Z-10 thread

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Banned Idiot
Really, save your arrogance. I got a pretty popular blog going and got many of articles posted on CDF without my permission. Do you think I actually took it up with CDF's site owner?

You should be flattered anyone bothers to quote your stuff.
I stand by my comments and may I ask what your famopus blog is?


New Member
i am surprised, really that gizhou has been apart of the forum since aug-2006.:rofl:

anyway, lets all calm down before this gets anymore personal. :eek:ff


Junior Member
Here's my litmus test for WZ-10 articles: if it still mentions having Pratt & Whitney engines, it's probably written by amatuers whom didn't even bother to read up on the latest news concerning the sale of the engine.

For one I have no idea why they only ordered 10 engines and stopped ordering after that. They either needed just five helicopters, or were naive enough to think that the engines can be ordered on a massive scale, or had a indigenious backup plan to be made ready around now. The lack of news concerning an indigenous engine is concerning because it shifts the possbilities more toward the middle one. If they don't have an engine ready now, the whole program may be set back at least a couple of years.


Lieutenant General
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I stand by my comments and may I ask what your famopus blog is?

Ohhh man, please calm down ! If I'm right, You are here since 29 posts and I don't know what gives You the right to act that way.

We are all here to discuss and learn about these topics ... some of us are more informed and other' are less.

So if You are a "member" of the first group You are surely highly wellcome ... but please calm down.

Cheers, Deino


Banned Idiot
:D Let's start afresh. I was angry because there are few posters on this website, as well as on other ones, who have been using, commenting and basically attacking some of my work. If you go to the Jamestown Foundation's China Brief and look up Martin Andrew you may be in for a little shock. ;) This is but a small sample of my work.

Be careful what you say about people who write the engines Fugitive Visions as material becomes dated quickly, and the 'my journals are more accurate than yours 'etc arguments. I have been translating Chinese military journals and building up a huge database since 2002 and endeavour wherever possible, to double check my material before I publish it. Easily over 95 percent of my material since 2003 is from translations from either Chinese or Russian. I get paid for my material and if I stuff up I won't get published. My material on the WZ-10 is accurate as I checked against other material including photographs which is all Chinese language material.

The P&wW Canada engines no doubt will be replaced by something else but they gave the designers enough modern powerful engines to get things kick started. Probably some Chinese development reverse engineered from the Z-15. Technical material on the PLA is available if you can get access to it, can read and write military Chinese and have a knowledge of Western systems. The reason it is not out there is that there a bugger all translators in the field and it's hard to get published.

I have almost completed a book on the PLA's weapons systems, structure, operational history and it is almost entirely from Rissian and Chinese sources. I am happy to share it but people have not been acknowledging my work when they do. Ask and I will see what I have.


GI Zhou :nana:


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Now personally I don't care who you are or who do you think you are...in here it doesen't matter as there are only two factors that counts:

1)one's respection is only of that what other members sees you. You cannot boast and demand that I'm mister Big!, you pay a respect to me. Nope. You all are equal and you are only judged by the stuff you post and to what manners.

2) Exeption to that is the moderation team. They are the law in here. When they give you instructions or order those must be obeyed and followed, othervice sanctions will follow. All mod's have earned their status and power with their capabilities in the eyes of the administrators and its not your task or privileg to question that.

So concratulation Gizhou, your boasting has earned you your first warning, any continuing of this offtopic, pointless and idiotic depating will earn you another one which would mean one week ban alongside it.

And everyone else, just focus on the Z-10 for now onwards.

Head of the moderator team


Banned Idiot
Now personally I don't care who you are or who do you think you are...in here it doesen't matter as there are only two factors that counts:

1)one's respection is only of that what other members sees you. You cannot boast and demand that I'm mister Big!, you pay a respect to me. Nope. You all are equal and you are only judged by the stuff you post and to what manners.

2) Exeption to that is the moderation team. They are the law in here. When they give you instructions or order those must be obeyed and followed, othervice sanctions will follow. All mod's have earned their status and power with their capabilities in the eyes of the administrators and its not your task or privileg to question that.

So concratulation Gizhou, your boasting has earned you your first warning, any continuing of this offtopic, pointless and idiotic depating will earn you another one which would mean one week ban alongside it.

And everyone else, just focus on the Z-10 for now onwards.

Head of the moderator team

Cum Wai Lan:)


Junior Member
The helicopter is in the size and weight range of the Italian A129 Mangusta with many design features directly from it, including the cockpit. Two Pratt and Whitney Canada PT6C-6TC engines rated at 1,531 horsepower, which equates to 1,142 kilowatts, power the WZ-10. These give it a top speed of 280 km/hr, a cruising speed of 230 km/hr and a maximum range of 800 km.

When I read the article, I did not read anything that says it has the size and weight range of the A129 Mangusta.

But I have read that WZ-10 looks like Apache in the article.

Where have you read that?


VIP Professional
Registered Member
f I'm not wrong, I think this fella has just insulted you in Taiwanese, which means "Suck his Penis".

You know what to do...

I know....:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:
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