Ukrainian War Developments

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Well, it sure looks like they’re preparing for something!
I sure hope the Russians are really ready for what they’ve planned; sub-par military performance and economy-breaking sanctions wouldn’t bode well for Putin’s crony crew!
Unfortunately, Putin is not too smart for this!

lol and how would you know all there is to know about this?

To be honest, it's unclear whether Putin is this or that or anything in between and beyond. No one knows what all this is truly about and conspiracy theories range from the reasonable (but incomplete) to the insane and downright false.

There is no way a random guy on the internet can say Putin/Russia/Anglo empire/Zionists are this or that for any degree of certainty. The world is complex and surely interests overlap and contradict even among those who are on the same page. Let's simply refrain from saying Putin is not too smart for whatever conjecture one chooses to hold. We don't know shit about Putin whether he's a crook in cahoots or a genuine misunderstood strong man with all the right intentions.


Lieutenant General
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Throwing my hat in the ring -- I think some sort of military action by Russia against Ukraine is more likely than not.
The exact timing I am not sure of, but sometime in the next month or so if not next week or so is very plausible.

Putting it another way, if we reach the end of March and Russia hasn't carried out military action against Ukraine, I would be somewhat surprised.

james smith esq

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Maybe the Russians have decided that they have to be the ones, at this moment -when their core interest is being delegitimated, to stand up against the ever-encroaching, ever-destabilizing global-bankster syndicate, regardless of the threatened consequences, possibly with the hope that unintended and unanticipated consequences will ultimately break the banksters themselves.
Maybe the Russians have decided to be the yet unbowed world’s sacrifice?
If so, I certainly hope it’ll be worth it!
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Registered Member
Maybe the Russians have decided that they have to be the ones, at this moment -when their core interest is being delegimated, to stand up against the ever-encroaching, ever-destabilizing global-bankster syndicate, regardless of the threatened consequences, possibly with the hope that unintended and unanticipated consequences will ultimately break the banksters themselves.
Maybe the Russians have decided to be the yet unbowed world’s sacrifice?
If so, I certainly hope it’ll be worth it!
In a dark sense, the more the USA focuses on Russia and less on China will give China the time to prepare themselves after the Olympics is done with. At this time, the longer Russia stalls the USA, any number of disasters like the natural disasters, societal destruction and soon to be collapsing economy is more and more likely to occur, the less and less the world will focus on China and thus the moment China is really to kick ass while absolutely fabulous at the same time, China will take the world by storm while comprehensively destroy the image of the west in one fell swoop. There can be no grater blow to the west the China scoring a third strike knock out after the USA failed to put down China twice before with all its incredible advantages they have had with Allies and shit. Then I can finally tell my cousin that China is and always will be a greater nation then the USA could ever hope to be and the USA is a silly nation that had all these assets and they still lost in such a stupidly epic fashion, just like all those Karen’s getting owned by basic common sense


Registered Member
"Putin’s stated vision for Russia and Ukraine is not absorption into a common state, but the sort of relationship that exists between the United States and Canada, in which people who share a common ancestry cooperate and profit from their relationship, while still having separate states."
Yeah, that's not happening. You need a lot of carrots for this to work.

Plus you also need your country to be viewed favourably by the country. Don't forget that (for whatever reason) Russia annexed Crimea, and Easter Ukraine militant activities have been supported by Russia. Unless they are braindead, the vast majority of Ukrainians wont like Russia.
This ship has sailed a long time ago.

And let's not even mention that Russia wants a subordinate relationship with Ukraine. Have they asked Ukraine and its people about it?
Even the gigantic China doesn't go around its neighborhood and says "please, be to me what Canada is to the US". That's offensive rhetoric and you should expect a backlash for saying such things.

The reason why Canada is subordinate to the US is a lot more complicated than simply having the same ancestry (this plays a big part though)

Ukraine has rejected Russia, but Ukraine should also be mindful to not provoke a great power next to it. What we are seeing today is the result for the above 2 actions


Lieutenant General
This most recent ‘the Russians are coming’ episode screams mole hunt to me to be honest.

If you suspect someone of working for the Americans, let them ‘overhear’ Putin ordering an invasion on XYZ date and see if the Americans tweet about it the next day.


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OK, here is my prediction:

No invasion of Ukraine, because we are seeing a coordinated move between Americas foes to spread America thinly and away from China.

This week I PREDICT lots of action from hot spots OTHER than Ukraine designed to draw in more US forces, and spread them thinner and thinner.

N. Korea, Syria, Israel, Yemen, and maybe “Americas backyard” should be in the news.
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