Banned Idiot
Nothing weard and we have been calling this for years it's about time a attack naval helicopter was based on board Amphibous assault ships because a Amphibous landing on a beech head will require suppression fire by attack helicopters and cover for transport helicopters
If China wants to have a true over the horizon Amphibous assault capability they will need to get a attack helicopter in the air over the combat zone this is a must
Combat attack helicopters at sea are now a requirement for most LPD and LHD
It's like cross decking between navy's the are testing out the landing and take off from a helipad the pilots are training and there is much to learn the ship is moving and it's a great opportunity to learn to land of a small deck on the back of a ship while it's moving and at sea
In my opinion this is a huge step forward for PLAN and to me it looks like a standard army aviation helo there is no flotation devices or any other naval modifications on this chopper so they are in the early days of this new tactics
I would like to see the deck of the Type 071 LPD packed with a few of these helos would be a very nice
Something like this
San Antonio Class LPD with helos
It's weird because the nets were up on the ship, implying that the ship wasn't ready to receive a landing. So why was the WZ-10 hovering over the ship?