Funny, I don't think I ever said they had them, let alone that they were in full-fledged service. I don't think things are looking bad for China right now, but they just keep looking better in the future. Much of what I mention in my scenario is just as possible now as it is a few years from now.
well, most of them are possiple in few or lets say couple of years from now, and by then, only if your own imagination sets the standars of which PLA makes its modernisation. Non of the capacities exist today as we speak. Many of them are mentioned as possiple future directions to PLA, some have even entered to the order level, but neither of those mean that there would be capacity of PLA to use them. If we follow your logic, we can assume that Taiwan would automatically aquire counter meassures to them all and the whole thing gets pointless.
What can they do to intercept bombs? Can they keep ARMs from destroying their air defense radar? How about long-range LACMs?
what about them? Does chinese Airforce field such systems?
They have really modest set of ARMs to be equiped by mere handfull of its planes that simulateneosly presents other unique capacites that burden their use in else where in the possiple conflict.
And do they have long range LACMs? No.
They have showed first such concept in defence expoes and alledgy tested one...but thats a miles away from having operational arsenal of them that have any meaning in the conflict we are talking about
Again you flib between fantasy and reality, of what ever it accords to your obinion. I in other hand talk only todays capacities, as Im not physic or farseer.
The problem you have is assuming that technological assets are all that matters in the end. You assume that Taiwanese forces will magically appear wherever the Chinese land. Is every bit of Taiwan's coastline defended? How well is it defended? Is there heavy armor near every possible landing site or are some areas defended largely by light mechanized infantry units?
I'm assuming that they relay on technology alone? The proplem in this depate is really your lack of understandment of even the basics of modern warfare.
If I would know the Taiwanese wartime deployments, I would be rather wanted person by various fields. But lets begin reasoning that ROC is a functioning force led by sain and comprehensial human beeings. Then we can reason that every army has it threath predictions. The ones for Taiwan doesent count that many we can safely assume that Taiwanese army is mostly trained to resist PRC invasion. Then by taking the sain human beeing factor to the stake, we can assume that ROC knows the places were amphibious landing is even possiple to conduct.
So we cannot count suprise in PLAs goal, it would be serious underestimating of the enemy, a major reason for many military failures.
But even if PLA could deploy it troops by suprise, they cannot stay hidden there for ever. And when they reviel themselfs, ROC deploys against it. (basic logic of tactics.) And then I have sofar wondered, what do you have planned to achieve a dash assault of modest force, that needs to be really lightly equipment if you want the numbers on shore that you mentioned? Taiwan has 3 army corps in its main land, each having approx. 7-10 brigades. Thats about ten times the ammount that Chinese can move with one succesfull sortie to any given location in Taiwan. Numerical superiority is relevant to many cases and cannot be alone take as a benefit, but in this case when PLAN marines are the manuvering force, its a factor that you have to take under consideration. A thumbrule is that never attack against enemy fighting in its own territory without at least 2 times more mens. What do you expect Chinese to do with 10times lesser force than the defender?
The Chinese assault force is forced to take defensive side as soon as it encounters Taiwanese land troops as it task is to keep the beachhead. But inferior numbers are only accepted when you have some other elements to use for your benefits. Usually its the depth of the area that you are defending. PLAN marines have no depth as they only have sea behind their they are seriosuly ensieged and to overhelm them doesen't even need the numerical superiority that Taiwan has.
And it doesent matter really of wheter infantry or armour units does the counter attack against the beach head. Its all about the fact that if the ROC troops can tie the PLA units to the shore, they can hammer them to nonexistance by their artillery, and PLA troops wouldnt have any means to retaliate or counter the ROC artillery.
Fire support is the most important proximate factor in landwarfare, and the lack of that element by PLA marines is the key issue, why they cannot succeed.
And I wont intervere into the morale/political side of the discussion, and I advise to you to leave it also for forums that actually allows such. This is military forum.
Were you even reading? I'm posing to you a simple query, are the Taiwanese well-positioned for defense of an amphibious landing at every point on the coast? How many forces are in and around Taipei or the south? How many are in the east and in the mountains? How many are actually focused on the central coast?
Taiwan has like I said 3 army corps each having their own geographical area to defend, but It isent the factor in the stage. PLA cannot deliver by suprise move any level of troops that would have any meaning full purpose to crible the ROC govrnement. the time and effort to deploy that would revieal to the ROC forces pretty clearly to where to deploy its counter attacks. It would take several sorties with the PLAs current capacity to land sizable units with adequate fire support to survive in land combat.
What are these great Taiwanese defenses you keep rambling about? What exactly do they have on the coast?
How about the ROC armed forces...
That is some impressive bullshit you've come up with. If we want to take out Taiwan, we could do it with ease. You greatly overestimate Taiwanese capabilities and I have no idea why since they are so poorly armed and are on a training level below that of even the PLA.
BS? PLA cannot take Taiwan as long as there is any army of any kind to defend it period. You seem to not only to lack the knowlidge of Taiwanese military but also the understandment of what units, equipment are used in which situations and to do what task. Your ranting is childish and clearly reveals how ignorant you really are...
To do what? Land troops? I'm pretty sure they do.
thrown in figures then and dont just assume... its your burden to prove your claims. Let me ease on your burden. China hasd around 100 Mi-17 and Z-8 size helicopters which are theoretically able to transport units (tough without any heavy equipment) across to Taiwan...excpet that the combat radious is sufficient enough only with normal loads, so the copters cannot be fully loaded. Now you can count by yourself how many copter sorties are required in order to transport brigade size unit agross the strait....
Relying too much on technology again. The Egyptians were successful in taking out Israeli armor by having a large number of infantry carrying anti-tank launchers. The IDF countered the use of Egyptian technology by launching infantry assaults which are not as susceptible to anti-armor and immune to anti-air attacks. Hezbollah lacked anything in the way of armor or even real artillery support, but inflicted heavy casualties on the IDF.
Anti-tank weapons arent firesupport devices on battalion level engagements. Hezbollah units nor Egyptians didn't manage to conquare the nation they figth against, but that would be the PLAs RDF main task. You do realize the tactical difference between defence and offensive?
China is much more advanced than those forces were, particularly in relation to their opponent, and far more capable on a tactical level. These will also be the elite of China's military, likely against the weakest of Taiwan's.
Thats just political BS. Don't rant about stuff you clealry have no idea in the first palce. Do you even know what it means to be better in tactical level?
Even the basic aspects of Chinese elite forces (not to mention regular ones) Indicate that their innovativenes in doctrinal level are something of Soviet Union ones in mid 1960s. To support that argument, we wouldnt be seeing obsolete Air assault vhechiles and emphasis on large parachute assaults, nor continious building of Tank landing ships.
Remaind, these chinese elite forces are just begun to field as their main artillery piece a obsolete D-30 howitzer that other nations, even ours are beging to withdrawn from use.
So seriously Vad, don't make more fool of yourself than you already have. It never ends well trust me...