Ukrainian War Developments

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I have to be honest, these last couple of days this thread was so suffocating with all the bickering and brigading.

Thanks to mod actions and some of us behaving like actual adults despite it, it finally feels like a breath of fresh air.

Let's hope better senses can keep it that way.


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not trying to reply to one liners when the mod already gave a warning to it where my one liners will get responded back, but those reports were pending for 8 years and got ignored by the west.

I saw the warning as well. Let's flesh out our responses.

From your answer you haven't been to Ukraine. That's a fair response. I'd say probably only a handful here have been. I actually have been.

Given my family was originally from Gorlovka before being forced out and losing everything due to the DNR, I am VERY aware of what is going on in the Donbas. The people evicted? Women and children. No combatants. No men! The home they had? They had it for 30 years, before the fall of the Soviet Union. I probably have far more intimate knowledge of what happened in the Donbas and what was still happening for the last 8 years until this madness kicked off.

And, yet, you will find in my posts here, I have attempted to evaluate what is going on based on what I see and with my head, not my heart.


I am willing to listen to what you have to say and see if it makes sense. I'm willing to respect you because you are a person. As I have said, I have been wrong before and I will be again.


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Interesting. They pack a punch.
The stand-off range is good; however I wonder why they are resorting to using Tu22M bombers for precision strikes.

Did they run out of Iskander and or Kalibr missiles to launch at Ukraine? It’s not unrealistic to assume that warships in the Black Sea have expended most of their munitions by now based on the frequency of Kalibr strikes early on in the invasion and they should still have a surplus of other guided missile platforms [unless those two have run dried and then that presents a far more serious problem].

Perhaps they are unwilling to risk combat pilots knowing that some Ukranian air defenses are still active [especially with it being reported an Su34 was shot down today] or perhaps they simply needed training and this proved an ample time; all that considered the Kh22/32 platform isn’t the most modern platform available to the RuAF or the Tu22M. It is likely we will never know although it is interesting to speculate on.


Registered Member
Why let them join EU/NATO though?
Just enforce to it neutral status and that it isn't allowed to join such any similar organisations
Russia might not be able to diplomatically push for this. They've always had to give something up.

This is a minimum of course. Russia won't settle for LESS than all of Eastern Ukraine.


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I'm afraid Russia will eventually come to regret its Ukraine neo-Nazi state narrative. The West has been engaging in historical revisionism to downplay USSR's role in WWII. Cynical use of anti-Nazi narrative to justify the present war in Ukraine can only damage Russian credibility. And equivalating Japanese support for Ukraine with Japanese alliance with Nazi Germany will only play into the hands of apologists of Japanese militarism.

IMO, China should not join Russia's upcoming World Anti-Fascist Convention.


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Russia might not be able to diplomatically push for this. They've always had to give something up.

This is a minimum of course. Russia won't settle for LESS than all of Eastern Ukraine.
We won’t know for sure until the end of the conflict; the Russians still have a long ways to go still and the consequences and ramifications will change the politics of Europe and the Black Sea region for years to come.

I can speculate however that if the Russians decide to occupy eastern Ukraine for the foreseeable future there will more than likely be a violent Ukrainian lead insurrection against the Russians which will most likely receive funding and training from the CIA.
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