Taiwan is thinking about buying 30 Apache attack helicopters along with 90 utility helicopters. I have read news from Taiwan, China, and the US, and this a combination of what is going on with this plan:
1. Taiwan's government is split over whether to buy or not buy. The pro-buy side says Taiwan's current attack and utility helicopters are getting too old (outdated technology and too much wear-and-tear), so they need this new stuff. The anti-buy side says that the new attack and utility helicopters will do very little to help Taiwan defend itself against a Chinese invasion, so this military deal is ineffective and expensive, and should be thrown out. The anti-buy side also wants to improve relations with China, and not continue or worsen the arguments with China, so they think this military deal is counterproductive. The anti-buy side also said that the US is pushing for this sale to profit off of Taiwan, because the US is a demanding price that is greatly overpriced for these weapons.
2. Taiwan's government will most likely decide whether to buy or not buy AFTER 2008. This is due to Taiwan's government schedule and elections. Then it is up to the US government to decide whether to sell or not. Currently, talks about this deal are just for brainstorming.
3. Right now, the US is not offering Taiwan any thing that is for sure. The US has only told Taiwan that IF (and a BIG IF) Taiwan buys and the US sells, then Taiwan can get the Apache block II sometime now, or wait until 2010 or later to get the new Apache block III. I read US news that Apache block III will come out in 2010, and the US will first give itself these new Apaches, and then the US will give them out to its allies/customers, so these delivery times make sense.