Although my little ´
ceterum censeo´ about Taiwan´s SSK issue appears sometimes quite repetitive in the perception of some forummembers I will certainly not desist from describing an obvious political/strategic development in appropriate and logical terms, dear Mr. Fu. The ´hunt for SSK´ will end up in hunting a ghost around the globe for nothing in return except for lost money and shattered illusions.
The KMT is currently hedging her options since Ma Jing-yeoh does not want to limit his potential of action before he actually assumes power. Of course KMT tries to please ROCA/ROCN/ROCAF since most of their officers are members of the Guomindang and they would not tolerate a whimsy pacifist approach
but these professional soldiers also do not want that tensions with the mainland escalate into a destructive and hopeless war.
Eventually Ma will talk directly with Hu after 08 and both will end up doing what chinese people have done successfully for millenia:
they will strike a good mutually beneficial deal! Hu Jintao will go at great lenghts for achieving a compromise and finally Taiwan will even get her subs but these will be of
Yuan (041) type probably
. (
Ok, well thats irony but I only want to indicate that Beijing will be surprisingly flexible in her concessions)
The political game in Taiwan is currently very complicated and dynamic since Chen is effectively paralysed by his family´s corruption scandals. Correspondingly the situation could change in favour of the KMT very soon and this would in turn accelerate developments I have described before but Taiwan´s chaotic democracy will probably be good for a surprise again. The current very cautious approach by Beijing (just read the mainland press/websites) is clear evidence that the CCP leadership has something in common with their KMT counterparts:
both are biding their time.:coffee: