Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
I am really struggling to understand why so many Chinese support the clown show that is Russia? I mean, does China need ANOTHER North Korea as an ally?
It's better to have another nk than nato at your doorstep. Surely you understand this?
Given your obvious stance wrt russia, what is your ideal endgame to this situation?
The moves that have already been made can't be taken back.
Putin has been an idiot. Should had used TOS from the beginning. War is war and love is love.

Now its war, time to finish the business and stop wasting time
Plawolf was right all along.
I don't know why Putin even bothers send a delegation to talk with these recalcitrant people.
He is way too patient. I would have vaporized all the troops in the pocket who were shelling Donbass for last 7 years.
They are either Nazis or collaborators.
Plawolf was right all along.


Junior Member
It was not an intelligence failure. It was very obvious the invasion is imminent. It was a deliberate decision on the Chinese side not to evacuate nationals before the firing as to save face with the Russians about what they are about to do and to show to the world, hey the Chinese have nothing to do with this. It is like saying, you dont want to abandon your number 1 strategic partner and major raw materials and energy supplier. Chinese nationals in Ukraine are just an unfortunate pawns of the game.
Really, it's clearly not obvious to most European leadership, and the Ukrainian President himself.


Junior Member
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It's better to have another nk than nato at your doorstep. Surely you understand this?
Given your obvious stance wrt russia, what is your ideal endgame to this situation?
The moves that have already been made can't be taken back.

You don't know how valuable Russia is. With Russia, China has an unlimited resource backup. There is no US naval blockade that can Block Russia from supplying China with all the natural resources like metals. oils you name it, Russia and its satellites like Kazakhstan has it.

In fact Russia is so vast that Resources from all over the world can start shipping to places in Russia or around Russia like Iran and move those resources to China over land via Russia. So, US blockade of China will fail if Russia is backing China.

If China has to fight the US, it must have Russia behind it.


Registered Member
Just like Putin took the risk to enter Ukraine. Nato chickened out and did NOT take the risk to confront Russian forces. To be clear about this, I am NOT saying that they can actually fight each other, because both side is nuclear armed with large numbers of warhead able to end entire human civilization once escalated. What I am saying is that NATO could simply send any of their readily available rapid reaction forces (doesn't need to be bigger than the Russian forces coming in) into Ukraine and stare Putin down. That's it. It's not unlike the Cuban Missile crisis: a simple game of stare and see who blinks first.
What piss me off the most is the NATO expansionism emboldened a group of individuals in Ukraine to think that is was safe to poke Russia in the eye despite multiple warnings from Russia. If NATO was not willing to deal with the full consequences, why cause trouble?
The same go for Taiwan, if the U.S is not willing to face the full consequences then they shouldn't embolden the separatists there to think that they will be safe if they poke Beijing in the eye.

Jingle Bells

Junior Member
Registered Member
I am really struggling to understand why so many Chinese support the clown show that is Russia? I mean, does China need ANOTHER North Korea as an ally?
Well, you are struggling because you are NOT critically thinking. You western-cultured are good-vs-evil, God-vs-Demon evangelical cultured. In your eyes, it's always "if you are not for me, you are against me", it's either pure white or pure black.

Well, too bad, little boy, the world isn't that simple and clear cut. We Chinese has no obligation to form our existence in your image, nor do we have the obligation to play your little game of pick sides. We only have our perspectives and our own cold-calculate national interests. Please throw away your naivety.


Registered Member
I think you fail to realize that Ukraine is Russia's backyard. Its key strategic defensive area for Russia. Any kind of Western invasion of Russia would have to happen through Ukraine and they will be extremely sensitive about it.

How senstitive? Well they can just bomb the shit out of Those nato forces and then say well, what are you gonna do now?

Russia cares more about Ukraine than Nato does. So, nato then has to make a choice. Russian attack on Nato forces did not happen in Nato soil. So, there is no threat of a Russian invasion towards nato, no need to trigger article five either. So, Nato has to essentially choose to start world war 3 for a place like Ukraine that they know is already in Russia's backyard.

Nato with their 40 trillion dollar GDP economy starting a nuclear war with Russia with 2 trillion GDP is actually advantages Russia. They have less to lose but can do equal damage to Nato cities.

So, Nato will back down and swallow that loss. Just like Russia did when US forces attacked wagner in the middle east. Again same problem, They don't care enough about Syria to start fighting America there just to take revenge for Wagner losses.

if they attack you in a place you don't care about. Would you start a world war just for you pride? Or would you swallow the loss? I think you would swallow the loss.

So, in a so called stare down contest. Russia would win by killing those staring down and daring the enemy to fight back. its just punching your opponent with a gun in your hand. Yes, both have a gun, but the rich guy would probably avoid starting a punching match with a poor guy with a lot less to lose.
AHAHAHAHA! AHAAHHAHAHAHHHAAAHA! Russia? Fight NATO? Have you been watching any of this AT ALL!!! The entire Russian Army would be wiped in about 5 minutes flat by the Belgians, never mind any serious NATO army. And BTW, 1(GER) Corps, with 500+ Leopand III. will be based less than 300 miles from Moscow by 2030. And they won't get stuck in the snow this time...
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