of the same people who were moaning about how inefficiently the PLAN designed the front superstructure of the 071 are some of the same people who are now adamant that the SA which actually fills this front volume nearly fully, is somehow smaller than the 071. I myself am a fan of the PLAN, but I have never had the impulse to WANT the 071 to be bigger. But OTOH it is gratuitously obvious there are people here who want the 071 to be bigger, and not for reasons grounded in reality. I did not specifically state that you were one of them, or I would have said "you" directly. Nonetheless, there are patterns of posts which make it obvious to me this whole size comparison thing is far more simultaneously angst- and inferiority complex- and pride-driven than is actually worthy of such emotion.
In the contrary, it reinforced the complaint about the inefficiency of the design. I mean with such large displacement how come the 071 doesn't have a larger superstructure. Due to the shorter superstructure and emphasis on vehicle/ACV/aviation carriage, the ship lacks some features that the SA has. For example, creature comfort facilities such as a gym, as demonstrated during its Gulf of Aden tour that a makeshift gym has to be setup on the vehicle deck. Or integrated RHIB, since small patrol boats have to dock inside the well deck instead of hoisted onto the RHIB deck on top of SA's superstructure. All those are design compromises to allow the ship carry and deliver a large number of amphibious assets to the beach in the shortest time period by prioritizing spaces to cargo related purposes. In a sense it's still a ship to project power regionally not globally.


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

I thought Mysterre was a decent member until the last 3 pages in this thread.
Now I realise he is just a delusional fanboy bordering on troll, thinking he knows EVERYTHING and his opinion is greater than the others. LOL!
He accuses others of assumptions when HE is doing the same thing.
His ego seems incapable of accepting the PLAN might have something similar to his 'invincible' USN.
He is trying his best to convince himself the PLAN will ALWAYS have inferior capabilities to the USN.

Dream on...

I respect his opinion and try to have a healthy discussion but seeing him suppressing other members' opinion day by day is just unacceptable. I don't think he's a troll though.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

I thought Mysterre was a decent member until the last 3 pages in this thread.
Now I realise he is just a delusional fanboy bordering on troll, thinking he knows EVERYTHING and his opinion is greater than the others. LOL!
He accuses others of assumptions when HE is doing the same thing.
His ego seems incapable of accepting the PLAN might have something similar to his 'invincible' USN.
He is trying his best to convince himself the PLAN will ALWAYS have inferior capabilities to the USN.

Dream on...
Actually I think many of you are the delusional fanboys here. It's also not "my" USN; straw man attacks are a sign of a weak mind. You are also making a slew of personal attacks which just shows you are mentally incapable of debating me on a point by point basis. If you disagree with what I just said, go ahead and bring it on. I've never shied away from slugging out the details, but when people can only attack with generalities and non-specific nonsense, it contributes nothing to the discussion besides making me LOL. The hallmark of a troll is not someone who disagrees with you on the details of a debate, it is someone who does not know how to argue his desired points, or does not want to, and so has to resort instead to the kind of posting you just put up.

The full displacement figure given by PLAN is 28,000t, and that's why this whole debate started since it's a number larger than any previous estimations. According to standard Chinese maritime definition, the "over 19,000t normal displacement" include hull, mechanical components, weapons components, crew, ammo, dry supplies, fresh water, 1/2 fuel, 1/2 lubricant, 1/2 boiler water. It is used to describe the displacement the vessel exhibits during yard trials prior to delivery. So yeah the 64 ZBD05 and ammo, and helicopters, and marines, and the other vehicles, and half the fuel are not included.
I do not accept that the 28,000 ton figure is given by the "PLAN". You are so ready to accept this figure without any other evidence of it being true, despite several of you trying so hard. This is EXACTLY like the 054A plaque describing a VLS capable of launching SAM's and ASW rockets, which despite NO OTHER EVIDENCE of its existence, was then spun as definitive proof that the PLAN currently operates a sino-VLA. This may or may not be the case, just like the 28,000 ton figure may or may not be accurate, but the (vehement) willingness of some of you to so readily accept this report without additional evidence, just indicates to me you are not being critical enough and just want to subscribe to whatever makes you feel better (about yourselves, I'm guessing). So somebody heard from somebody who heard from some sailor who claimed that the 071 is larger, and this is now 071 Gospel straight from the PLAN? What about the 5 foot wider beam (unintentionally and humorously) listed by someone trying to "prove" the 071 was larger due to its 5 ft longer length, presumably delineated by GE? How about the definitive photographic evidence of an obviously larger superstructure? How about all the previous estimates putting it at 18,000 to 20,000 tons? Many of these pieces are IMO more concrete evidence than the single rumor of a rumor, but clearly to some these are far more easily discarded when a larger tonnage number can be latched onto. So you think it's not possible that some guy heard from some guy who made up a story? Did you guys consider this possibility before you subscribed to this report lock, stock and barrel? So Chinese military fanboys are the only ones who are pure of mind and soul? All that fanart routinely being passed off as the real deal must be done by non-Chinese artists bent on mayhem and mischief then. Alternatively, you could consider this report and take it with a grain of salt until some additional confirmation is available that contradicts more definitively all the other evidence that is already available, which I have already listed.

In the contrary, it reinforced the complaint about the inefficiency of the design. I mean with such large displacement how come the 071 doesn't have a larger superstructure. Due to the shorter superstructure and emphasis on vehicle/ACV/aviation carriage, the ship lacks some features that the SA has. For example, creature comfort facilities such as a gym, as demonstrated during its Gulf of Aden tour that a makeshift gym has to be setup on the vehicle deck. Or integrated RHIB, since small patrol boats have to dock inside the well deck instead of hoisted onto the RHIB deck on top of SA's superstructure. All those are design compromises to allow the ship carry and deliver a large number of amphibious assets to the beach in the shortest time period by prioritizing spaces to cargo related purposes. In a sense it's still a ship to project power regionally not globally.
I'm not sure how prioritizing a given volume towards combat rather than creature comforts means it has a larger displacement. It is a clear unambiguous fact that the superstructure on the SA is larger than that on the 071. And if we are to believe the GE-derived length and beam estimates, just those numbers alone would indicate the SA is larger than the 071. Also, the speed estimate of "20 knots" means nothing to me, and to be honest it should mean nothing to anyone else. I could throw out a random number too: "22 knots". Now who can prove to me this number is less correct than "20 knots"? At least the length/width estimates have some basis in objectively repeatable reality (via GE), and if even roughly accurate, indicates that the SA is larger. Beam trumps length here; it's nothing other than basic math that needs to be understood to realize why this is so. If the 071 turns out to be 28,000 tons, would I be utterly surprised? Not really. OTOH, would some people here be utterly shocked if the 071 were later found to be only 20,000 tons or thereabouts? Yes, I think they would. And that is the difference between healthy skepticism and blind faith.

I respect his opinion and try to have a healthy discussion but seeing him suppressing other members' opinion day by day is just unacceptable. I don't think he's a troll though.
Please tell me which opinions I am "suppressing". The fact that I disagree with an opinion is evidence that I am suppressing it? How about my opinion that the 054A plaque was not necessarily definitive proof that the PLAN is currently operating a sino-VLA? How many angry trolls rose up from the SDF woodworks to suppress this opinion, and yet were unable to nullify my points? If you think this is not what happened, I'm ready to go over the same details again anytime, anywhere and/or directly link back to the posts to demonstrate exactly what I'm saying here. And now look at all the trolls coming out of the woodworks without any actual opinions on the subject at hand. Look at antiterror13's non-relevant trolling. Look at J-XX's non-relevant trolling. Look, if people don't want to hear something that is not the non-stop PLAN heavenly music to their ears that they are used to indulging themselves in, they don't have to read or respond to my posts. But my posts are not incorrect just because they cause some cognitive dissonance in some peoples' minds between desire and reality.

Agree! I don't think the crew statement is too far off given the spec we have compare between SA and 071. Shocking someone outright denied it. Probably if we make some absurd under spec statement of 071 like is only 7000 tons and had speed of 7 knots and no ballast.

He will immediately accept it without even thinking...
No I would subject your 7,000 ton claims to the same type of deductive reasoning I apply to the 28,000 ton claims. Despite whatever you personally believe, I feel I take a far more reasoned and cautious approach to evaluating new material than you and your buddies, who will throw caution to the wind if a new claim of X makes the PLAN look "better" in your eyes, whatever better means to you, regardless of previous evidence or common sense.
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re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

It's amazing to me what lengths people will go to using CLEARLY-stated estimates to try and "prove" that the 071 is bigger. So it's longer by 5 feet. Is this supposed to be earth-shattering? So it doesn't matter that the superstructure of the SA is obviously more massive than the 071? It doesn't matter that the beam of the 071 is NARROWER than the SA by 5 feet? You seriously think this is less consequential than the length? I think you need to think about this a little more.
Mysterre, you entirely missed my point. Since Huygens started research on the drag of ships about three and a half centuries ago in Paris we have learned a lot. It is entirely unreasonable that when two ships are of very nearly the same size, are designed for very similar purposes, use very similar engines but one of them has about 10% more power, to expect that the lower powered one has a 10% higher speed unless she has a much lower weight. So either the estimator has reason to believe the full load weight of 071 is higher than that of SA or the data popeye found for us is not an estimate but propaganda.


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

I do not accept that the 28,000 ton figure is given by the "PLAN". You are so ready to accept this figure without any other evidence of it being true, despite several of you trying so hard. This is EXACTLY like the 054A plaque describing a VLS capable of launching SAM's and ASW rockets, which despite NO OTHER EVIDENCE of its existence, was then spun as definitive proof that the PLAN currently operates a sino-VLA.

Please tell me which opinions I am "suppressing". The fact that I disagree with an opinion is evidence that I am suppressing it? How about my opinion that the 054A plaque was not necessarily definitive proof that the PLAN is currently operating a sino-VLA?

You are not running a very convincing argument here, you pretty much is saying that you refuse to accept figures given by the PLAN, and in the 054A case even with photographic evidence, then you expect others to take you seriously?

PLA rarely give out details about their equipment, when they do, the figures are almost always accurate. You, on the other hand, is judging 071's displacement based on very limited information. Unless you have seen the blue print of the 071, or if you are an experience shipbuilding engineer who can provide a convincing calculation of 071's displacement, your claim is nothing but your personal opinion, and it's no more accurate or valuable than anyone else's.

You are suppressing other people's opinion by outright saying that the others are wrong without providing any more convincing evidence of your own, in some cases even belittling others, asking others to "remove themselves from this discussion." That kind of behavior is usually not tolerate in forums like this, the Mods are being easy on you because I assume you are helping generating a lot of traffic. To facilitate an effective and healthy discussion you need to acknowledge others' argument, state your opinion, provide evidence to support your claim, and in cases where you cannot provide definitive evidence, agree to disagree.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Mysterre, you entirely missed my point. Since Huygens started research on the drag of ships about three and a half centuries ago in Paris we have learned a lot. It is entirely unreasonable that when two ships are of very nearly the same size, are designed for very similar purposes, use very similar engines but one of them has about 10% more power, to expect that the lower powered one has a 10% higher speed unless she has a much lower weight. So either the estimator has reason to believe the full load weight of 071 is higher than that of SA or the data popeye found for us is not an estimate but propaganda.
No, I think you're missing my point. You are taking an estimated speed to make conclusions about displacement. This "20 knots" speed comes from where? Nowhere. How did whoever made this estimate, make this estimate? I think the short answer would be: they pulled it out of their nether regions. It sounds reasonable enough, that's about how fast most of these types of ships move, but how accurate and reliable is this number? Certainly not enough for you to use to estimate displacement, that's for sure.

You are not running a very convincing argument here, you pretty much is saying that you refuse to accept figures given by the PLAN, and in the 054A case even with photographic evidence, then you expect others to take you seriously?

PLA rarely give out details about their equipment, when they do, the figures are almost always accurate. You, on the other hand, is judging 071's displacement based on very limited information. Unless you have seen the blue print of the 071, or if you are an experience shipbuilding engineer who can provide a convincing calculation of 071's displacement, your claim is nothing but your personal opinion, and it's no more accurate or valuable than anyone else's.
I do not refuse to accept figures given by the PLAN, I refuse to accept as the Bible a report given by a person who heard from someone else who allegedly heard that a sailor allegedly told him a number of 28,000 tons. You are trying to equate this to being as reliable as a report or a news clip that you and I can read or watch with our own eyes. It is not the same and you know it. In this case you are relying on third hand testimony regarding the displacement of the 071 and elevating it to the level of an official announcement. If the 071 turns out to be 28,000 tons full load, it will not have made this report any more reliable, merely that a rumor had been confirmed. I could easily make up a story about how some PLAN sailor told me the ex-Varyag was actually 80,000 tons full load and I guarantee you it would circulate like wildfire among the fanboys. But do they have access to this sailor that I allegedly talked to? Of course not. What is needed is more evidence than this report, because without this report, the bulk of the evidence points AGAINST the 071 having a larger displacement. When you already have things pointing the other way, you generally need more than just a single third hand report to make a convincing case. In the end, the true displacement of the 071 wrt the SA is neither here nor there for me in terms of more or less, but for some people it's clearly personal, and their lack of objectivity saturates all of their posting, including a lack of willingness to accommodate evidence unfavorable to their position.

You are suppressing other people's opinion by outright saying that the others are wrong without providing any more convincing evidence of your own, in some cases even belittling others, asking others to "remove themselves from this discussion." That kind of behavior is usually not tolerate in forums like this, the Mods are being easy on you because I assume you are helping generating a lot of traffic. To facilitate an effective and healthy discussion you need to acknowledge others' argument, state your opinion, provide evidence to support your claim, and in cases where you cannot provide definitive evidence, agree to disagree.
You are the one not running a very convincing argument here. People saying other people being wrong without giving evidence of their own is VERY COMMON on this site, and in fact the instance where I told antiterror to stop posting was a perfect example of him making personal attacks with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING rational to present of his own. All he wanted was to let me know that I was wrong about that Wiki article. Why was I wrong? Because he wanted me to be. What arguments did he provide to support his position? NONE. And in fact someone else pointed out that the article cited SDF. Oops, not looking too good for his rant. I don't see you castigating him for making non-rational posts, or J-XX for writing a brainless diatribe that was utterly devoid of relevant content. Why not? They certainly did not follow your "formula" of "acknowledge others' argument, state your opinion, provide evidence to support your claim, and in cases where you cannot provide definitive evidence, agree to disagree". I didn't claim someone was wrong here without giving an argument why I think this is so. You or anyone else not liking my argument is NOT the same thing as me not providing an argument, and I think should you should acknowledge this, because otherwise by your standard pretty much everybody on this site is "suppressing" everyone else's argument.