Z-10 thread

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1. The traditional think of a "Great Army" in PLA, here Army means Land Force only, and sometime even means Soldier on FOOT only. So,any flying toyes are threats to those generals' 'baby'--Tanks and Guns. (Even sometime, any machine is not thought to be reliable,only men and their guns are trusted). Heli? Cut them off and we need more tanks.

2. Then talk about Air Force. From AF's eyes, any thing flying should be controled by AF. So, Army's wing? they are threat, and cut them off.

3. Low level air space is not open to public, so few civil aviation of heli.

4. The Aero-industry,
Z-6 failed because of no proper reliable engine.
Z-7 abandoned for Z-8, and engine is problem.
Z-8 reverse-engineered for thirty years and in this thirty years built less than 30! Engine and transmission are problems too!!!
Z-9 lisenced built, and what a pity, engines and transmissions still still met so many problems......
Z-11, even PLA do not like it, they profer HC-120.

So, most of their Heli have to be imported.
who told you they only built 30 Z-8s in 30 years?
Production rate from 2005 to 2007 are 9, 12 and 15. That's just the last 3 years. How else do you think they managed to get 2 Z-8K regiments out there? The problem right now with Z-8 is the cost, so it probably will only serve in SAR or naval role in the future.
There is nothing wrong with Z-9s either. They've got the engine situation sorted out. They were producing as many as 7 per month a while back. Not sure what the production rate is now.


VIP Professional
1. The traditional think of a "Great Army" in PLA, here Army means Land Force only, and sometime even means Soldier on FOOT only. So,any flying toyes are threats to those generals' 'baby'--Tanks and Guns. (Even sometime, any machine is not thought to be reliable,only men and their guns are trusted). Heli? Cut them off and we need more tanks.

It probably was in the past. Not any more. Don't keep mistaking this just because there is PLA on the PLAN and PLAAF name.

PLAN and PLAAF now have representative seats in the CMC, which puts them in equal status with the PLA Army and fully autonomous. The PLAAF has become more fully autonomous, strategic and long ranged with their aircraft, as opposed to short ranged aircraft like Q-5s meant more for a short ranged CAS role. And the PLAN is evolving from a coastal fleet to a blue water fleet. The PLAAF and PLAN could not afford to get their shiny new J-10s and J-11s, those sparkling new destroyers, subs and frigates unless there has been a massive budget shift away from tanks to aircraft and ships. As a matter of fact, don't people complain the PLA not getting enough ZTZ-99s and 96Gs? Not too long ago, Jiang Zhemin visited an air force base and told the Air Force they are the front line of defense. In the 80th PLA anniversary, the parade was held in all things, a PLAN base, not marching in Tianamen Square. All these actions are symbolic of the new emphasis on the Air Force and the Navy, in order to create a Great Wall on air and water.


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The US first pioneered the use of helicopters and the initial development of helicopter tactics. Hardly a comparison.

Furthermore, an army is useless without adequate transportation, both ground and airborne. Lack of mobility has been a very pressing issue for the PLA.
Umm why you quote me?? what you wrote had nothing relevant to my post in #338, I didnt even talk about heli tactics, transport issues and etc...So dunno why your refering to me no relevance to my post at all.


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0 probably. My guess is that they are in trials.

If anyone actually "knows" for certain, they most certainly wouldn't be saying it here.


New Member
I cannot imagine that the Chinese would not have foreseen the possibility the PW engines would be cut off. They would have their options, and probably have some sort of reverse engineering project the moment they got their hands on the first engine. Note they're appearing to reverse engineer the Blackhawk, given the model they've shown on an airshow. And yet another option is that they may get a similar engine somewhere else, European, Russian or Ukrainian. That may also cost delays but the delay period won't be as long as reverse engineering the engine completely.

do you have the pic? this is new to me:)


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Fire control radar for Chinese Attack Helicopter

Few days ago someone said on WForum that a new type fire control radar similiar to Long Bow will be installed on WZ-10 soon. Now we got photo evidence...:D
Here is the link:
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
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Re: Fire control radar for Chinese Attack Helicopter

ludasmatyi, welcome to our forum.

Perhaps you can tell me how this bit of information will be benifical to the WZ-10.


Lieutenant General
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Re: Fire control radar for Chinese Attack Helicopter

Few days ago someone said on WForum that a new type fire control radar similiar to Long Bow will be installed on WZ-10 soon. Now we got photo evidence...:D
Here is the link:
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the first thing is that nothing shows up. Secondly, we have a Z-10 thread, so please post there from now on. I will be merging the two.
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