Ukrainian War Developments

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But you're not rooting for the 'underdog'... you're rooting for NATO.
Another Black-and-White thinker.

Ukraine and Russia belong to each other whether we like it or not. But Putin became too greedy after he got Crimea and the two small republics. Not much punishment was dished out after 2014 and he fractured the west. Now in one big mistake he has lost all that he got and is going to lose more in the end by this stupid war he initiated.

The west wasn't going to allow Ukraine into NATO and EU. Now the door has been opened to them. The Germans have suspended NS2 and are rearming again after 30 years. Putin made the cold war come back again.

Putin made a mistake and I want to see him punished for it. He's too greedy.


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But Putin became too greedy after he got Crimea and the two small republics.
they were going to genocide the ethnic russians there, look at donbass, oh wait your country doesn't recognize a certain genocide with the armenians? fellow genociders at arms? Your people with the Ukrainians are only good for killing and torturing women and kids. I hope the Kurds get armed next.

Jingle Bells

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I'm the one that almost always roots for the underdog. If that makes me 'little' to you then I'm proud to be 'little' :)

Putin made an unnecessary mistake and he has inadvertently united a fractured west. And I'm sure the planners in Beijing are anxiously looking at this war because Putin has also inadvertently given hope to the Taiwanese. Samson vs Goliath...
Are you out of your mind!? There is no hope in this. There is ONLY less suffering and more suffering!
All the Russian actions up to now has only proven that they should have been a lot harsher and more ruthless to Ukraine. When this war is over, the amount of damage and suffer in Ukraine will be a humanitarian disaster.
Those pictures will scare the liquified feces out of the Taiwanese (who pretty much never had a day of harsh life for the last hundred years), they are soft and pink, they will melt.

This war will wake Beijing up, and tell them that victory can ONLY be attained by ruthlessness. They had the fantasy of low-casualty/low-collateral-damage type of "王师降临" before this war. It only tells Beijing that if the PLA fought like the Russians did at the beginning, they will meet the same difficulty. After this war, it will be blatantly obvious that the only way to win is pulverize everything without pity.

It also tells Beijing that Chinese audience at how will need to be conditioned and educated to hate Wanwan's guts from now on. Because of censorship, most of Taiwanese media (who does NOTHING but bash and belittle Mainland Chinese people all day) are not available in mainland China. Do you really think if their repugnant hateful wanwan's faces insulting Chinese people everyday was allowed to be seen in mainland China, you think the mainland Chinese will consider them "brothers and sisters" (同胞)anymore? You think Chinese people and PLA soldiers and militia will have mercy and pity on the Taiwanese when the war starts in the future (like those Russian antiwar protester in Moscow)?


Ukraine and Russia belong to each other whether we like it or not. But Putin became too greedy after he got Crimea and the two small republics. Not much punishment was dished out after 2014 and he fractured the west. Now in one big mistake he has lost all that he got and is going to lose more in the end by this stupid war he initiated.

The west wasn't going to allow Ukraine into NATO and EU. Now the door has been opened to them. The Germans have suspended NS2 and are rearming again after 30 years. Putin made the cold war come back again.

Putin made a mistake and I want to see him punished for it. He's too greedy.
Yeap, you like underdogs but the world is not kind to them or you. Just saying Putin made a mistake over and over again doesn't mean he did, especially when you can't debate it back. Putin will not be punished for anything; instead, you will watch him get the trade that he always wanted: short term economic pain for permanent geographical gain. Ukraine join EU/NATO while under Russian occupation/puppetry? LOL Like a fool in a Chinese prison getting a Nobel Peace Prize :p
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Maersk has suspended shipping to and from Russia. Chinese opportunities here:

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Not really with the current supply chain disruptions.
All shipping companies are running at capacity with filled backlogs already.
Not forgetting all the sanctions being put in place.
Bascially just another economic blow in a long line against Russia.


Senior Member
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in your echo chamber with the redditors, Russia is not reporting their losses for obvious reasons.

oh, please. I don't have time to reddit, especially for this. I'd rather be here and talking to people with a semi clue.

There are enough reports from enough sources - not just twitter - the make it highly likely. There is an enormous sign of logistical problems for no other reason than the Russians didn't fully commit their forces immediately. We're a week in almost and 1/4 of the original troops they shipped in have not been moved into Ukraine. The only reason for that would be the inability to supply them.

Russia has every reason to wrap this war up quickly. You do that with overwhelming force. Committing your troops in stages like they have been makes no sense from that pov. Saying Russia was holding them back in case of a NATO attack is mockable at best.

That said, and as I have always said, the Russians are going to win. Pointing out their issues and failures and likewise the surprising number of Ukrainian successes does not change that. If you read the summary posts I do each night you'd have no doubt how I think this will end.

Counter suggestion. Rather than trying to be insulting and claim I live in reddit circle jerks, show me how I am wrong. SHOCKINGLY, I am willing to admit when I am wrong. I have been wrong before and will be again. Convince me. Don't insult me.
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