Ukrainian War Developments

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Moderator - World Affairs
But even if Russia was kicked out of the UN, what difference does it make? The UN just becomes a glorified council of Europe based in New York. America has shown it is prepared to invade countries with or without UN authorisation. Getting authorisation to do so without Russia and China would just make it a priests blessing.

Russia may just make it's own version of the UN and get allied or neutral members to join it. It would all become a waste of time and a farce.
At worst, it would trigger the long delayed UNSC reform that will atleast get India, South Africa, and maybe Brazil a permanent seat in an expanded UNSC (likely without veto). Japan and Germany are also likely candidates, but China/Korea are not keen seeing Japan join, and Europe is already highly overrepresented with UK/France. Perhaps France/Germany can share a seat via EU representation. I see Egypt as a potential candidate by virtue of geography (Africa/Asia/Muslim/Arabworld), but I am not sure if it has the economy or power projection to live up to obligation (neither for South Africa).

If anything, booting Russia's permanent seat will trigger much needed UNSC reform that increases UNSC legitimacy since including more Asian (India/Japan) and African (South Africa/Nigeria/Egypt) voices on expanded UNSC permanent seats will result in more diversified geographically and racially in representation.


Registered Member
I called this shit ages ago.
I still dont understand the end game

after Russia takes whole Ukraine then what ?

I just hope civilians are not killed
Ukraine is likely to be partitioned. The South and East sides east of the Dnieper are Russian speaking. The West side is Ukrainian speaking.

Russia will likely take the entire part of the country east of the Dnieper River including East Kiev, take some extra land in the South, and leave Ukraine as a landlocked or near landlocked failed state.

If they had moved quickly I'd say they would prop up a puppet regime but at this point I think they have invested too much for mere puppets. They might go for full annexation.


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oh, please. I don't have time to reddit, especially for this. I'd rather be here and talking to people with a semi clue.

There are enough reports from enough sources - not just twitter - the make it highly likely. There is an enormous sign of logistical problems for no other reason than the Russians didn't fully commit their forces immediately. We're a week in almost and 1/4 of the original troops they shipped in have not been moved into Ukraine. The only reason for that would be the inability to supply them.

Russia has every reason to wrap this war up quickly. You do that with overwhelming force. Committing your troops in stages like they have been makes no sense from that pov. Saying Russia was holding them back in case of a NATO attack is mockable at best.

That said, and as I have always said, the Russians are going to win. Pointing out their issues and failures and likewise the surprising number of Ukrainian successes does not change that. If you read the summary posts I do each night you'd have no doubt how I think this will end.

Counter suggestion. Rather than trying to be insulting and claim I live in reddit circle jerks, show me how I am wrong. SHOCKINGLY, I am willing to admit when I am wrong. I have been wrong before and will be again. Convince me. Don't insult me.
iraq was not supplied by NATO but they were and took longer to take over than Ukraine and ukraine is a bigger country, unless you're a fan of baghdad bob or you think Russians are supposed to be some super soldiers. No one can say poor performance especially when there still using kids gloves on this conflict. you got to have a list of poor or bad standards before passing judgement of where they are on that scale, atleast your better than the turkish shill that is mad they got stopped by those same people who have also historically kicked their asses multiple times.

Jingle Bells

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I'm the one that almost always roots for the underdog. If that makes me 'little' to you then I'm proud to be 'little' :)

Putin made an unnecessary mistake and he has inadvertently united a fractured west. And I'm sure the planners in Beijing are anxiously looking at this war because Putin has also inadvertently given hope to the Taiwanese. Samson vs Goliath...
After this war in Russia, do you really think that Beijing will leave the Base stations for cellular networks alone in Taiwan, and let the similar media warfare to repeat itself?

Learning from this war: when the PLA attacks, the Strategic Support Force will cut off internet and destroy cellular network in Taiwan. They will pulverize the city from the air. And the West's media warfare will have to rely on internet spy satellite images. Taiwan is 36,000 square kilometers, Ukraine is about 17 times the size of Taiwan. Taiwan is as big as 6% the landmass of Ukraine, plain size is even smaller. PLA will NOT fight like Russians in Ukraine. There is NO comparison between the two.

Everything about this war is detrimental to Taiwan.


Registered Member
How are you so sure of this? Do you have some secret classified knowledge proving this?

Because Russia has been asking for that confirmation and never got it.

What it did get is the undisputed fact that NATO has been expanding Eastward since 1991.
France and Germany were never going to allow Ukraine into the EU let alone NATO. No matter how much the Ukrainians begged for it.

Putin changed it overnight by this mistake. Now the door to the EU has been openend and Russia is being isolated. Even the Gaullist France threatened Russia today with economic war which Medvedev in return threatened back with real war.

Unthinkable that this would happen just a week ago. Status quo was the best position but Putin wanted more. And now the cold war is back.


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Now the door to the EU has been openend and Russia is being isolated. Even the Gaullist France threatened Russia today with economic war which Medvedev in return threatened back with real war.
sweet, does that mean Russia is going to be a part of it after this war as well :D
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